Louis Foxwell
Since Apr 26, 1999


Trump - Hero
F.R. ^ | 5/28/19 | Louis Foxwell

Posted on 5/28/2019, 4:07:52 PM by Louis Foxwell

Which president could have survived these attacks? All have had their intrigues and opposition, since Washington. All have had staunch enemies, especially in government. There have been a few who stood strong against the bureaucracy and the not so loyal opposition.

The transfer of power is never peaceful. It is always accomplished with bloodshed, or at least with reputations destroyed.

Trump is in the mold of our strongest presidents. He is fearless, meticulous, and ferocious. His enemies call him weak, careless, and pusillanimous.

In two short years Trump has proven himself a man to be feared, respected, and honored for keeping his word. He has one face that he shows to his friends and enemies alike.

Are these the traits of a tyrant? Hardly. A tyrant does not keep his word. He is duplicitous, untrustworthy, and spills the blood of friends and enemies alike.

Will there come a time when Trump can no longer be trusted? We cannot know what is in his heart. We understand perfectly what is in the words and actions of this man. There may well come a time when he may not be trusted, but we are far from that time if it ever occurs. For now we know with absolute certainty we have a hero in the White House who is worthy of our respect.

Those who oppose him are corrupted by dark agendas. Some are stupid. Others are evil. Many are simply sick of the malice of government and lump all politicians together.

It will be the genius of Trump to cut this Gordian knot and restore trust in a government that serves rather than rules the people.
President Trump has more character, integrity and patriotism than any other living human being on the face of the planet! I state this unequivocally because I defy anyone else with the full weight of the United States presidency resting on his shoulders, to get up every morning and cheerfully assume his presidential duties, only to be met with another day of a merciless, attack-dog press corps determined to take him down, screeching about their latest fake news scandal.

24 posted on 5/28/2019, 5:40:29 PM by onyx
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To: Louis Foxwell

Hear! Hear!!

25 posted on 5/28/2019, 5:43:19 PM by DCPatriot ("It aint what you don't know that kills you. It's what you know that aint so" Theodore Sturgeon))
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To: Louis Foxwell


Wisdom, with Light and Sound

A Lee Lawrie sculpture at
30 Rockefeller Center, New York, NY

A limestone panel relief of a bearded man, holding a compass, who represents Wisdom.  He is flanked on both sides by panels each with a figure, one representing Light and one representing Sound.

Sound, on Wisdom's proper right, is a muscular male nude crouched on all fours.  Light, on Wisdom's proper left, is a robed female reclining among the clouds.

Below each panel is a grid pattern consisting of 240 Corning glass blocks.  The Corning Glass Works produced the screen of glass blocks, each hand-poured and containing intended imperfections.

The artist, Lee Lawrie (1877-1963), was one of the United States' foremost architectural prior to World War II.

“And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure.”

Isaiah 33:6

32 posted on 5/28/2019, 8:55:25 PM by poconopundit
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To: Louis Foxwell

I trust President Trump...really scorches my butt when the concern trolls aid and abet the enemy....
Good summary of a fearless man with the will and energy to fight the good fight against overwhelming odds...day after day after day.......

33 posted on 5/29/2019, 6:45:02 AM by trebb (Don't howl about illegal leeches while not donating to FR - it's hypocritical.)
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*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************A Response to Retired United Methodist Bishop Will Willimon 3/5/2019, 2:12:25 PM

To: Wuli

I have struggled with this issue for most of my life. It is heart breaking to see the demonization of the United Methodist church at the hands of Pharisaic bishops. They are lovers of the law but not of the Lord. Many of these men and women should never have become Bishops. They were elected by Conferences smitten with attitudes of moral superiority. They have been a curse on the body.

The UMC in the US lacks an understanding of its rightful role in society. It is incapable of evaluating cultural influences from a Jesus centered viewpoint. In short, it slaughters its prophets in the name of social justice, denying the redemptive power of Christ to bring Godliness out of the disruption caused by prophetic voices.

The African church, the Chinese church, and much of the South American church are no such cowards. This is the victory they have given us, the knowledge that God controls our church and not a cabal of cowardly bishops, their toady superintendents, and sanctimonious Council leaders.

Hold the line, my friends. Hold the line.

8 posted on 3/4/2019, 10:44:44 PM by Louis Foxwell (The denial of the authority of God is the central plank of the Progressive movement.) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 6 | View Replies | Report Abuse]

Globe and Mail Op Ed Propaganda for Renewal of Eugenics LifeSiteNews ^ | 7/13/06 | Hilary White Posted on 07/13/2006 8:57:14 PM EDT by wagglebee

To: the invisib1e hand by Amos the Prophet

Glad you asked.

