Kim Zolciak Wants To Give Christina Aguilera A Hair Makeover

Kim Zolciak's Advice For Christina Aguilera

Riding high off the extraordinary success of her spinoff show, "Don't Be Tardy For The Wedding," "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star Kim Zolciak tells me she'd like to impart her style expertise to another blond celebrity: Christina Aguilera.

“I would love to do Christina on 'The Voice,'" she says. "I would tone down the blond. I would put a lot of different colors in [Aguilera's hair], but I would keep it long. She's got a beautiful face, so I would keep it long but just use different color blond to show her amazing eyes," Kim tells me.

"Every time I watch 'The Voice,' I think I would do a deeper blond and, you know, curly or straight [hair], just depending on what she is wearing. I would have a heyday!"

Kim, who is currently taping another season of "The Real Housewives Of Atlanta," feels she is an expert when it comes to hair, after wearing wigs for many years.

"I love playing around with my wigs. It's so easy. Christina should try it. Some days I want curly hair, other days I want straight, and I just go into my closet and pick the hair I want."

Christina has come under a lot of scrunity recently for her appearance, prompting Kelly Osbourne, who is not a fan of the singer, to say "she's looking way better now" back in April. But even so, Zolciak thinks Aguilera needs help.

"I would love to get my hands on her and make her look amazing," says Kim, without any irony.

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