define:rag paper from
... slang term for a common or low newspaper . 7. The curtain . ( Theat . slang . ) rag - baby , 8. A doll made of cloth . The name has been applied to a party favoring the issue by the government of fiat paper money . rag - bag , s . A bag for�...
define:rag paper from
... definition of Jute fibre , use of , in paper . Jute paper , definition of Kaolin , use of , in loading Kjeldahl ... rag - pulp paper , definition of Loading , process of Tension , crinkling under Tests • 1664 . 661 . 660 661 662�...
define:rag paper from
Joint Textbook Committee of the Paper Industry J. Newell Stephenson. Steam and power distribution , �6 , p234 and water cylinders , Area of , �6 , p16 Steam balance , �6 , p222 ; ( def . ) , p234 Steam , Cost of , �6 , p232 Steam�...
define:rag paper from
... Paper " denotes tissue paper. Japanese Tosa tissue paper , definition of Page Jute fibre , use of , in paper . Jute paper , definition ... rag - pulp paper , definition of Loading , process of Tension , crinkling under • 665 Tests Machine�...
define:rag paper from
... rag ( rig ) , n . [ ME . ragge , prob . of Scand . origin ; cf. Icel . r�gg ... paper money , etc. Our ship was a clipper with every rag set . 4. A shabby ... Slang . geux . Irate ; furious . - ra'geous rag , v . 1. To quarrel�...
define:rag paper from
... rag - pulp paper , definition of Loading , process of Page Sulphite imitation Japanese tissue paper , definition of 660 Sulphite tissue paper , definition of 659 Sulphite wood - pulp paper , definition of 659 Sulphuric acid , for�...
define:rag paper from
... definition of , 99 . Rag carpets in Canada , 299 . Rag - grinder an important trade , 303 . Rag machine described , 304 . Rag machines , in Batley , 306 ; in Leeds , 303 . Rag merchants , number in London , 10 . Rags and paper materials , 9�...
define:rag paper from
... papers dropped by around three - fourths , which meant that by the end of the centu- ry , 100,000 papers could be produced cheaper than 10,000 could have been in the 1870s . The introduction of pulp newsprint superseded the use of rag paper�...
define:rag paper from
... definition , “ Rag , a Farthing . " Rag Money . A nickname given to the paper money introduced during the Civil War in the United States . During the Greenback agitation the ad- vocates of unlimited paper money were often depicted by�...