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rag pa�per

/ˈraɡ ˌpāpər/
paper made from cotton, originally from cotton rags, but now from cotton linters.

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Paper with a rag content of at least 10 percent primarily used for banknotes and documents. Paper that contains at least 25% cotton fibre.
Nov 21, 2023From RAG to Agent Evaluation: We define RAG as a three step procss of index, retrieve, and generate. ... paper from Saad-Falcon et al. To�...
May 5, 2024This paper introduces Stochastic RAG–a novel approach for end-to-end optimization of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) models that�...
May 13, 2024Here, we describe the process of evaluating a RAG application using two different versions of GPT-4, and a variety of chunking, re-ranking and�...
The latest connotation of RAG includes mixing in real-time data from tools or RPC calls. E.g. getting data specific to the user issuing the query (their orders,�...
ABSTRACT. This paper introduces Stochastic RAG–a novel approach for end- to-end optimization of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) mod-.
This paper provided an overview of utilizing Intel OneAPI to accelerate the development and deployment of RAG systems. By leveraging open-source LLMs, vector�...
Mar 4, 2024The RAPTOR paper presents an interesting approaching for indexing and retrieval of documents: ... This process is done recursivly, resulting in a�...
Aug 8, 2023In this paper, we fo- cus on describing the core specifications of the tool. For details about the setup procedures, refer to the repository of�...
The report is an annual obligation for a firm's board to review and approve. It confirms that the firm complies with Consumer Duty and aligns its business�...