Supernatural recap: Our Little World

Metatron returns just in time to reveal the Darkness' identity.

Photo: Katie Yu/The CW

Supernatural is excellent at the big, gasp-worthy twist. But the show also uses it sparingly. Last year, it was the reveal that there was such a thing called the Darkness, which God battled long before He created the world. And in tonight’s episode, we got the second part of that twist, which might be even more gasp-worthy than the first: The Darkness is God’s sister!!!

I love the way this show puts its spin on things, and this is the perfect example of that. It takes the age-old story of creation and flips it upside down: In order to create the world, God had to betray and sacrifice his only kin — his sister. I didn’t think it was possible for me to get more excited about this story line, but suddenly, I am.

Let’s get into it shall we?

We kick things off with Amara finding her latest victim — a teenage girl — whose soul helps turn her into a late-teen herself. If I had to guess, I’d put her around high school age? Eh, who’s really counting?

But, like most teens, Amara comes home to an angry father, who’s waiting up for her. Amara tries to use the classic “I’m a growing girl; I need to eat” excuse, but Crowley follows it with the equally classic parental response: “You’re grounded.” Then, things go from less “classic parenting” to more “demon parenting” when he throws her against the wall and informs her that he’s stronger than her…for now at least.

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Meanwhile, the Winchesters are trying and failing to follow the trail of Amara’s soulless victims. In fact, they’re doing such a poor job that Sam decides it’s time that Dean call Cas and make that angel friend of theirs useful again. Because despite what I might argue, watching Jenny Jones — the Jerry Springer of Supernatural — is not a life. (Although can we talk about how even when Cas is at his worst, he’s still wearing a button-down? It’s just untucked this time.)

Dean informs Castiel that he has passed the point of “socially acceptable binge-watching” and needs to get some fresh air. Only, when Cas tries to leave the bunker, he gets flashes of his time under Rowena’s spell. He just can’t shake it, but it’s probably a good thing because when he goes back to watch some news, he catches Metatron on camera!

So with Cas off finally being helpful, Dean and Sam discover that Len — the star of last week’s episode — has turned up dead. Why? Oh, because Crowley is having his demons track down Amara’s victims and kill them. And that’s something that Sam and Dean realize when they trap one of Crowley’s own.

That then leads to Sam and Dean figuring out that Crowley is keeping Amara on Earth and not in Hell, which gives us this magical exchange:

Sam: “Wouldn’t it be smarter to keep her in Hell?”

Dean: “Yeah, but then he’d have to spend more time there, and he hates that place.”

Sam: “Oh right. Keep forgetting about you and Crowley’s summer of love.”

I don’t know what’s better: the fact that Crowley hates Hell or Sam saying “summer of love.”

Within minutes, the brothers have discovered the asylum — which looks a lot like a church/castle on the inside if you ask me — where Amara is staying. And off they go.

NEXT: Dean comes face-to-face with Amara

Meanwhile, at said asylum, Amara is learning all about memes — a true evil — and Crowley has the moment that all parents share when he realizes that he has no idea what he’s doing and his daughter is just growing up too fast. So instead of parenting, Crowley does what he does best: He bargains. Citing his wisdom and experience, he asks her to slow down. “Give me your patience; I’ll give you my protection…until you decide you don’t need it anymore,” he says. Amara agrees.

Checking back in with Cas, he finds Metatron — now Marv — going full Nightcrawler by filming crime scenes and selling them to news outlets. And you know what? Metatron loves this life. As he puts it, “reality is the great literature of our era.” (And I’m secretly horrified that that’s true.)

But when Cas brings out the demon tablet — Metatron hid it under his bed bug-infected mattress, which by the way, would’ve kept me away from it — Metatron tries a new strategy: Call Cas out on whatever’s going on inside his head. Only, that just leads to Castiel beating the crap out of Metatron, who finally reveals that he actually hates human life. Stuff like paying rent and keeping your phone charged? Yeah, it sucks.

And this is when we get the full story. Metatron reveals that, “In order to create the world, God had to give up the only thing he’d ever known: He had to betray and sacrifice his only kin. The Darkness, his sister.” I still can’t get over it. This might be my favorite twist ever.

Speaking of God’s sister, Sam is busy fighting off demons — and killing only when necessary — while Dean comes face-to-face with Amara. Although, as she informs him, he won’t hurt her. He can’t.

When Crowley interrupts and decides he’s over his “bromance” with Dean and is ready to kill him, Amara gives us the first glimpse of her powers. She all but kills Crowley, forcing him to agree that not only will she no longer be his captive, but he will let Dean leave unharmed.

Amara then orders her father out of her room so that she can talk to Dean about their connection. Even she’s not sure what it is. Maybe it’s that he’s the first thing she saw once she was freed. Her “first experience of His creation.” (If only we were all that lucky, amirite?) Either way, Amara says there’s no fighting it. She is officially fascinated. And when Dean doesn’t stab her, well, we know enough.

Amara’s reasoning for her return: She came here to settle a score. As she puts it, it’s “the oldest score,” which I feel like is a great title for a movie.

Back at the bunker, Cas, Sam, and Dean catch one another up. Dean is mad that Cas let Metatron go, and Cas is suspicious that Dean let Amara go. Meanwhile, Sam is having visions of someone stuck in a box on what appears to be the rack in Hell. Is that the literal cage that holds Lucifer and Michael? Sam has been there, after all.

We then ends things on a very Death-esque sequence of Amara walking down the street to Neil Diamond’s “Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon.” Well played, guys.

I don’t know about you all, but I love where this is going. The drama is there, but so is the comedy. I, for one, can’t get over the scene in which demons blamed legalizing marijuana for their lack of soul collections. I love this show.

What did you all think? Hit the comments with your thoughts, or find me on Twitter @samhighfill.

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