For the past 150 years, the intent of futurists/socialists and those who favor the central authority of government in society has been to remove the authority of cultural tradition and religion from the public sector. Arguments for the privacy of religion and for multiculturism have been thinly veiled campaigns to relegate knowledge and experience from the past to a curio shop of cultural oddities.

This campaign (designed by Marx, Freud, Dewey, Spinoza, Darwin, Emerson and many others) has designed social structures oriented to a utopian future by breaking radically with the past. The viewpoint of each of these philosophers has been based in a belief that the evolution of society and the individual are hopelessly restricted by the influence of all that has gone before, especially by religion.

The central theme of cultural tradition and its concomitant, religion, is morality based on natural law. Our Constitution is the quintessential example of this. Futurists believe fervently in the absolute authority of government over all aspects of personal and social behavior. It is vital, therefor, for them to overcome the founding principles of the Constitution.

In an attempt to do this the Founders are denegrated as white, racists, slaveholders, capitalists and bigots to a man. Their appeals to the Creator and Natural Law are viewed by futurists as attempts to confine society to a narrow, provincial and wholly backward political system.

The reliance of the Constitution and its historical antecedents on morality are major stumbling blocks to the New World so fervently sought by socialists. This is precisely why it is critical for those who wish government to dominate society to root out all vestiges of religion and morality. They, then, can have a free hand to redisign man and society in their own image. This is the precise struggle in which we are engaged. It is a war for the continued existence of mankind centered on God. We are far along this path with no clear way back.

The World Council of Churches and all of the major denominations have bought into this campaign. They, too, view religion as deeply personal and private. Politics and society, in their view, can not be influenced by any but the most vague religious sentiments.

We will, consistent with this view, see H. Clinton portray herself as a Methodist but not as a Christian. She will stress the absolute privacy of her religious experience and will insist that it is inappropriate to apply her religious beliefs to her politics. Note, especially, that she uses the words "society" and "government" interchangably. This is a vital key to ferreting out the Marxists among us.


Two Revolutions, Two Views of Man Conservative Underground | July 6, 2010 | Jean F. Drew Posted on Sunday, July 25, 2010 4:37:12 PM by betty boop


520 posted on Friday, August 20, 2010 2:04:39 PM by Amos the Prophet

I know God not as a result of any intellectual effort on my or anyone’s part but because He has made Himself known to me. The revelation of God to His followers, and others, is the a priori of reformation. No amount of rational discourse changes this truth. It is true because God has said it is true. This is the stumbling stone against which rationalists crash and burn.

Dialog among believers strengthens faith and encourages understanding. Because knowledge of (the existence of) God does not come through rational effort it is meaningless to argue the merits of belief on rational grounds. God exists because He who is within me says He exists. I stake my life and my soul upon that knowledge.

The Constitution and Founders premised their efforts at creating a nation upon precisely this knowledge. In this very particular sense our nation is founded upon revelation. All of the devices brought to bear to tear it down have been promulgated in the name of rational understanding, not revealed wisdom.

We know, for example, that abortion is the killing of innocents and is profoundly evil in God's eyes. We justify this slaughter, however, in the name of a Renaissance attitude of personal liberty. As if one’s body had no connection to any other body and thereby no responsibility for another. Rationalism is the downfall of this grand experiment in Godly government.

Overcoming the devils of deception requires an unflinching commitment to what we have certain knowledge of as the Truth of God's presence in the history of our nation. About this I am not simply adamant. I am fanatic.

520 posted on Friday, August 20, 2010 2:04:39 PM by Amos the Prophet ............................................................... White House Insider: ” Temporary Insanity “ Monday, November 08, 2010 8:08:56 AM · 79 of 180 Amos the Prophet to nikos1121 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2623390/posts?q=1&;page=51 see post 79 Krauthammer is most helpful when describing Obama as a narcissist and a narrow minded, shallow thinker with limited life experience and no ability to educate himself.

As a seriously damaged child he learned skills that allowed him to present himself to strangers as smart and desirable. He is a con but not in a fully conscious way. He does not have much self awareness but reacts to trouble with glib shuck and jive.

He uses his intelligence to keep from being caught. The massive change he has created is about wanting to be loved as a god like Caesar - superior, benevolent, and able to change the world to suit his personal desires.

