Annie Hall (1977)
Classic and still timely
7 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I had forgotten about how hilarious this film was, even though I had seen it as a teenager many times. Since Marshall Brickman wrote the script, it is brilliant; like the part where Diane Keaton orders a pastrami on white bread with mayonnaise, in a NY deli.

Woody Allen's expressions and character studies are priceless, and at this point he was at the top of his game. Some of his films now are redundant "The Curse of the Jade Scorpion" seemed too contrived. But this film was a realistic comedy between him and Keaton, their analysis (no New Yorker in the 70's should be without an analyst!), and their eventual break-up when she relocates to L.A.

Paul Simon and Jeff Goldblum portray other L.A. characters, and there is a bit part with Christopher Walken as Keaton's suicidal brother (excellent). Rent this film again if you haven't seen it in awhile; some scenes are classic, and one of the best is Christmas in L.A. as Tony Roberts drives Allen through Beverly Hills: Keaton: "Wow. It's so clean out here" Allen: "Yeah that's because they never throw out their garbage they just put it on TV".

Great...Woody Allen we need your humor again, please write something decent for American audiences with a brain.
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