Tell W3C: We don't want the Hollyweb

Stop the DRM in HTML5More than 28,600 people have signed.

Hollywood is at it again. Its latest ploy to take over the Web? Use its influence at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to weave Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) into HTML5 — in other words, into the very fabric of the Web. Millions of Internet users came together to defeat SOPA/PIPA, but now Big Media moguls are going through non-governmental channels to try to sneak digital restrictions into every interaction we have online. Giants like Netflix, Google, Microsoft, and the BBC are all rallying behind this disastrous proposal, which flies in the face of the W3C's mission to "lead the World Wide Web to its full potential."

On May 3rd, 2013, the International Day Against DRM, we drove the message home by delivering your signatures to the W3C along with an Oscar award for "Best Supporting Role in the Hollyweb" (pictures here). Moving forward, we need your signature as much as ever. We're hoping to have a deepening conversation with the W3C and the more concerned Web users supporting our position, the better. Sign below!

Need more information first? Read this article by our friends at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.