Kris Jenner's memoir talks all things Kardashian and Nicole Brown Simpson

Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner can now add author to her resume. The famous “momager” releases her memoir, Kris Jenner…and all things Kardashian, today. It’s no secret that the Kardashian family and their respective empire holds the No. 1 place on my personal guilty pleasures list. I’ve read the books, watched the weddings, and even followed on Twitter. So I gladly headed up the task of reading Kris’ memoir so you don’t have to.

Even as a fan, I was pleasantly surprised with how entertaining the book was. And I attribute that mostly to Kris’ take on the “Trial of the Century.” If you’re at all familiar with the Kardashian past, you know that their family was very close to both Nicole Brown Simpson and O.J. Simpson. So after Nicole was murdered, Kris’ family was split down the middle. Kris was (and is) convinced of O.J.’s guilt, and her ex-husband, Robert Kardashian, took part in the “dream team” of lawyers that defended O.J. during his murder trial. I’ve since decided, Kris’ book should have been titled, Kris Jenner…and all things Kardashian: The Nicole Brown Simpson Story. Chapters 3 through 10 focus a lot on her relationships with the Simpsons, the murder, and the subsequent trial. And Kardashian fan or not, anyone interested in that case would find the memoir interesting. The last few chapters pretty much summed up what I already learned from E! Network’s True Hollywood Story on the family, but the beginning of Kris’ life compounded with the many personal details of Nicole Brown Simpson kept me hooked. I read it so you don’t have to, but maybe, just maybe, you might want to.

So without further ado, here are the highlights from Kris Jenner, beginning with the juicy details surrounding her relationship with Nicole Brown Simpson and O.J. Simpson:

  • O.J. was with Robert Kardashian when he picked Kris up from the airport for their first date.
  • O.J. came to visit Kris and Robert in the hospital after she gave birth to her first daughter, Kourtney.
  • Kris knew Nicole was having a hard time with O.J.’s infidelities, but Nicole never came out and said “I’m being abused by O.J.” Kris didn’t want to cross a line, so never asked her to elaborate, “which would become one of [her] biggest regrets.” Kris mentions multiple times that she didn’t recognize all the signs of abuse until after it was too late.
  • Kris was with Nicole in NYC when Nicole purchased a pair of leather gloves from Bloomingdale’s. Kris often wondered if these were the same blood-covered gloves found at the crime scene. (It was reported that the gloves were, in fact, from Bloomingdale’s purchased around the same time.)
  • Kris and Robert had a good relationship with the Simpsons. But Bruce Jenner, Kris’ second husband, also knew O.J. After Kris married Bruce there was a new foursome. They went on frequent trips together, and the Kardashian children even referred to the family friends as Auntie Nicole and Uncle O.J.
  • Nicole and O.J. went through several separations, and during one of these separations, Nicole told Kris: “He’s going to kill me, and he’s going to get away with it.” Apparently, Nicole said this on several occasions.
  • Nicole expressed fears to Kris that someone was looking into her kitchen window and following her throughout the day. Nicole believed she was being stalked by O.J.
  • The day before Nicole was killed, she called Kris and asked her to meet her, but Kris was busy with other plans. That would be the last time she would ever talk to Nicole, and Kris says it was “a decision that would haunt [her] forever.”
  • While watching TV, Kris saw Nicole’s blood still on the steps at the murder scene. She called her good friend and Nicole’s neighbor, Ron Hardy, and asked him to wash the blood off the steps. Kris, along with the rest of America, then saw Hardy wash off the steps. But it was Kris’ call that spurned the action.
  • O.J. called Kris multiple times from jail. That series of phone calls was the last time Kris would ever speak to him, and she hasn’t seen O.J. since the trial ended in 1995.
  • Robert was very confident throughout the trial. He told Kris, “The only way we’re going to have a problem is if they find Nicole’s blood in the Bronco.” Later, investigators did find her blood in the vehicle. But Kris said Robert always explained away that information.
  • Kendall Jenner was born shortly after the trial and given the middle name Nicole to honor Nicole Brown Simpson.

UP NEXT: The best of the rest…

And here are the other non-murder related highlights from Kris’ book:

  • Kris dated, and was briefly engaged to, a professional golfer. She never gives his real name, but calls him “Anthony” throughout the book.
  • She met Robert Kardashian for the first time at the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club while wearing a gold necklace pendant that spelled the words “OH, S—.” (She still owns the necklace.)
  • Robert asked for Kris’ number. She didn’t give it to him, but he called her anyway. He had a friend who worked at the phone company look it up for him.
  • After only three weeks of dating, Robert first proposed to Kris. She declined, and Robert briefly dated Priscilla Presley.
  • Robert and Kris often went to a Bible study led by Pat Boone where the likes of Zsa Zsa Gabor, Doris Day, Priscilla Presley, and Glenn Ford often attended.
  • Kris had an affair with a producer. This was the catalyst for her divorce from Robert.
  • Kris was introduced to Bruce Jenner by her friend Candace Garvey, wife of former baseball star Steve Garvey.
  • Kendall Jenner’s godparents are Kathie Lee and Frank Gifford.

So what do you think? Do you find the Nicole Brown Simpson information as compelling as I do? Any interest in reading this memoir? Or will you be passing on Kris’ first take at the book world? Sound off in the comments.

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