Young Medicaid member laughing with mom

Child wellness visits

Child wellness visits (check-ups) are key to keeping a child healthy. These visits are covered for Medicaid recipients in South Carolina. Talk to your child’s pediatrician to decide how often to bring in your child.

Child wellness visit schedule

Typically, your child’s primary care provider (PCP) will ask you to bring in your child for regular wellness visits at birth and when your child is1:

  • 3 - 5 days old for newborns discharged less than 48 hours after delivery
  • 1 month old
  • 2 months old
  • 4 months old
  • 6 months old
  • 9 months old
  • 12 months old
  • 15 months old
  • 18 months old
  • 24 months old
  • 30 months old
  • Once every year for ages 3 - 20

These visits help your child’s doctor detect, diagnose, and treat health problems as early as possible. Children older than 24 months through age 20 can have an in-person or virtual care (telehealth) visit, if the doctor offers this service.

Well-being visits can include:

  • Dental screenings
  • Growth measurements
  • Immunizations and vaccines
  • Other important tests and services
  • Physical exams
  • Preventive and comprehensive services
  • Referrals for diagnosis and treatment, if necessary
  • Vision and hearing screenings

If your child has a virtual care (telehealth) visit, the doctor will set up a follow-up in-person visit for a physical exam, vaccines, and other important tests and services that cannot be done during a virtual care (telehealth) visit.

Go365 for Humana Healthy Horizons

Through Go365 for Humana Healthy Horizons®, children can earn rewards for having a well visit. You must opt into Go365 for Humana Healthy Horizons to earn the reward.

Rewards have no cash value. The monetary amounts listed above are reward values, not actual dollars. For some rewards, your doctor has to tell us that you completed the healthy activity. Once we get this information from your doctor, you will see in the app the option to redeem the reward. For any reward you qualify to earn during the July 2022-June 2023 plan year, we must get confirmation from your doctor by no later than September 15, 2023.

Go365 for Humana Healthy Horizons is available to all members who meet the requirements of the program. Rewards are not used to direct the member to select a certain provider. Rewards may take 90 to 180 days or greater to receive. Rewards are non-transferrable to other Managed Care Plans or other programs. Members will lose access to the Go365® app and to the earned incentives and rewards if they voluntarily dis-enroll from Humana Healthy Horizons or lose Medicaid eligibility for more than one-hundred eighty (180) days. At the end of plan year (June 30, 2023), members with continuous enrollment will have 90 days to redeem their rewards.

E-gift cards may not be used for tobacco, alcohol, firearms, lottery tickets, and other items not supporting a healthy lifestyle. Rewards are not used to direct an enrollee to a specific healthcare provider. Rewards may be limited to once per year, per activity. See activity description for details.

Remember to:

  • Make and keep appointments with your child’s doctor when your child is well, not just when your child is sick
  • Talk to your child’s doctor about any concerns you have


1. Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment. South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid., Accessed August 17, 2022.

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