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DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF LARIMER, COLORADO CASE NO. 2024CV30220 Plaintiff: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. Defendants: MEL MILES Larimer Sheriff Sale No. 24001015 SHERIFF'S COMBINED NOTICE OF SALE AND RIGHTS TO CURE AND REDEEM To Whom It May Concern: This notice is given with regard to the following: Under a Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure entered on MAY 3, 2024 in the above entitled action, I am ordered to sell certain real property, as follows: Original Grantor: MEL MILES Original Beneficiary: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPORATION Current Holder of the evidence of debt secured by the Declarations: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPORATION Date of Declarations: AUGUST 28, 1987 Date of Recording of Declarations: AUGUST 31, 1987 County of Recording: Larimer, Colorado Recording Information: Reception No. 19870050248 Original Principal Balance of the secured indebtedness as of the date hereof: N/A (HOA fees ongoing throughout ownership). Amount of Judgment entered as of MAY 3, 2024: $7,737.98 Description of the property to be foreclosed: TIME SHARE PERIOD NO. 17, UNIT NO. 101, GOLD EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM AND TIME SHARE OWNERSHIP DECLARATION FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 87050248 AND RE-RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1987 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 87059791 OF THE LARIMER COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO IF ANY, AND ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 87050249 OF THE LARIMER COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO, IF ANY, COUNTY OF LARIMER, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known as 300 Riverside Drive, 101, Estes Park, Co 80517. THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The covenants of said Declarations have been violated as follows: failure to make payments on assessments when the same were due and owing, and the legal holder of the indebtedness has declared the same immediately fully due and payable. NOTICE OF SALE THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., on the 19TH day of SEPTEMBER 2024, in the Office of the Larimer County Sheriff, Civil Division, 2501 Midpoint Dr, Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525, phone number (970) 498-5155, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property described above, and all interest of said Grantor and the heirs and assigns of said Grantor therein, for the purpose of paying the judgment amount entered herein, and will deliver to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication July 21, 2024 Last Publication August 18, 2024 Newspaper: Loveland Reporter Herald IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED. NOTICE OF RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY BEING FORECLOSED, OR HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS OR SUFFER CERTAIN LIABILITIES PURSUANT TO COLORADO STATUTES AS A RESULT OF SAID FORECLOSURE. YOU MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO REDEEM SAID REAL PROPERTY OR YOU MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO CURE A DEFAULT UNDER THE DEED OF TRUST BEING FORECLOSED. A COPY OF THE STATUTES WHICH MAY AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS ARE ATTACHED HERETO. All telephone inquiries for information should be directed to the office of the undersigned Sheriff at 970-498-5155. The name, address, and business telephone number of each of the attorneys representing the holder of the evidence of debt are as follows: Holly Shilliday Attorney Reg No. 24423 Ilene Dell'Acqua Attorney Reg No. 31755 McCarthy & Holthus, LLP 7700 E. Arapahoe Road, Suite 230 Centennial, CO 80112 Telephone: 303-952-6905 Facsimile: 866-894-7369 Email: Attached hereto are copies of certain Colorado statutes that may vitally affect your property rights in relation to this proceeding. Said proceeding may result in the loss of property in which you have an interest and may create a personal debt against you. You may wish to seek the advice of your own private attorney concerning your rights in relation to this foreclosure proceeding. INTENT to cure or redeem, as provided by the aforementioned laws, must be directed to or conducted at the Sheriff Department for Larimer, Civil Division, 2501 Midpoint Dr., Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525. If the Borrower believes that a lender or servicer has violated the requirements for a single point of contact in section 38-38-103.1 or the prohibition on dual tracking in section 38-38-103.2, the borrower may file a complaint with the Colorado Attorney General, the CFPB, or both, but the filing of a complaint will not stop the foreclosure process. The notice must include contact information for both the Colorado Attorney General's office and the CFPB. If the officer maintains a website, the officer shall also post this information on the website for viewing by all borrowers. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. IF YOU ARE IN BANKRUPTCY OR THIS DEBT HAS BEEN DISCHARGED, THE COLLECTION ACTION DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE SHALL BE AGAINST THE REAL PROPERTY THAT SECURES THE DEBT AND NOT AGAINST YOU PERSONALLY. This Sheriff's Notice of Sale is signed JuLY 12, 2024. John J. Feyen, Sheriff, Larimer County, Colorado BY: Tiffany Burden-Civil Process Specialist Published: Loveland Reporter Herald July 21, 28, August 4, 11, 18, 2024-2064531
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Loveland Reporter Herald 

Notice of Final Settlement Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, as amended, Section 38-26-107, public notice is hereby given that final payment will be made to: Vendor Name Ameresco, Inc PO Number 2022000463 for construction of Boulder Community Hospital Deconstruction For information on filing a claim, please contact the City of Boulder Finance Department at 303.441.1857 or visit our City website Published: Boulder Daily Camera July 21, 28, 2024-2065518
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Boulder Daily Camera 

