FAO's Project Dashboard
Frequently Asked Questions answered


As part of FAO’s commitment to transparency in the implementation of its programmes, contributing to improved accountability, coordination and effectiveness of our work towards the 2030 Agenda,  FAO joined IATI, the International Aid Transparency Initiative, originally launched in 2008 at the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Accra. IATI was designed with the aim to publicly disclose information on development expenditures and meet the needs of all stakeholders for information on where, when, by whom, how and on what development funds are spent. 

Since May 2017, FAO publishes IATI data on a quarterly basis for all Trust Fund and TCP projects to IATI Data Registry


Data captured in the Project Dashboard is based on data FAO publishes on IATI. As such it is important to note the following:

  • FAO is included in the list of resource partners, the reason for this is that FAO reports to IATI on TCP projects.
  • Pool funds are not disaggregated as they are not disaggregated on IATI.
  • Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA), as well as to the Art. VI and Art. XIV Bodies hosted by FAO are also not disaggregated as the contribution tracking system is project based, and these are provided unearmarked, they are not captured individually, but under the general heading of “Multilateral” in reporting.

How to request support on this page or submit a general inquiry?

Please send an email to:  [email protected] 

What are approvals?

Approvals represent the funding allocations approved by a Resource Partner for a specific project or programme.

What is delivery?

Delivery represents the amounts that have been allocated and used in the implementation of a project or programme.

Can data be exported?

Yes, right-click anywhere withing the dashboard to activate context menu and chose to export the data (.csv or Excel) or the visuals (as image). Note the entire dashboard can be exported as an image.

Can you view details of project?

Yes, on each dashboard page there is link called “List of Projects”. Double-click on this link to see the projects in a tabular format for parameters selected. Note that the data can be exported by activating context menu as per the above.

What is the information contained in the Highlight tab?

Under this tab you can view factsheets of projects. Project fact sheets are pdf file summaries of projects which have been closed and reported on.

What are policy markers?

Since 1998, the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has set up the Rio markers system, consisting of policy makers to monitor and statistically report on the development finance flows targeting the themes of the Rio Conventions.  The DAC marker system is a simple descriptive system. It describes ODA measures in relation to their realization of OECD development policy objectives. These markers indicate donors’ policy objectives in relation to each aid activity. You can find more information on the OECD DAC website.

What is the Advanced search function?

Advanced search function allows the user to combine different criteria with the others (resource partner, year/s, recipient, sector, etc.). That narrows down the results based on the user's selection. Furthermore, all the data can be downloaded in the excel file and further analyzed.

How often is the data being updated?

FAO reports information to IATI on a quarterly basis and this tool is being updated with the same frequency.