Annie Hall (1977)
Woody Allen isn't my favorite actor
13 December 2014
I understand that Woody Allen has a huge reputation in the movie industry, but I couldn't find myself to like his work or his style. I'm not saying what he did in this movie was terrible, it was actually wonderful. The angle shots were on point, the camera panning in and out, and going from one scene to another was also pretty impressive. Even the dialogue that he shared between his co-star was witty and face paced to keep you entertained. I just couldn't get myself to like Woody Allen's character. It didn't interest me, and it didn't make me laugh. Finding it hard to like his character made it hard for me to appreciate this movie. The movie was well thought out though. The plot was interesting, the characters had their own personality, and you could feel that spark that lied between the two main characters. This just wasn't the movie for me.
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