TOWN OF LYONS, COLORADO RESOLUTION 2024- 55 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LYONS, COLORADO, FINDING SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE AND INITIATING ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS FOR THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE TEBO ANNEXATION, 4545-4559 UTE HIGHWAY AND 4602 HIGHLAND DRIVE WHEREAS, a written petition, together with four (4) prints of an annexation map has been filed with the Town of Lyons ("Town") Clerk requesting annexation of certain property to be known as the "Tebo Property," as more particularly described below; and WHEREAS, the Town of Lyons Board of Trustees ("Board of Trustees") desires to initiate annexation in accordance with the Municipal Annexation Act, Section 31-12-101 et seq., Colorado Revised Statutes; and WHEREAS, on June 17, 2024, the Town of Lyons Board of Trustees approved Resolution 2024-51, a Resolution Of The Town Of Lyons, Colorado, Finding Substantial Compliance And Initiating Annexation Proceedings For The Property Known As The Tebo Annexation, 4545-4559 Ute Highway And 4602 Highland Drive; and WHEREAS, on June 21, 2024, the applicant requested the application be held for a two-week period to review further annexation options; and WHEREAS, the applicant is requesting to proceed with the annexation petition as originally requested by resubmitting its application; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees desires to initiate the annexation process and set a public hearing for annexation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF LYONS, COLORADO: Section 1. The above recitals are hereby incorporated by reference. Section 2. The Board of Trustees hereby accepts the annexation petition of the Tebo Property more particularly described in the real property records for Boulder County as: THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED LONGMONT, IN THE COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A: The West half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 70 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Except the following: Tract conveyed to Boulder County by deed recorded in Book 624 at Page 426; Tract conveyed to Hugh Lee Hammonds and Susie Cornelia Hammonds by deed Recorded in Book 642 at Page16; Tract conveyed to Fred Dirkes by deed recorded in Book 660 at Page 162; Tract conveyed to Fred David Dirkes and Dorothy Beth Dirkes by deed recorded September 05, 1957 in Book1055 at Page 197; Tract conveyed to City of Longmont by Deed recorded August 3, 1966 at Reception No. 822965; And except any part of the land lying North of the Boulder County Highway known as the Old Estes Park Highway; And except a tract in the Northeast corner, as stated to have been conveyed by Deed from William L. Parsons to Thomas McCall, as evidenced by deed recorded September 05, 1957 in Book 1055 at Page 200; And except that part to the Department of Highways by instrument recorded January 19, 1968 on film 625 as Reception No. 869134, And except a tract conveyed to Junge by deed recorded July 3, 1959 in Book 1113 at Page 416 PARCEL B: All that portion of the West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 70 West of the 6th P.M., County of Boulder, State of Colorado, lying East of the Boulder County highway, known as the Estes Park Highway, and North of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North right of way line of Highway No. 66, whence the Northeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said section 20, bears North 3949' East, 1032.99 feet; Thence North 134' East, 405.87 feet to the True Point of Beginning of said line; Thence Westerly parallel to the North line of Highway No. 66, 214.6 feet; Thence South 134' West, 157.77 feet; Thence North 8847' West, 423.4 feet, more or less, to said Estes Park Highway; Except that parcel of land described in Warranty Deed from William L. Parsons and Elizabeth Parsons to Thomas McCall recorded December 13, 1879 in Book 58 at Page 147, Boulder County, Colorado records; and Except that parcel of land described in Warranty Deed from George W. Kirk to Hugh Lee Hammonds and Susie Cornelia Hammonds recorded July 28, 1936 in Book 642 at Page 16, of said records. THE PRIOR DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND ALSO BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A parcel of land located in the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 70 West of the 6th P.M., County of Boulder, State of Colorado, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South half of the Northeast quarter of section 20 (North sixteenth corner of sections 20 and 21) from whence the East quarter corner lies S0015'23"W, 1315.54 feet; Thence S 5909'09"W, 759.51 feet to the Northeasterly corner of a parcel of land described in deed recorded August 3, 1966 at Reception No. 822965, being the point of beginning; Thence along the Northerly and Westerly lines of said parcel the following two courses: 1) S8459'36"W, 214.68 feet; 2) S0103'36"W, 157.77 feet; Thence N8917'24"W, 410.41 feet, more or less to a point on the Easterly line of highland drive (previously known as Estes park highway); Thence along the Easterly and Southerly right of way line of Highland Drive, being 20.00 feet from the approximate centerline (as of June, 2009), the following nine courses: 1) N2103'39"E, 31.46 feet; 2) N2742'44"E, 48.39 feet; 3) N4805'53"E, 58.96 feet; 4) N5808'08"E, 148.64 feet; 5) N4849'41"E, 107.44 feet; 6) N5501'35"E, 138.17 feet; 7) N2856'43"E, 100.35 feet; 8) N3825'53"E, 70.69 feet; 9) N6250'27"E, 75.50 feet; Thence S0000'00"W, 158.28 feet, more or less, along the extended Westerly line of a parcel described in deed recorded in Book 642 at Page 16 to the approximate Northerly bank (as of June, 2009) of the Palmerton ditch; Thence along the approximate Northerly bank (as of June, 2009) of the Palmerton ditch the following three courses: 1) N5507'06"E, 40.49 feet; 2) N7613'39"E, 28.23 feet; 3) S7654'46"E, 13.12 feet; Thence S0103'36"W, 214.89 feet, more or less, along the Westerly line extended North of a parcel of land described in deed recorded July 12, 1966 at Reception No. 820796 to the point of beginning, County of Boulder, State of Colorado. Section 3. The Board of Trustees hereby finds and determines that the annexation petition for the Tebo Property is in substantial compliance with the Municipal Annexation Act in that the annexation petition contains the following: 1) An allegation that it is desirable that the Tebo Property be annexed into the Town; 2) An allegation that the requirements of Colorado Revised Statutes Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105 exist or have been met; 3) An allegation that the signers of the petition comprise of more than fifty percent of the landowners in the area and own more than fifty percent of the area proposed to be annexed, excluding public streets and alleys and any land owned by the Town; 4) The signatures of such landowners; 5) A request that the Town approve the annexation of the area proposed to be annexed; 6) The mailing address of each signer; 7) The legal description of the land owned by such signer; 8) The date of signing of each signature; and 9) The affidavit of the circulator of such petition that each signature therein is the signature of person whose name it purports to be. Section 4. The Board of Trustees hereby finds and determines that the annexation map, four copies total, accompanying the petition of the Tebo Annexation is in substantial compliance with the Municipal Annexation Act in that the map contains the following: 1) A written legal description of the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed; 2) A map showing the boundary of the area proposed to be annexed; 3) Within the annexation boundary map, a showing of the location of each ownership tract in unplatted land and, if part or all of the land is platted, the boundaries and the plat numbers of plots or of lots and blocks; and 4) Next to the boundary of the area proposed to be annexed, a drawing of the contiguous boundary of the annexing municipality and the contiguous boundary of any other municipality abutting the area proposed to be annexed. Section 5. That the Notice Attached hereto as Exhibit A is herby adopted as part of this Resolution. The Notice establishes the date, time, and place when a public hearing will be held regarding the pages of annexation and zoning ordinances pertaining to the above-described property. The Town Clerk is publish a copy of this resolution and the notice for four consecutive weeks: First Publication: July 20, 2024 Second Publication: July 27, 2024 Third Publication: August 3, 2024 Fourth Publication: August 10, 2024 Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. ADOPTED THIS 15th DAY of July, 2024. TOWN OF LYONS, COLORADO By: ___________________________________ Hollie Rogin, Mayor ATTEST: Dolores M. Vasquez, CMC Town Clerk EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Petition for Annexation of territory more particularly described in the attached Resolution 2024-54 has been presented to the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Lyons. Colorado and found to be in apparent compliance with the applicable provisions of law. The Town Board of Trustees has adopted a Resolution setting a public hearing to held at 7:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the matter may come, on August 19, 2024, at the Town of Lyons Town Hall, 432 5th Ave, Lyons, CO 80540 to determine of the proposed annexation complies with the applicable requirements of law. The Petitioner has requested that the Property included in the annexation be placed in a The Commercial East Corridor District (CEC) zoning district. Any person may appear at the hearing and present evidence upon any matter which may be considered by the Town Board of Trustees. The Town of Lyons will make reasonable accommodations for access to Town services, programs and activities and will make special communication arrangements for persons with disabilities. For accommodation requests please contact prior to the public hearing. A copy of the Resolution is attached hereto. Given this ___ day of July, 2024 By: ___________________________________ Hollie Rogin, Mayor ATTEST: Dolores M. Vasquez, CMC Town Clerk Published: Longmont TImes Call July 20, 27, August 3, 10, 2024-2064545
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Longmont Times Call 

