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  • JoinedDecember 2004
  • HometownTehran
  • Current cityToronto
  • CountryCanada
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Photos of Sam Javanrouh


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The remarkable documentation of Toronto as found in Mr. Javanrouh's pictures stands as testiment to the worth and versatility of the digital camera. I lived most of my life in Toronto, and with the right camera equipment it is a fairly easy city to get good pictures. But Mr. Javanrouh goes beyond this. The pictures tha… Read more

The remarkable documentation of Toronto as found in Mr. Javanrouh's pictures stands as testiment to the worth and versatility of the digital camera. I lived most of my life in Toronto, and with the right camera equipment it is a fairly easy city to get good pictures. But Mr. Javanrouh goes beyond this. The pictures that he shoots on his daily dose site are true art pieces. I recommend keeping an eye on him and his work, as I think that he is going to go very far. Looking at his street shots, I know that even Weegee would approve, and I cannot top that for praise. John Smith

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December 10, 2007
Michael says:

Three years ago I stumbled onto Sam's work from a link on a site I can't recall for the life of me. Sam's photos, on the other hand, have been a part of my life every day since! :-) Sam is a true Renaissance man. From macro to micro, architecture to nature, people to places, and everything in-between; it seems lik… Read more

Three years ago I stumbled onto Sam's work from a link on a site I can't recall for the life of me. Sam's photos, on the other hand, have been a part of my life every day since! :-) Sam is a true Renaissance man. From macro to micro, architecture to nature, people to places, and everything in-between; it seems like the spirit of Midas lives on in Sam! ;-) His work has inspired me to continue taking photographs through some of the roughest times in my life. For at least that one moment every day when I checked his photoblog, I knew I would be filled with sublime wonder at whatever he had posted the night before. Never was I disappointed and hardly was I anything less than awe-struck at what I saw. The quality of light. The sincerity of the composition. Amazing e-v-e-r-y time. Sam is truly blessed with incredible skill behind the lens and behind the monitor. He's my number one inspiration. Thank you for everything Sam! I look forward to tomorrow's photo! ;-)

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February 3, 2007
Adamant Income (deleted)

..an inspiration.

October 29, 2005
Pricey Power (deleted)

Without Sam... you wouldn't have a lot of things, or they wouldn't be the same. The man's a legend and for good reason. Thanks for being an inspiration buddy.

August 15, 2005

Sam has the eye and the sense to bring to life, the world that surrounds him. He sees things and brings out the beauty in the simple things. Suck a great guy, An awesome talent.

June 10, 2005

Ok, he's a star, he's a phenomenon in the photoblogging community, he runs out of bandwidth Gigabytes every month, but for me he's a great photographer and a very nice guy who wouldn't mind pose for a family shot with your kids. He's good as what he does, even if he's still shy of taking people shots (have you seen his… Read more

Ok, he's a star, he's a phenomenon in the photoblogging community, he runs out of bandwidth Gigabytes every month, but for me he's a great photographer and a very nice guy who wouldn't mind pose for a family shot with your kids. He's good as what he does, even if he's still shy of taking people shots (have you seen his portraits set? I wonder why...). His Photoshop skills are by pair with his talent, but for me, together they make the artist. I am not a purist to throw away beautiful images because they've been manipulated. His work is remarkable and being one of the first people to have discovered his photoblog, I feel deeply thankful for the inspiration he gave me over the last 1.5 years. He's one of the first 3 photographers who brought me onto this path and hope to get to know him better, away from his pedestal.

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April 20, 2005