Doe Network

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Welcome to the Doe Network!

Todd Matthews In Remembrance.

Donations - The DoeNetwork is now welcoming donations. These donations will be used to support a long-overdue update and upgrade of our IT and supporting systems, and exhumations.

The Doe Network is a Non-profit 100% volunteer organization devoted to assisting investigating agencies in bringing closure to national and international cold cases concerning Missing & Unidentified Persons. It is our mission to give the nameless back their names and return the missing to their families.

We hope to accomplish this mission in three ways:

We receive and accept tips regarding cases featured on our site. All relevant information will be forwarded to the proper investigating agencies. While Doe Network values your privacy, we will respond to court orders and/or requests made by investigating agencies in a timely manner regarding visitor information. We are not private detectives.

Members within our organization work together, utilizing individual skillsets, to ensure the success of our mission. Our volunteers and the users of our site are very important to us and any feedback to improve this site is graciously accepted.

*NOTE*: There are some case files listed on the Doe Network that contain a link that should lead to a NamUs file. There may be some case files where this link does not work. This usually means that the person is no longer unidentified or missing. If you are trying to find a match for any file listed on the Doe Network and you find that the NamUs link does not work, please notify us by sending an email to Thank you.

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    Click on Featured Cases for more information about each case.

Celebrating Volunteer Efforts since 2001

© 2022- All photos and information contained within are the properties of the listed information sources within the case files.