Notice of Final Payment City of Loveland Notice is hereby given that Custom Excavating and Grading, LLC the Contractor for the construction of Taft Avenue Building Demolitions has completed the work specified in the Contract dated: October 5, 2023 and that the work has been accepted by the City of Loveland. Notice is further given the final payment for the work will be made to the Contractor after August 5, 2024 Being at least ten (10) days after the second publication of this notice. Any person having a claim for labor for materials furnished under this Contract shall present the same in writing To the City of Loveland at the following address, prior to the final payment date specified above: City of Loveland Office of the City Clerk 500 East Third Street Loveland, CO 80537 Delynn Coldiron, City Clerk Published: Loveland Reporter Herald July 20, 24, 2024-2065396
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Loveland Reporter Herald 

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS The Windsor Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., and the Windsor Town Board will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday, August 26, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of these public hearings is to receive public comment on the Lone Tree Annexation, totaling approximately 51.389 acres, to the Town of Windsor; and the establishment of zoning to the Recreation and Open Lands (ROL) zone district. The subject property is located on the north side of Larimer County Road 32E, and west of where Colorado Boulevard (LCR 1/WCR 13) would extend to the north (directly north of the Kyger Reservoir), and is an area of land being a part of the East Half of Section 13, Township 6 North (T.6N), Range Sixty-eight West (R.68W) of the 6th Principal Meridian (6th P.M.), County of Larimer, State of Colorado. These public hearings are held in the Town Board Chambers on the third floor of Town Hall at 301 Walnut Street, Windsor, Colorado. (Please enter on the south side of the building.) If you wish to receive further information regarding this proposal, please send an email to the Planning Department: To view the public hearing item material, please visit: The Public Hearing materials will be posted on the Friday before each of the above meeting dates. Interested citizens are invited to participate in the public hearings and provide comments on the proposal. To view the meeting only, LIVE stream through the Town of Windsor's Meetings On Demand website: Karen Frawley Town Clerk Published: Greeley Tribune July 19, 26, August 2, 9, 2024-2065331
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Greeley Tribune 

NOTICE OF FINAL PAYMENT Town of Mead CR 38 Bridge Deck Replacement (Project Number: IFB 2024-003) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to and in accordance with the requirements of Sections 24-91103(1)(b) and 38-26-107(1), C.R.S., that the Town of Mead, Colorado (the "Town") will make final payment on August 12, 2024 (the "Final Settlement Date") to the following contractor: Dietzler Construction Corp. 100 Gateway Circle Berthoud, Co 80513 (hereinafter, the "Contractor"), for and on account of all work completed by the Contractor on the Town's CR 38 Bridge Deck Replacement (the "Project") under the construction agreement dated February 21, 2024. The Project was completed within the boundaries of the Town, whose business address is 441 Third Street, Mead, Colorado 80542, in Weld County, Colorado. 1. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company or corporation that has an unpaid claim against the Project for and on account of the furnishing of labor, materials, or other supplies used or consumed by the Contractor or any subcontractor in or about the performance of the Project, may at any time up to and including the Final Settlement Date, file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim. 2. Any such claim(s) shall be filed with the Town Clerk at 441 Third Street, Mead, Colorado 80542 prior to the Final Settlement Date. 3. Failure on the part of any claimant to file such verified statement of claim prior to the Final Settlement Date shall release the Town, its Board of Trustees, officers, agents and employees of and from any and all liability for such claim(s). BY ORDER OF THE TOWN OF MEAD: By: Mary Strutt Town Clerk Published: Longmont Times Call July 19, 26, 2024-2065352
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Longmont Times Call 