He earnestly believes that he is the Great Emancipator who will one day be acknowledged as the greatest leader in history.

He is a megalomaniac with the resources of a vast and unlimited government to try to fulfill his dreams. He is the vain and haughty naked King of Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tale. He leads a mighty entourage of wannabe geniuses and sophisticates. These are people who set no limits on their grandeur. They are not bound by law or the will of the governed.

He and they are taking over the world and making it into their image because they know best how the world should be run. When he fails they will abandon him rather than admit their hubris. They must not be allowed to slip out of the noose of their own design.

Obama will fail because he must. The US is not a Cuba, Russia or China. It is not dominated by a history of slavery and corruption. In this nation we fight our home grown evil even with bloodshed. We defeated slavery on the plantation. Now we must defeat it in the government.


19 posted on Monday, December 20, 2010 11:43:08 PM by Louis Foxwell (pka: Amos the Prophet)

I was asked in no uncertain terms to leave the ministry of the Baltimore Methodist Conference in 1985. At the time I had the largest ministry in the conference with more than 30 staff and an annual budget of more than 500K. I was deemed too independent of Church authority.

I was accused of being so authoritarian that my people, in the words of my Superintendent, “Are sheep who will follow you anywhere.” She could not acknowledge that I was faithful to Jesus’ charge to His disciples, “Feed my sheep.” I was also accused of neglecting the “middle class” of my parish by serving deeply troubled, broken and disabled people to the exclusion of those who were uncomfortable sitting next to the lowest of the low.

In fairness to my accusers I had little respect for the leadership of the Conference. When they threatened me with formal expulsion I cowed and resigned.

I resigned in the knowledge that my spiritual home was no longer the United Methodist Church that my family had faithfully served in ministry for more than 80 years. Sadly, this fine old institution that brought England and the US to their knees in penitence 200 years before has lost its spiritual way.

Yes there are a few congregations and a few Conferences that struggle to remain Biblical. The time will likely come for them to affirm their faith by leaving this much too worldly organization.


Tea Party Leader: ‘Karl Marx’ Methodist Church ‘Religious Arm of Socialism’ ChattahBox Political News ^ | December 20, 2010 Posted on Monday, December 20, 2010 9:23:12 PM by 2ndDivisionVet

Sarah is an intuitive politician. Her sentiments are built on a strong Christian foundation. She can be relied on to do and say what is most appropriate from a genuinely American point of view. She understands that this nation was founded on a belief in God and a reliance on His providence. This is not to say that she is hide bound or dogmatic. She is practical and willing to change her position when circumstances require it or when she is demonstrably wrong.

Surely a voice that expresses uniquely US sentiments ought to be welcome in these times, the misogynist ravings of sexually oppressed males and jealosies of catty females notwithstanding.

Sarah? Some see only a pretty face. Others see a mind and heart in harmony with the ideals that gave us a free nation.

Liberalism has poisoned the well of public discourse.

Dark forces bent on our nation’s destruction have forced their way onto the main streets and into the classrooms, churches, media and hollowed halls of jurisprudence.
They demand that we accept their lies and deceptions.
They insist that no perversion should be unacceptable. They deny virtue and reject truth.
They are the demons among us who seek the destruction of all we hold sacred. Moderates are quislings and cowards.
They are firmly committed to the dominance of statism as best reflected by progressives.
The Republican party is the handmaiden of the Democrat party. This is why they are adamantly opposed to charismatic conservative leaders such as Cruz and Sarah.
If progressivism is an enemy of the Constitution (which it is) Republicans are its chief enablers, guaranteeing no effective opposition. It is impossible to make a patriotic silk purse out of the Republican sow’s ear.
The sooner we start a new party with genuine conservative clout the sooner we will save our country from the demons that infest it.

What Superhero are you?

You are Superman You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. Superman 100% Spider-Man 100% Wonder Woman 90% Robin 60% Hulk 60% The Flash 60% Green Lantern 60% Iron Man 60% Supergirl 50% Batman 40% Catwoman 40%

The Archie Bunker of Settled Science

The scientific method - scientific inquiry - is never settled. Its nature is to be forever open to challenge, investigation and upheaval. The idea of “settled science” is nonsense.

If man made global warming were scientifically provable it would not be necessary to invoke extremist ideology to advance it. That it does not stand on its own merit as scientifically provable forces its adherents to resort to threats and intimidation. They thereby relinquish the field of reason and science for the rarefied gasses of elitist tyranny.

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Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

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