Homeflow system status

Our latest system updates appear below.

Homeflow systems are working normally.

14 March 2024 10:54 – Degradation of service (resolved)

Update for Clients: The sites have now been operating as normal since 4pm yesterday, so we are closing the incident status. There are various tidy up tasks we are working through today, including ensuring that we back date your property feeds to fill in any changes during the missing gap overnight on Tuesday.

We will provide a full post mortem (with learnings and preventative measures for the future) available to anyone who would like to read that, please email support if you would like a copy.

Thank you for your patience with us as we worked through this issue.

13 March 2024 16:19 – Degradation of service (ongoing)

Homeflow continues to experience issues with the various services supporting clients’ websites. Engineers are working their way through each of the issues, methodically, in prioritised order.

A further update for clients. We appreciate your patience with our ongoing issues.

We believe we have had a breakthrough and client sites are back up and operational. Certainly the majority of issues which a reasonable proportion of clients were experiencing (that were issues with the CSS, which styles the layout of your websites) appear to be resolved. We are rolling this out theme by theme, very quickly at the moment. We are cautiously optimistic this fixes the issue.

There are likely to be some ongoing smaller issues to iron out yet, and we are working through those at the moment. If you have remaining issues on your websites, we would now encourage you to submit those via support requests, so we can check / work through them.

Depending on your CRM and feed provider, we may need to request a back dated feed for any changes that you made to property data between 5:30pm yesterday, and 9:30am this morning when feed systems were restored. Some feed systems may need restarting. We will work through these suppliers, client by client now, however if you have properties you have edited in the last 24 hours that aren’t reflected on your websites, again please let us know via support.

We will provide another update here as issues settle to confirm the status, and hopefully to confirm closing the active incident.

Thank you for your patience, and apologies for the disruption to service.

13 March 2024 15:56 – Degradation of service (ongoing)

Homeflow continues to experience issues with the various services supporting clients’ websites. Engineers are working their way through each of the issues, methodically, in prioritised order.

A further update for clients. We appreciate your patience with our ongoing issues.

Most client sites are up and operational. However, a reasonable proportion of clients are experiencing issues with the CSS (which styles the layout of your websites). This was caused by the site themes versions being out of kilter with the underlying systems. We had some breakthroughs on this around 2pm, and released an update for some themes. This helped some sites, but impacted others – however led to another line of enquiry which we are busy testing as we write this update. We are cautiously optimistic.

As clients you of course want to know timescales. When we don’t quote timescales, it’s simply because we don’t have clarity ourselves, and so can’t answer that question.

However, we are approaching a gate point where we test this new solution. And we will update here when we have news.

13 March 2024 12:23 – Degradation of service (ongoing)

Homeflow continues to experience issues with the various services supporting clients’ websites. Engineers are working their way through each of the issues, methodically, in prioritised order. We appreciate clients are keen for an update, so here is the best picture of information we currently have:

– Most (near all) sites are up and serving. [Fixed] – Many sites have issues with some site assets (icons, some content chunks etc. which we are working through). [Fixed] – Secure certificates for all sites were recovered during the night. [Fixed] – Lead submissions were erroring during the night – most are now recovered, but some lead sending pathways are not working (we are aware of this, and this is the main focus at present). [Fixed] – Property feeds are not currently processing, we will be working on catch up processes through the day, once we recover feed certificates and have recovered lead sending. [Some fixed]

13 March 2024 08:29 – Degradation of service (ongoing)

Homeflow continues to experience issues with the various services supporting clients’ websites. Engineers are working their way through each of the issues, methodically, in prioritised order. We appreciate clients are keen for an update, so here is the best picture of information we currently have:

– Most (near all) sites are up and serving.
– Many sites have issues with some site assets (icons, some content chunks etc. which we are working through).
– Secure certificates for all sites were recovered during the night.
– Lead submissions were erroring during the night – most are now recovered, but some lead sending pathways are not working (we are aware of this, and this is the main focus at present).
– Property feeds are not currently processing, we will be working on catch up processes through the day, once we recover feed certificates and have recovered lead sending.

