
Thor and Amy Muller are two of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I first met them when we had our challenging Zooomr 2 launch at their Valleyschwag Hoedown. Since then I've gotten to know them a little better.


Thor and Amy are the co-founders of Rubyred Labs in San Francisco. They have a great cereal bar there amongst over things.


I took this shot of Thor giving Amy a kiss at Mike Arrington's TechCrunch7 party. I was really happy that Amy liked it enough to even use it on her blog. She writes a blog called Mommybrain and is a very devoted mother to their son Quinn. We spent a lot of time at the TechCrunch party taking about kids and the challenges of raising kids these days, schools etc.


They also are behind the company Valleyschwag where you can subscribe to a monthly service that will send all kinds of cool tech schwag to you in the mail.


I always love seeing people in love.

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Uploaded on September 17, 2006
Taken on August 18, 2006