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Animal activist, photo freak, love meeting the craziest and most interesting people out there,learning about psychology first hand, love all music expecially jungle/ska/punk, and my daughter is my life. I would like to share with other people the way I see beauty through my eyes. See what I see...I thank everyone who took their time to look at my photographs and I will be adding new ones as soon as I can.

A Photograph is a way to stop time, for that fraction of a second, through someones eyes that will last forever, and tell a story of many words. Take lots of pictures everyone! Share what you see... This website is amazing and I'm completely addicted to it. ;-)

Love, Peace and Respect for all life.



This site is DEDICATED:


To the love of my life, my daughter, my best friend, Julia.


To Rayne / A.K.A. Reveren:

You will never be forgotten and always in my heart.

SUICIDE: DEC. 13 / 2005

May the Angels take you under their wings and show you that you can be loved...


To Corry

You were a great friend with a huge heart, always helping one in need. I'm so, so sorry.... This shouldn't have happened.....

SUICIDE: JUNE 13 / 2006

We will miss you so.... I don't think you realized how much people cared for you, maybe we should of told you.... I wish I did, but it's as late as it can be now :(


To David ( the owner of the Cigar shop at Queen and Bathurst )

SUICIDE mid Apri 2008

Thank you for being such an awsome friend Dave. Will miss you dearley


To my beautiful, loving dog Chops ;-)


Last but not least, to everyone in my photographs from the Toronto Streets set! I couldn't of done this without you! I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart. ( Derek, Matt, Jamie, Kyle , Chris, Kramer, Eric, Jerry, love you all you beautiful people, wish you all the best in life and hope some happiness comes your way soon, you so deserve it. The same for all the rest : )


Also on March 13/2006 on flickr I have stumbled across an amazing photographer with a beautiful heart. Please do check this out. Very emotional and real:


And of course, if you haven't seen the Excellent work of Stoneth, please take a look. Fantastic!


While I'm typing... I have met and talked to many people in the last couple of years....People wonder why someone is living on the streets in filth, is a drug addict and/or always in and out of jail. I was very curious, I wanted to know why, specific reasons... I have heard well over 50 life stories from these people. In over 90% of the cases, sexual abuse as children or a serious accident brought these people to the life of today. Sometimes we should be more understanding instead of judging someone from first appearances.....because we never know what tragedy drove them to a life of lonelyness and madness. Think of that the next time you feel the need to stare and judge somebody. Try and put yourself in their shoes....Think and maybe show some sympathy and help instead just fuckin' stare. It's one of the rudest things you could do. And NO, it doesn't make you any better because you have a house and clean clothes, as much as you'd like to think you are. ( my drunk rambeling )


On July 21-2006 I got over 100 000 views on my site sience January when I first became a member. Wohooo!! Thank you everyone for taking time to look at my photographs. Peace :o)


Oh, and by the way, any job offerings around Toronto would be nice : )


*** this is a letter to my Mayor from one of my friends on flickr after I asked everyone for help. And over 300 more like it were e-mailed to Mr. Miller from all over the world. Unfortunately it didn't help :( Shame Canada!! ***


Mr. Miller,


i have been keeping my eyes on the photographic documentarian named Ana, known on the photo website as "Spirited_Away" for some time now. She has opened my eyes to the lives of many people in your city that i would never have known about. A diverse people with real stories and real histories. Some sad, some beautiful and some sad and beautiful at the same time. She has her own history of pain and suffering as do most of us. Her coping mechanism seems to be the attempt at empathizing with, helping and documenting, with humanity and respect, those people whom she has learned not to shy away from or fear. We might call them "homeless" or "wanderers." The truth is, they are members of your society. They are people who have come from somewhere, have names and lives and deserve to be treated as human beings and allowed their freedoms; even if those freedoms are that they simply wish to be left to their own devices while not hurting others.


Of particular note, Ana has asked for assistance in saving the home of a man named Chris Gardiner. Often when someone mentions a homeless person or a "squatter," the "home" envisioned is a box, or an abandoned building. This is not the case. This is a complete home that has served as a shelter to many homeless people, Ana herself, at many times throughout its history. Chris built this home himself.


If you would like to see that home, here is a video of it:


This home will soon be destroyed and Chris Gardiner will become homeless. "The city" is planning to remove him and destroy his home. This will impact more than just Chris Gardner as Ana indicates in her notes on


i urge you to please spend some time acquainting yourself with these citizens of your city. These human beings, who, despite terrible troubles in their past, have managed to find ways to live on. These human beings' survival methods are now being threatened by your city's misdirected (though perhaps well meaning) attempts to "clean up" and "help" its homeless (though i suspect there is also a lot of prompting from the higher class of people who have the money to pressure for the removal of "unpleasant looking things" - perhaps the answer is to help the unpleasant looking things simply look more pleasant than to destroy them).