NOTICE OF A MAIL BALLOT MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2024 IN EVANS, COLORADO I, Julie Barnett, City Clerk of the City of Evans in the County of Weld and the State of Colorado (herein the "Clerk", the "City", the "County", and the "State", respectively), under and by virtue of the authority vested in me as the Designated Election Official and such officer pursuant to the Constitution, laws of the State, and the Charter of the City, DO HEREBY CALL AND GIVE PUBLIC NOTICE of a Mail Ballot Municipal Election in the City to be held on Tuesday, the 5th day of November, 2024 (herein the "Election"). Nomination Petition packets can be picked up and distributed for signatures beginning on August 6, 2024. Nomination Petitions must be returned no later that 5:00 p.m. on August 26, 2024. The City is holding an informational orientation on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Evans Community Complex located at 1100 37th Street, Evans. Please contact Julie Barnett, City Clerk at 970-475-1104 or for more information. Persons desiring to vote in said Election must be registered to vote at their current address located in the City of Evans, Colorado and must meet the following qualifications: be at least eighteen (18) years of age, a citizen of the United States, a resident of the State of Colorado, and a resident of their municipal precinct or "Ward" for at least thirty (30) days before the Election. Published: Greeley Tribune July 19, 26, 2024-2065219
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Greeley Tribune 

NOTICE OF CONTRACTOR'S FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to C.R.S.  38-26-107, Thompson School District, Larimer County, Colorado will on August 5, 2024 make final settlement with Convergint Technologies, LLC, for and on account of work performed on Lucille Erwin Middle School Fire Panel and System Replacement, located at the following District Facilities: Loveland, Colorado: Lucille Erwin Middle School. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company or corporation that has furnished labor, equipment, materials, equipment rentals, sustenance, provisions or other supplies used or consumed by Convergint Technologies, LLC, or its subcontractors in or about the performance of the work on said project is hereby notified to file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim with Thompson School District R2-J, at the Operations Department, Attention Tammie Knauer, Bond Director, 800 South Taft Avenue, Loveland, CO, 80537 on or before August 5, 2024. Settlement will be made at the Operations Department Office 800 South Taft Avenue, Loveland, Colorado 80537. Failure on the part of the claimant to file such statement prior to the final settlement date will relieve the School District from any and all liability for such claim. Dated: July 15, 2024 THOMPSON SCHOOL DISTRICT R2-J, LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO Published: Loveland Reporter Herald July 17, 24, 2024-2064948
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Loveland Reporter Herald 
  • 800 S. Taft Ave, Loveland

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF RATE HEARING NOTICE TO ALL OWNERS OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY AND HOLDERS OF CLASS B, C & D ALLOTMENT AND OTHER WATER CONTRACTS WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE NORTHERN COLORADO WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT Pursuant to law, you are notified that the Board of Directors of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District (Northern Water) will certify to the County Assessors a mill levy of one mill on the dollar of assessed valuation of the property within Northern Water. You are further notified that the Board of Directors of said Northern Water has set the date of August 1, 2024, in person or via Zoom webinar, at 9 a.m. at the office of Northern Water, 220 Water Avenue, Berthoud, Colorado, as the time and place where it will meet for the purpose of hearing objections to assessments by Northern Water. Please visit for information on how to access the Zoom webinar. You have previously been notified by Northern Water of the amount of your allotment. The Board of Directors will certify to the County Assessors on or before October 1, 2024, the amount of the 2024 installments on Class D allotments which will be $1.50, $2.00, $33.00, or $34.50 per acre-foot unit, depending upon the Order of said Board which has been recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder of the County in which your lands are located. You are further advised that in the Secretary's office at Northern Water, there may be found and examined a description of the property so assessed, the amount of the assessment thereon fixed by the Board, and further notice of time and place fixed by the Board for the hearing of objections to such assessments. If, in your opinion, the assessment fixed by the Board on your property is too high, or has been erroneously or illegally made, at any time before the date of said Hearing, you may file written objections to such assessment, stating the grounds of such objections, which statement shall be verified by the affidavit of you or your agent. Dated this 3rd day of July, 2024. NORTHERN COLORADO WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT by/____________________________________________ Bradley D. Wind, Secretary Published: Greeley Tribune July 17, 24, 31, 2024-2062816
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Greeley Tribune 

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF RATE HEARING NOTICE TO ALL OWNERS OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY AND HOLDERS OF CLASS B, C & D ALLOTMENT AND OTHER WATER CONTRACTS WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE NORTHERN COLORADO WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT Pursuant to law, you are notified that the Board of Directors of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District (Northern Water) will certify to the County Assessors a mill levy of one mill on the dollar of assessed valuation of the property within Northern Water. You are further notified that the Board of Directors of said Northern Water has set the date of August 1, 2024, in person or via Zoom webinar, at 9 a.m. at the office of Northern Water, 220 Water Avenue, Berthoud, Colorado, as the time and place where it will meet for the purpose of hearing objections to assessments by Northern Water. Please visit for information on how to access the Zoom webinar. You have previously been notified by Northern Water of the amount of your allotment. The Board of Directors will certify to the County Assessors on or before October 1, 2024, the amount of the 2024 installments on Class D allotments which will be $1.50, $2.00, $33.00, or $34.50 per acre-foot unit, depending upon the Order of said Board which has been recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder of the County in which your lands are located. You are further advised that in the Secretary's office at Northern Water, there may be found and examined a description of the property so assessed, the amount of the assessment thereon fixed by the Board, and further notice of time and place fixed by the Board for the hearing of objections to such assessments. If, in your opinion, the assessment fixed by the Board on your property is too high, or has been erroneously or illegally made, at any time before the date of said Hearing, you may file written objections to such assessment, stating the grounds of such objections, which statement shall be verified by the affidavit of you or your agent. Dated this 3rd day of July, 2024. NORTHERN COLORADO WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT /s/____________________________________________ Bradley D. Wind, Secretary Published: Boulder Daily Camera July 17, 24, 31, 2024-2062813
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Boulder Daily Camera 

