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What to know about sleep apnea and other sleep disorders

Julie Evans, for Parrish Healthcare
Untreated sleep disorders can take their toll, regardless of your body shape or age.

There's nothing like a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, far too many Americans don’t get one on a regular basis. Sleep disorders have risen to widespread proportions in the U.S., and they go beyond some annoying tossing and turning. If left untreated, they can cause serious health complications. 

Sleep makes up approximately one-third of our lives. Untreated sleep disorders can take their toll, regardless of your body shape or age. The faster you’re able to recognize common sleep disorders, the faster you can begin treatment, improve your health and sleep soundly once again.

About sleep disorders 

There are more than 100 specific sleep disorders, and fortunately, the past five years have seen incredible advancements in diagnosing and treating these conditions. Parrish Healthcare’s Sleep Center is at the forefront of these innovations. Their professional staff is highly skilled in diagnosing the vast spectrum of these sleep disorders and educating patients about their treatment options. 

Participating in a sleep study is one of the best ways to determine if you have a sleep disorder.

For example, sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders. More than 12 million Americans between the ages of 30 and 60 suffer from it, making it even more common than asthma. However, many will avoid going to a sleep center to get help because they don’t want to have to use a CPAP machine. But a CPAP isn’t the only option anymore. In fact, today there are an array of treatment options for sleep apnea that don’t require a mask at all. 

Symptoms of sleep disorders vary, and in some cases, patients may not even realize they have them. Some include: 

  • Loud snoring 
  • Moving around a lot at night
  • Sleep walking, talking and/or yelling in your sleep
  • Feeling excessively sleepy even after a full night of sleep
  • Frequent headaches 
  • Dry mouth upon waking
  • An inability to concentrate or focus throughout the day.
  • Frequent urination throughout the night
  • Restlessness, cramping and uncomfortable feelings in your legs while trying to sleep
  • Difficulty falling and staying asleep

Sleep and health 

When our brains constantly wake us up (whether we are aware of it or not), it can interfere with our body’s ability to perform vital functions. A lack of quality sleep can affect everything from mood and energy level to memory retention and the body’s ability to repair and heal itself. 

Conditions like atrial fibrillation, diabetes and hypertension are difficult to treat if sleep apnea is left untreated. Since the brain constantly tells the heart to beat faster during an apnea event, the heart is unable to rest and remain stable throughout sleep. Also, patients with comorbid conditions like heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, depression or brain injuries may benefit from a sleep study to evaluate how the patient’s sleep is impacted by their disease, or how their sleep may be affecting their conditions and illnesses. 

Sleep studies 

One of the best ways to determine if you have a sleep disorder and get the proper treatment is by participating in a sleep study. Doctors may refer patients if they suspect one, but a referral isn’t necessary at Parrish Sleep Center. Anyone can schedule an appointment directly.

The first step is an evaluation, which consists of a one-on-one discussion with a sleep specialist to discuss and assess your concerns. It may be done in-person or virtually via telehealth. If a sleep study is ordered as a result of the evaluation, the patient will either be scheduled to do a home sleep study or come to the Sleep Center for an overnight study. If the patient is a shift worker who sleeps throughout the day, the study will be conducted during the day. 

For a home sleep study, the patient picks up sleep monitoring equipment from the sleep center and wears it at home for a full night. They then return the equipment to the sleep center in the morning.

For studies at the sleep center, nationally boarded polysomnographic technologists apply the required equipment and monitor the patient as they sleep in their own private room. Sleep study rooms are warm, inviting and conducive to a good night’s rest. Patients have their own private restroom, which they can use throughout the night and in the morning to shower before leaving if they choose to do so. 

Do you already have a diagnosis of sleep apnea and are you struggling with treatment? Are you curious what new mask options there are?

The Parrish Sleep Center offers free mask fittings and support to everyone. The Sleep Center will work closely with your medical equipment provider to ensure you get what you need. You should never have to struggle. There are so many options to choose from, even if it’s not CPAP for your sleep apnea treatment.

Sleep health at Parrish Healthcare

Beyond sleep studies, Parrish Healthcare hosts the AWAKE (alert, well and keeping energetic) group dedicated to exchanging information and increasing awareness about sleep, sleeping disorders and related health concerns. This group meets monthly, on the second Monday of each month, from 6-8 p.m. at the Parrish Healthcare Center at Port St. John (south entrance). Anyone with an interest in sleep and health is welcome. You can register online HERE.

Sleep can affect everything from mood and energy level to memory retention and the body’s ability to repair and heal itself.

Parrish’s Sleep Center also offers free one-on-one appointments with board-certified sleep technologists who can assist with patient positive airway pressure (PAP) compliance.

To learn more about Parrish Healthcare’s Sleep Center, visit their website. Or call 321-268-6408 to schedule an appointment today.

About Parrish Healthcare

Parrish Healthcare, the first U.S. member of Cleveland Clinic Connected and America’s first Joint Commission Integrated Care Certified network, includes: Parrish Medical Center, one of the nation’s most recognized hospitals for clinical quality, patient safety, and healing environments; Parrish Medical Group, NCQA certified patient-centered medical homes; and Parrish Health Network, a coalition of healthcare providers, insurers and others working together to improve quality and safety and lower healthcare costs on behalf of individuals, families and businesses. Visit for more information.

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