EQANIE is the European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education.

Our goal is to promote the implementation of quality assessment practice for informatics education systems in Europe and beyond. In particular, EQANIE helps to build confidence in systems of accreditation of informatics degree programmes within Europe.

EQANIE is the partner of higher education institutions and their associations, economic enterprises and professional organizations as well as students and their associations from the field of informatics, computer science and electrical engineering.




The European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education (EQANIE) is a non-profit association seeking to enhance evaluation and quality assurance of informatics programmes of studies at university level.

Quality Label

The Euro-Inf Quality Label is an outcomes based framework that provides a quality reference for Bachelor and Master degrees in Informatics according to academic and professional criteria.

Participate in EQANIE

Get in touch and participate in EQANIE. Inform you how to apply as a member and other possibilities to support quality in Informatics education.



Dr. Maria-Ribera Sancho has been elected as EQANIE new President.

Dr. Sancho has been committed with EQANIE representing ANECA and CODDII, as member of the Executive Board and then being the chair of the Accreditation Committee (AC) since 2018 until now.

Prof. James Davenport has been elected as new chair of the AC substituting Dr. Sancho.

EQANIE would like to thank Prof. Liz Bacon for her commitment and dedication as President during last years.


Due to the pandemic, EQANIE is still celebrating virtual meetings of the Accreditation Committee, Executive Board and General Assembly until new further notice.