Look through Ana's (Spirited_Away) photographs of these people and read about their lives. They did not start their lives choosing to live as they do, but they do choose to survive. Many of them are traumatized and have been harmed by both those close to them and supposed caregivers (doctors, family, social workers). The worst your city could do is take away the homes they have made for themselves and the social groups they have built together, with each other, to support each other; especially in a misdirected attempt to "clean up" the city. Ana has lived with them in her own times of need (and as a documentarian) and she has made it clear that never once has she felt in danger or afraid. The police, in fact, have been the only people she has felt fear of because of how they view the homeless as "less than people" or "suspicious until proven innocent."


Please, learn about and become acquainted with these members of your society before they are harmed further by the misguided attempts at "improvement." i urge you to look at them as your neighbors, your brothers, sisters, children, cousins, nephews, etc. Many of them have been through the educational system, and been skilled workers who have sustained injuries and lost jobs due to the carelessness of their employers. They are doing what they can. They are your people. Give them the respect they deserve.


The following link goes to Ana's post about this topic:


The following link goes to Ana's photo set about "Toronto Life:"


Do not be ashamed of what you see. See the human survival and pride in the desire to continue at all costs. That is human and that is beauty.


Thank you for your time in reading this letter and for your serious consideration about the many types of people who live in and love your city,



which account was deleted and now:

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Write a testimonial
madly rings (deleted)

protect her from harm, dear world as she has tried to teach you how. listen to her eyes, hear her heart, receive what she gives but take nothing from her. shelter her, oh world of grit and cruelty, for she shows you as you must be seen: truthfully. take her advise to you and welcome her in when she's ready. a specia… Read more

protect her from harm, dear world as she has tried to teach you how. listen to her eyes, hear her heart, receive what she gives but take nothing from her. shelter her, oh world of grit and cruelty, for she shows you as you must be seen: truthfully. take her advise to you and welcome her in when she's ready. a special woman. a beautiful girl. eyes on a world that seems heartless. a world in her eyes, felt by her heart, as enlightening as it is frightening... for those willing to watch what she shows. please be safe and come into the warmth once and for all, dearest Ana. you have done so much. more than most. more than you must. now, rest. become well and find home in peace and with joy. you have a future. i want you to live in it. find the way. take the offered hands. you are a survivor. an amazing creature. but don't stay in the wild much longer. there is a heart that needs yours. be there, in that future, for her. you are loved

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June 15, 2008
Miles says:

What comes through so clearly in Ana's images is the humanity and compassion in her heart, not just for people but for every living creature. Stark but often magical and heart-warming her photography is a wide open window onto the city.

October 4, 2007
Exclusive Wealth (deleted)

quite simply, my favourite flickr user. a great photographer, a great human being, and almost certainly one of the Tzadikim Nistarim.

July 2, 2006

Ana not only is beautiful on the outside, she is beautiful on the inside too. I love how she so strongly believes in herself and what she thinks. Her photos reflect real life and the everyday struggles that people have and would put others to shame if they didn't realise before what goes on in this world. If you have o… Read more

Ana not only is beautiful on the outside, she is beautiful on the inside too. I love how she so strongly believes in herself and what she thinks. Her photos reflect real life and the everyday struggles that people have and would put others to shame if they didn't realise before what goes on in this world. If you have only looked at her selfportrait work and you love that - then check out the rest of her stream, its well worth it.

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May 27, 2006
Purring Team (deleted)

a human soul i wish i could shelter, she demonstrates an eye for the lonely and abandoned, the sadness of humanity and the physical beauty she has at her command, in contrast to the darkness within. an inspiration and a reminder that some things are too precious for the suffering given to them.

April 1, 2006
daskar says:

Spirited Away... The world in the eye of the beholder... She makes art, photographic art. Her work evokes emotion, is challenging and engaged ... great work!

March 14, 2006

Not many people have that precious spark of humanity, the inner beauty of modesty, and the courage to take a camera out into the cold world where others would not go. Ana has all these things and a special wisdom of how to put them into photographs. I also believe she could be one of the great fashion models of the… Read more

Not many people have that precious spark of humanity, the inner beauty of modesty, and the courage to take a camera out into the cold world where others would not go. Ana has all these things and a special wisdom of how to put them into photographs. I also believe she could be one of the great fashion models of the world with the least little bit of support from the right people. In the meantime, enjoy her photosets. It is clear that her eye sees the world in a special way.

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February 11, 2006