As ever, please be assured, this is the very best place to read your updates. We will keep this page updated, and we don’t know any more information or time forecasts for full recovery at this stage than we have posted here. So please keep your eyes on this page, in preference to calling / sending support tickets, unless you have important information which adds to this picture and which you feel we are unaware of. Be assured all of our efforts are actively focused on recovery and to the extent you can bear with us, whilst we fix issues, that will help speed resolution. Many thanks

13 March 2024 07:02 – Degradation of service (ongoing)

Sorry for the continued degradation. We are still working on bringing services back online and functional. Some customers may be experiencing issues accessing their websites. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

13 March 2024 04:15 – Degradation of service (ongoing)

Sorry for the continued degradation. We are still working on bringing services back online and functional. Some customers may be experiencing issues accessing their websites. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

13 March 2024 00:25 – Degradation of service (ongoing)

Sorry for the continued degradation. We are still working on bringing services back online and functional. Some customers may be experiencing issues accessing their websites. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

12 March 2024 22:11 – Degradation of service (ongoing)

Sorry for the continued degradation. We are still working on bringing services back online and functional. Some customers may be experiencing issues accessing their websites. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

12 March 2024 19:26 – Degradation of service (ongoing)

Sorry for the continued degradation. Our production cluster had a failure requiring us to rebuild the entire cluster from scratch. This is a long process and we are currently making good progress but there is still work to do. We expect to have core services back online within the next two hours. Some customers may be experiencing issues accessing their websites. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

12 March 2024 18:05 – Degradation of service (ongoing)

Sorry for the continued degradation. Some customers may be experiencing issues accessing their websites. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

12 March 2024 17:04 – Degradation of service

Some customers may be experiencing issues accessing their websites. Our team are investigating the matter. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

28 February 2024 06:04 – Suspected DDoS attack (resolved)

Some customers may be experiencing issues accessing their websites. We believe we are experiencing a DDoS attack as our internal systems are performant. Our team are investigating the matter. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

22 February 2024 03:03 – Suspected DDoS attack (resolved)

The last batch of attacks has occurred.

21 February 2024 22:38 – Suspected DDoS attack

Further batches of attacks have occurred and so customers may be still experiencing issues accessing their websites.

21 February 2024 20:59 – Suspected DDoS attack

Further batches of attacks have occurred and so customers may be still experiencing issues accessing their websites.

21 February 2024 19:56 – Suspected DDoS attack

Further batches of attacks have occurred and so customers may be still experiencing issues accessing their websites.

21 February 2024 18:08 – Suspected DDoS attack

Some customers may be experiencing issues accessing their websites. We believe we are experiencing a DDoS attack as our internal systems are performant. Our team are investigating the matter and hope to resolve this soon. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

03 April 2023 15:35 – CMS (Content Management System) is operational 

The CMS is now operational. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

03 April 2023 14:56 – Issues accessing the CMS (we are continuing investigations)

03 April 2023 13:58 – Issues accessing the CMS

Our team is continuing to investigate the issue. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

03 April 2023 13:11 – Issues accessing the CMS 

Some customers are experiencing issues accessing the CMS (Content Management System) for our websites, our team are investigating the matter and hope to resolve this soon. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

23 March 2023 17:39 – Operational

All websites have returned to their normal operational state. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

23 March 2023 17:19 – Recovering

23 March 2023 17:00 – Recovering

We are seeing positive signs of recovery.

23 March 2023 16:48 – Service Degradation

23 March 2023 16:15 – Service Degradation

Some of our customers may experience slowness or availability issues on their website. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

1 March 2023 09:45 – Website issues (Operational)

Websites are now operational on live domains. We will be monitoring the situation for the rest of the week. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

1 March 2023 00:31 – Website issues (Recovering)

Sites are currently performing normally, though we continue to monitor for performance issues. As such, we remain in the recovery phase at present. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

28 February 2023 19:12 – Website issues (Recovering)

We remain in the recovery phase at present. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

28 February 2023 17:21 – Website issues (Recovering)

We are currently in the recovery phase. We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

28 February 2023 15:58 – Website issues (Restoring)

Sorry for the extended time while we attempt to restore your website. Our initial time estimations have changed (TBC). We do have partial but not complete recovery. Currently, our network storage has become unavailable.

We will update you here as soon as we have further information.

28 February 2023 15:00 – Website issues (Restoring)

Our engineering team have now got an understanding of the issue, and hope to have services restored within 60 minutes

28 February 2023 14:08 – Website issues (Investigating)

We are aware of some internal system issues that we are in the process of investigating a fix. Once again, sorry for any interruption caused.

28 February 2023 13:11 – Website issues.

We are aware of some internal system issues that we are in the process of investigating a fix. As part of the fix we anticipate some website outages. We will report further after completion.

Sorry for any interruption caused.