INVITATION TO BID Sealed Bids will be received by the CITY OF LOUISVILLE, STATE OF COLORADO Hereinafter referred to as OWNER, at 749 Main Street, Louisville, Colorado 80027, until 9:00 a.m., MST, August 6, 2024 for the 2024 SWQMP PILOT PROJECT The Work for which the Bid is requested consists of demolition, concrete replacement, grading, storm infrastructure adjustments, landscape repairs and traffic control, construction complete, including all work appurtenant thereto, on various streets within the City of Louisville, Colorado. Digital copies of the Bidding Documents will be available after July 17, 2024, online through Rocky Mountain Bid System located at and also viewable via the City of Louisville's website Bids will only be accepted from BIDDERS who are prequalified as a General Contractor by the City of Louisville City Engineer, and who are recorded by Rocky Mountain Bid System and by the City Engineer as having received the Bidding Documents. A mandatory pre-bid conference with representatives of prospective BIDDERS will be held at 10:00 a.m., MST, on July 23, 2024. This meeting will be held virtually. Representatives of the City will be present to discuss the Project. Prospective BIDDERS are invited to attend and present their questions relative to this Bid at this conference. Attendance at this pre-bid conference will be required to submit a Bid. Failure to attend will result in result in the rejection of the bid. Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 296 493 977 618 Passcode: QQYZoX Dial in by phone +1 321-430-0794,,221131264# United States, Orlando Find a local number Phone conference ID: 221 131 264# The City of Louisville is an Equal Opportunity Employer. City of Louisville, Colorado City Engineer Published: Boulder Daily Camera July 17, 24, 2024-2064864
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Boulder Daily Camera 

DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF LARIMER, COLORADO CASE NO. 2024CV30059 Plaintiff: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. Defendants: HARLAN SPARER Larimer Sheriff Sale No. 24000940 SHERIFF'S COMBINED NOTICE OF SALE AND RIGHTS TO CURE AND REDEEM To Whom It May Concern: This notice is given with regard to the following: Under a Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure entered on MAY 1, 2024 in the above entitled action, I am ordered to sell certain real property, as follows: Original Grantor: HARLAN SPARER Original Beneficiary: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPORATION Current Holder of the evidence of debt secured by the Declarations: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPORATION Date of Declarations: AUGUST 28, 1987 Date of Recording of Declarations: AUGUST 31, 1987 County of Recording: Larimer, Colorado Recording Information: Reception No. 19870050248 Original Principal Balance of the secured indebtedness as of the date hereof: N/A (HOA fees ongoing throughout ownership). Amount of Judgment entered as of MAY 1, 2024: $17,268.42 Description of the property to be foreclosed: TIME SHARE PERIOD NO. 23, UNIT NO. 203, GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM AND TIME SHARE OWNERSHIP DECLARATION FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87050248, AND RE-RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87059791, AND AMENDMENT THERETO AS RECORDED FEBRUARY 13, 1990, AT RECEPTION NO. 90006736, AND ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87050249, AND ACCORDING TO SUPPLEMENT MAP NO. 1 RECORDED OCTOBER 09, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87058593, AND ACCORDING TO SUPPLEMENT MAP NO. 2 RECORDED APRIL 29, 1988, AT RECEPTION NO. 88019333, AND ACCORDING TO SUPPLEMENT MAP NO. 3 RECORDED APRIL 05, 1991, AT RECEPTION NO. 91013942, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO, IF ANY, IN THE LARIMER COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS AND SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 5 OF SAID DECLARATION: AND ACCORDING TO SUPPLEMENT MAP NO. 4 RECORDED NOVEMBER 29, 1993 AT RECEPTION #93089144 BY ACCEPTING THIS DEED, THE GRANTEE HAS BECOME A TIME SHARE OWNER AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOMINIUM AND TIME SHARE OWNERSHIP DECLARATION FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM (THE "DECLARATION") RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87050248, AND RE-RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87059791, AND AMENDMENT THERETO AS RECORDED FEBRUARY 13, 1990, AT RECEPTION NO. 90006436, IN THE LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO REAL PROPERTY RECORDS. GRANTEE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HIS ONLY RIGHTS TO USE CONDOMINIUMS IN GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUMS ARE AS SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION AND IN THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, BYLAWS AND RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME.' THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The covenants of said Declarations have been violated as follows: failure to make payments on assessments when the same were due and owing, and the legal holder of the indebtedness has declared the same immediately fully due and payable. NOTICE OF SALE THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., on the 5TH day of SEPTEMBER 2024, in the Office of the Larimer County Sheriff, Civil Division, 2501 Midpoint Dr, Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525, phone number (970) 498-5155, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property described above, and all interest of said Grantor and the heirs and assigns of said Grantor therein, for the purpose of paying the judgment amount entered herein, and will deliver to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication July 7, 2024 Last Publication August 4, 2024 Newspaper: Loveland Reporter Herald IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED. NOTICE OF RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY BEING FORECLOSED, OR HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS OR SUFFER CERTAIN LIABILITIES PURSUANT TO COLORADO STATUTES AS A RESULT OF SAID FORECLOSURE. YOU MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO REDEEM SAID REAL PROPERTY OR YOU MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO CURE A DEFAULT UNDER THE DEED OF TRUST BEING FORECLOSED. A COPY OF THE STATUTES WHICH MAY AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS ARE ATTACHED HERETO. All telephone inquiries for information should be directed to the office of the undersigned Sheriff at 970-498-5155. The name, address, and business telephone number of each of the attorneys representing the holder of the evidence of debt are as follows: Deanne R. Stodden, MESSNER REEVES, LLP, 1550 Wewatta St., Suite 710, Denver, CO 80202, 303-623-4806. Attached hereto are copies of certain Colorado statutes that may vitally affect your property rights in relation to this proceeding. Said proceeding may result in the loss of property in which you have an interest and may create a personal debt against you. You may wish to seek the advice of your own private attorney concerning your rights in relation to this foreclosure proceeding. INTENT to cure or redeem, as provided by the aforementioned laws, must be directed to or conducted at the Sheriff Department for Larimer, Civil Division, 2501 Midpoint Dr., Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525. If the Borrower believes that a lender or servicer has violated the requirements for a single point of contact in section 38-38-103.1 or the prohibition on dual tracking in section 38-38-103.2, the borrower may file a complaint with the Colorado Attorney General, the CFPB, or both, but the filing of a complaint will not stop the foreclosure process. The notice must include contact information for both the Colorado Attorney General's office and the CFPB. If the officer maintains a website, the officer shall also post this information on the website for viewing by all borrowers. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. IF YOU ARE IN BANKRUPTCY OR THIS DEBT HAS BEEN DISCHARGED, THE COLLECTION ACTION DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE SHALL BE AGAINST THE REAL PROPERTY THAT SECURES THE DEBT AND NOT AGAINST YOU PERSONALLY. This Sheriff's Notice of Sale is signed June 20, 2024. John J. Feyen, Sheriff, Larimer County, Colorado BY: Tiffany Burden-Civil Process Specialist Published: Loveland Reporter Herald July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 4, 2024-2060302
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Loveland Reporter Herald 

DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF LARIMER, COLORADO CASE NO. 2024CV30054 Plaintiff: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. Defendants: RICHARD L. REMMERT Larimer Sheriff Sale No. 24000939 SHERIFF'S COMBINED NOTICE OF SALE AND RIGHTS TO CURE AND REDEEM To Whom It May Concern: This notice is given with regard to the following: Under a Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure entered on MAY 15, 2024 in the above entitled action, I am ordered to sell certain real property, as follows: Original Grantor: RICHARD L. REMMERT Original Beneficiary: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPORATION Current Holder of the evidence of debt secured by the Declarations: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPORATION Date of Declarations: AUGUST 28, 1987 Date of Recording of Declarations: AUGUST 31, 1987 County of Recording: Larimer, Colorado Recording Information: Reception No. 19870050248 Original Principal Balance of the secured indebtedness as of the date hereof: N/A (HOA fees ongoing throughout ownership). Amount of Judgment entered as of MAY 15, 2024: $9,589.06 Description of the property to be foreclosed: TIME SHARE PERIOD NO. 27, UNIT NO. 207, GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM AND TIME SHARE OWNERSHIP DECLARATION FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87050248, AND RE-RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87059791, AND AMENDMENT THERETO AS RECORDED FEBRUARY 13, 1990, AT RECEPTION NO. 90006436, AND ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87050249, AND ACCORDING TO SUPPLEMENT MAP NO. 1 RECORDED OCTOBER 09, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87058593, AND ACCORDING TO SUPPLEMENT MAP NO. 2 RECORDED APRIL 29, 1988, AT RECEPTION NO. 88019333, AND ACCORDING TO SUPPLEMENT MAP NO. 3 RECORDED APRIL 05, 1991, AT RECEPTION NO. 91013942, AND ACCORDING TO SUPPLEMENT MAP NO. 4 RECORDED NOVEMBER 29, 1993 AT RECEPTION NO. 93089144, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO, IF ANY, IN THE LARIMER COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS AND SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 5B OF SAID DECLARATION: 'BY ACCEPTING THIS DEED, THE GRANTEE HAS BECOME A TIME SHARE OWNER AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOMINIUM AND TIME SHARE OWNERSHIP DECLARATION FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM (THE "DECLARATION") RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87050248, AND RE-RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1987, AT RECEPTION NO. 87059791, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO AS RECORDED FEBRUARY 13, 1990, AT RECEPTION NO. 90006436, IN THE LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO REAL PROPERTY RECORDS. GRANTEE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HIS ONLY RIGHTS TO USE CONDOMINIUMS IN GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUMS ARE AS SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION AND IN THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, BYLAWS AND RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME.' THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The covenants of said Declarations have been violated as follows: failure to make payments on assessments when the same were due and owing, and the legal holder of the indebtedness has declared the same immediately fully due and payable. NOTICE OF SALE THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., on the 5TH day of SEPTEMBER 2024, in the Office of the Larimer County Sheriff, Civil Division, 2501 Midpoint Dr, Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525, phone number (970) 498-5155, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property described above, and all interest of said Grantor and the heirs and assigns of said Grantor therein, for the purpose of paying the judgment amount entered herein, and will deliver to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication July 7, 2024 Last Publication August 4, 2024 Newspaper: Loveland Reporter Herald IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED. NOTICE OF RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY BEING FORECLOSED, OR HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS OR SUFFER CERTAIN LIABILITIES PURSUANT TO COLORADO STATUTES AS A RESULT OF SAID FORECLOSURE. YOU MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO REDEEM SAID REAL PROPERTY OR YOU MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO CURE A DEFAULT UNDER THE DEED OF TRUST BEING FORECLOSED. A COPY OF THE STATUTES WHICH MAY AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS ARE ATTACHED HERETO. All telephone inquiries for information should be directed to the office of the undersigned Sheriff at 970-498-5155. The name, address, and business telephone number of each of the attorneys representing the holder of the evidence of debt are as follows: Deanne R. Stodden, MESSNER REEVES, LLP, 1550 Wewatta St., Suite 710, Denver, CO 80202, 303-623-4806. Attached hereto are copies of certain Colorado statutes that may vitally affect your property rights in relation to this proceeding. Said proceeding may result in the loss of property in which you have an interest and may create a personal debt against you. You may wish to seek the advice of your own private attorney concerning your rights in relation to this foreclosure proceeding. INTENT to cure or redeem, as provided by the aforementioned laws, must be directed to or conducted at the Sheriff Department for Larimer, Civil Division, 2501 Midpoint Dr., Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525. If the Borrower believes that a lender or servicer has violated the requirements for a single point of contact in section 38-38-103.1 or the prohibition on dual tracking in section 38-38-103.2, the borrower may file a complaint with the Colorado Attorney General, the CFPB, or both, but the filing of a complaint will not stop the foreclosure process. The notice must include contact information for both the Colorado Attorney General's office and the CFPB. If the officer maintains a website, the officer shall also post this information on the website for viewing by all borrowers. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. IF YOU ARE IN BANKRUPTCY OR THIS DEBT HAS BEEN DISCHARGED, THE COLLECTION ACTION DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE SHALL BE AGAINST THE REAL PROPERTY THAT SECURES THE DEBT AND NOT AGAINST YOU PERSONALLY. This Sheriff's Notice of Sale is signed June 20, 2024. John J. Feyen, Sheriff, Larimer County, Colorado BY: Tiffany Burden-Civil Process Specialist Published: Loveland Reporter Herald July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 4, 2024-2060296
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Loveland Reporter Herald 

DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF LARIMER, COLORADO CASE NO. 2023CV30980 Plaintiff: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. Defendants: MOHAMMAD AMER MAAMOU Larimer Sheriff Sale No. 24000938 SHERIFF'S COMBINED NOTICE OF SALE AND RIGHTS TO CURE AND REDEEM To Whom It May Concern: This notice is given with regard to the following: Under a Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure entered on MAY 9, 2024 in the above entitled action, I am ordered to sell certain real property, as follows: Original Grantor: MOHAMMAD AMER MAAMOU Original Beneficiary: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPORATION Current Holder of the evidence of debt secured by the Declarations: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPORATION Date of Declarations: AUGUST 28, 1987 Date of Recording of Declarations: AUGUST 31, 1987 County of Recording: Larimer, Colorado Recording Information: Reception No. 19870050248 Original Principal Balance of the secured indebtedness as of the date hereof: N/A (HOA fees ongoing throughout ownership). Amount of Judgment entered as of MAY 9, 2024: $12,789.51 Description of the property to be foreclosed: TIMESHARE PERIOD NO. 25, UNIT NO. 102, GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM AND TIMESHARE OWNERSHIP DECLARATION FOR GOLDEN EAGLE, A CONDOMINIUM RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 87050248, AND RE-RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1987, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 87059791 OF THE LARIMER COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO, IF ANY, AND ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 87050249 OF THE LARIMER COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO, IF ANY, COUNTY OF LARIMER, STATE OF COLORADO. BY ACCEPTING THIS DEED, THE GRANTEE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HIS/HER ONLY RIGHTS TO USE CONDOMINIUMS IN GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUMS ARE AS SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION AND IN THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, BYLAWS AND RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME." THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The covenants of said Declarations have been violated as follows: failure to make payments on assessments when the same were due and owing, and the legal holder of the indebtedness has declared the same immediately fully due and payable. NOTICE OF SALE THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., on the 5TH day of SEPTEMBER 2024, in the Office of the Larimer County Sheriff, Civil Division, 2501 Midpoint Dr, Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525, phone number (970) 498-5155, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property described above, and all interest of said Grantor and the heirs and assigns of said Grantor therein, for the purpose of paying the judgment amount entered herein, and will deliver to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication July 7, 2024 Last Publication August 4, 2024 Newspaper: Loveland Reporter Herald IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED. NOTICE OF RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY BEING FORECLOSED, OR HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS OR SUFFER CERTAIN LIABILITIES PURSUANT TO COLORADO STATUTES AS A RESULT OF SAID FORECLOSURE. YOU MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO REDEEM SAID REAL PROPERTY OR YOU MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO CURE A DEFAULT UNDER THE DEED OF TRUST BEING FORECLOSED. A COPY OF THE STATUTES WHICH MAY AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS ARE ATTACHED HERETO. All telephone inquiries for information should be directed to the office of the undersigned Sheriff at 970-498-5155. The name, address, and business telephone number of each of the attorneys representing the holder of the evidence of debt are as follows: Deanne R. Stodden, MESSNER REEVES, LLP, 1550 Wewatta St., Suite 710, Denver, CO 80202, 303-623-4806. Attached hereto are copies of certain Colorado statutes that may vitally affect your property rights in relation to this proceeding. Said proceeding may result in the loss of property in which you have an interest and may create a personal debt against you. You may wish to seek the advice of your own private attorney concerning your rights in relation to this foreclosure proceeding. INTENT to cure or redeem, as provided by the aforementioned laws, must be directed to or conducted at the Sheriff Department for Larimer, Civil Division, 2501 Midpoint Dr., Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525. If the Borrower believes that a lender or servicer has violated the requirements for a single point of contact in section 38-38-103.1 or the prohibition on dual tracking in section 38-38-103.2, the borrower may file a complaint with the Colorado Attorney General, the CFPB, or both, but the filing of a complaint will not stop the foreclosure process. The notice must include contact information for both the Colorado Attorney General's office and the CFPB. If the officer maintains a website, the officer shall also post this information on the website for viewing by all borrowers. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. IF YOU ARE IN BANKRUPTCY OR THIS DEBT HAS BEEN DISCHARGED, THE COLLECTION ACTION DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE SHALL BE AGAINST THE REAL PROPERTY THAT SECURES THE DEBT AND NOT AGAINST YOU PERSONALLY. This Sheriff's Notice of Sale is signed June 20, 2024. John J. Feyen, Sheriff, Larimer County, Colorado BY: Tiffany Burden-Civil Process Specialist Published: Loveland Reporter Herald July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 4, 2024-2060288
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Loveland Reporter Herald 

DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF LARIMER, COLORADO CASE NO. 2023CV30951 Plaintiff: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. Defendants: BRIAN D. WHITE Larimer Sheriff Sale No. 24000937 SHERIFF'S COMBINED NOTICE OF SALE AND RIGHTS TO CURE AND REDEEM To Whom It May Concern: This notice is given with regard to the following: Under a Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure entered on MAY 2, 2024 in the above entitled action, I am ordered to sell certain real property, as follows: Original Grantor: BRIAN D. WHITE Original Beneficiary: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPORATION Current Holder of the evidence of debt secured by the Declarations: GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPORATION Date of Declarations: AUGUST 28, 1987 Date of Recording of Declarations: AUGUST 31, 1987 County of Recording: Larimer, Colorado Recording Information: Reception No. 19870050248 Original Principal Balance of the secured indebtedness as of the date hereof: N/A (HOA fees ongoing throughout ownership). Amount of Judgment entered as of MAY 2, 2024: $15,393.83 Description of the property to be foreclosed: TIME SHARE AND PERIOD NO. 26, UNIT NO. 206, GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM AND TIME SHARE OWNERSHIP DECLARATION FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987 AT RECEPTION NO. 87050248 AND RE-RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1987 AT RECEPTION NO. 87059791 AND AMENDMENT THERETO AS RECORDED FEBRUARY 13, 1990, AT RECEPTION # 90006436, AND ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987 AT RECEPTION NO. 87050249, AND ACCORDING TO SUPPLEMENTAL MAP NO. 1 RECORDED OCTOBER 9, 1987 AT RECEPTION NO. 87058593, AND ACCORDING TO SUPPLEMENTAL MAP NO. 2 RECORDED APRIL 29, 1988 AT RECEPTION NO. 88019333, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO, IF ANY IN THE LARIMER COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS AND SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 5B OF SAID DECLARATION: "BY ACCEPTING THIS DEED, THE GRANTEE HAS BECOME A TIME SHARE OWNER AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOMINIUM AND TIME SHARE OWNERSHIP DECLARATION FOR GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT, A CONDOMINIUM (THE "DECLARATION") RECORDED AUGUST 31, 1987 AT RECEPTION NO. 87050248 AND RE-RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1987 AT RECEPTION NO. 87059791 IN THE LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO REAL PROPERTY RECORDS. GRANTEE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HIS ONLY RIGHTS TO USE CONDOMINIUMS IN GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUMS ARE AS SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION AND IN THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, BYLAWS AND RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GOLDEN EAGLE RESORT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME." THE LIEN BEING FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The covenants of said Declarations have been violated as follows: failure to make payments on assessments when the same were due and owing, and the legal holder of the indebtedness has declared the same immediately fully due and payable. NOTICE OF SALE THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., on the 5TH day of SEPTEMBER 2024, in the Office of the Larimer County Sheriff, Civil Division, 2501 Midpoint Dr, Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525, phone number (970) 498-5155, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property described above, and all interest of said Grantor and the heirs and assigns of said Grantor therein, for the purpose of paying the judgment amount entered herein, and will deliver to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication July 7, 2024 Last Publication August 4, 2024 Newspaper: Loveland Reporter Herald IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED. NOTICE OF RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY BEING FORECLOSED, OR HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS OR SUFFER CERTAIN LIABILITIES PURSUANT TO COLORADO STATUTES AS A RESULT OF SAID FORECLOSURE. YOU MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO REDEEM SAID REAL PROPERTY OR YOU MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO CURE A DEFAULT UNDER THE DEED OF TRUST BEING FORECLOSED. A COPY OF THE STATUTES WHICH MAY AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS ARE ATTACHED HERETO. All telephone inquiries for information should be directed to the office of the undersigned Sheriff at 970-498-5155. The name, address, and business telephone number of each of the attorneys representing the holder of the evidence of debt are as follows: Deanne R. Stodden, MESSNER REEVES, LLP, 1550 Wewatta St., Suite 710, Denver, CO 80202, 303-623-4806. Attached hereto are copies of certain Colorado statutes that may vitally affect your property rights in relation to this proceeding. Said proceeding may result in the loss of property in which you have an interest and may create a personal debt against you. You may wish to seek the advice of your own private attorney concerning your rights in relation to this foreclosure proceeding. INTENT to cure or redeem, as provided by the aforementioned laws, must be directed to or conducted at the Sheriff Department for Larimer, Civil Division, 2501 Midpoint Dr., Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525. If the Borrower believes that a lender or servicer has violated the requirements for a single point of contact in section 38-38-103.1 or the prohibition on dual tracking in section 38-38-103.2, the borrower may file a complaint with the Colorado Attorney General, the CFPB, or both, but the filing of a complaint will not stop the foreclosure process. The notice must include contact information for both the Colorado Attorney General's office and the CFPB. If the officer maintains a website, the officer shall also post this information on the website for viewing by all borrowers. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. IF YOU ARE IN BANKRUPTCY OR THIS DEBT HAS BEEN DISCHARGED, THE COLLECTION ACTION DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE SHALL BE AGAINST THE REAL PROPERTY THAT SECURES THE DEBT AND NOT AGAINST YOU PERSONALLY. This Sheriff's Notice of Sale is signed June 20, 2024. John J. Feyen, Sheriff, Larimer County, Colorado BY: Tiffany Burden-Civil Process Specialist Published: Loveland Reporter Herald July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 4, 2024-2060285
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Loveland Reporter Herald 

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS The Windsor Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., and the Windsor Town Board will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of these public hearings is to receive public comment on the South Gate 8th (Aims Windsor) Annexation, totaling approximately 4.13 acres, to the Town of Windsor; and establishing zoning of General Commercial (GC) zoning district. The subject property has the current address of 7501 Highway 34, and is located north of Highway 34, south of South Gate Drive, approximately one-half mile west of Weld County Road 17. The property is an area of land being Lot 1, Recorded Exemption No. 0957-8-4-RE 1043, and a portion of Lot 5, Block 1, South Gate Business Park Subdivision Second Filing, the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Eight (8), Township Five North (T.5N.), Range Sixty-seven West (R.67W.) of the Sixth Principal Meridian (6th P.M.), County of Weld, State of Colorado. These public hearings are held in the Town Board Chambers on the third floor of Town Hall at 301 Walnut Street, Windsor, Colorado. (Please enter on the south side of the building.) If you wish to receive further information regarding this proposal, please send an email to the Planning Department: To view the public hearing item material, please visit: The Public Hearing materials will be posted on the Friday before each of the above meeting dates. Interested citizens are invited to participate in the public hearings and provide comments on the proposal. To view the meeting only, LIVE stream through the Town of Windsor's Meetings On Demand website: Karen Frawley Town Clerk Published: Greeley Tribune July 5, 12, 19, 26, 2024-2061132
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Greeley Tribune 

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