Charles Williams
February 2006
ISBN: 978-0857683052
Cover art by Chuck Pyle

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When Lee Scarborough came upon the brunette sunbathing topless in her back yard, getting involved in a heist was the last thing on his mind. But somehow that�s where he found himself—sneaking through a stranger�s house, on the hunt for $120,000 in embezzled bank funds.

It looked like an easy score. But one thing stood between him and the money: the beautiful and deadly Madelon Butler.

�Madelon Butler [is] about the toughest babe you�ll meet in fiction.�
Mystery File

  • First publication in almost 40 years!
  • Author’s books have been made into numerous films, including Dead Calm starring Nicole Kidman, The Hot Spot starring Jennifer Connelly and Don Johnson, and Francois Truffaut�s last film, Confidentially Yours.
  • Orson Welles’ famous unfinished movie, The Deep, was based on a Charles Williams novel.

Raves for the legendary Charles Williams...

The New Yorker

"Brilliant, breathtaking, spectacular...Charles Williams is just about as good as they come."
Anthony Boucher, The New York Times

"Charles Williams is one of the neglected hardboiled geniuses of his era...His novels were perfect little gems."
Joe R. Lansdale

"No one can make violence seem more real."
John D. MacDonald

"Williams was the best of all the Gold Medal writers."
Ed Gorman