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About the Government

When a new government takes office, it publishes a platform setting out those issues to which the government intends to devote its efforts during its term of office.

Cabinet meetings are attended by all government ministers. The Prime Minister directs cabinet meetings, which as a rule are held twice weekly during the parliamentary session. At these meetings the cabinet members discuss important government matters, government bills and proposals which the ministers intend to submit to the Althingi.

The Prime Minister may decide, with the support of the cabinet, to appoint ministerial committees to deal with individual issues or areas of concern. The role of ministerial committees is to strengthen consultation and co-operation between ministers and between their ministries, to ensure co-ordinated efforts where functions overlap and to prepare matters to be presented to the cabinet.

The cabinet complies with rules on government procedure and the code of ethics which it adopts.

When the parliamentary session begins, the cabinet presents its agenda of business. This is a list of the government bills, proposals and reports which minister intend to submit to the Althingi during the coming session.  

The Council of State is comprised of the cabinet and the President of Iceland, who also chairs its meetings. At meetings of the Council of State, new legislation and other important government actions are referred to the President for attestation.

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