The EFTA Secretariat is pleased to announce that Siri Veseth Meling from Norway has taken over as Secretary-General, effective 1 January 2024, after Henri Gétaz from Switzerland stepped down from the role on 31 December 2023.

Ms Veseth Meling has a long career in EFTA affairs. She joined the Secretariat as Deputy Secretary-General in 2022, after 15 years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Norway, where she most recently served as Director of EEA and Trade Law in the Legal Affairs Department. Prior to joining the Ministry, Ms Veseth Meling worked in a Norwegian law firm and with the Norwegian Competition Authority.

“2024 will be an important year for EFTA, not least with several significant ongoing trade negotiations and the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the EEA Agreement. I very much look forward to continuing the important work of the Association and to good cooperation with our Member States and other stakeholders, together with our excellent staff,” Ms. Veseth Meling said.

Ms Veseth Meling is the first woman to serve as Secretary-General of the EFTA Secretariat. She will hold this position until a new senior management team comes into office on 1 September 2024.


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