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Eastern Pennsylvania Branch of the American Society for Microbiology

The Eastern Pennsylvania Branch of the American Society for Microbiology provides a variety of programs during the year and serves over 400 active members in the Delaware Valley.

Network with a community of microbiologists in Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley, stay informed about microbiology news and events, and much more.

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About Us


Established in 1920, the Eastern Pennsylvania Branch of the American Society for Microbiology (EPAASM) is one of the oldest branches of the ASM. It is also one of the most active branches, serving professional microbiologists across Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware and South/Central New Jersey.

A very active branch, the EPAASM sponsors several annual events as well as regular monthly meetings. Major annual programs include the Infection and Immunity Forum (focused on microbial pathogenesis) and held in December, and the Annual Symposium (focused on Clinical Microbiology) usually held in November.

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