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Darwin cartoon
In this cartoon, circa 1871, the gorilla is saying: "That man wants to claim my pedigree. He says he is one of my descendants." Mr Bergh (the founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) replies: "Now, Mr Darwin, how could you insult him so?"
In this cartoon, circa 1871, the gorilla is saying: "That man wants to claim my pedigree. He says he is one of my descendants." Mr Bergh (the founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) replies: "Now, Mr Darwin, how could you insult him so?"

The best Darwinian sites on the web

This article is more than 16 years old

Darwin Online is the largest repository of the great naturalist's work - a collection of his writings and papers, both published and unpublished. It contains over 40,000 pages of searchable text and 125,000 images.

The Darwin Correspondence Project is a compilation of around 14,500 letters exchanged by Darwin and nearly 2000 correspondents around the world between 1821 and his death in 1882. They include missives to naturalists, thinkers and public figures as well as men and women who would be unknown had they not exchanged letters with Darwin.

The Darwin Day Celebration is an international celebration of all things Darwin held on 12th February - the great man's birthday. The celebrations this year are the appetiser for 2009 which will be the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species.

Dedicated to the life and times of Charles Darwin, has news of books and events related to the naturalist.

The Darwin Today website, launching in March 2008, will showcase the contemporary application of evolutionary theory and provide a forum for people to discuss the research with each other and with experts in the field. The results will be used to develop travelling public engagement activities, such as hands-on activities and exhibitions, which will tour the UK throughout 2009.

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