Marty Pollio will be remembered for resegregating JCPS. It's time for him to go.

Coalition of Retired Black Administrators and Principals
Louisville Courier Journal

First, JCPS Superintendent Marty Pollio said: The Student Assignment plan needs to be revised to allow more choice for students in the West End of Louisville. We will create Choice Zone schools.

So, the JCPS Board of Education: Approved a new Student Assignment plan that created more segregated schools.

Then Pollio said: We don’t have enough bus drivers to get our students to school on time. We need to change the school day from two start times to nine start times.

So, the JCPS Board of Education: Approved changing from two start times to nine start times that resulted in mass confusion and significant loss of instructional time. Most students did not get to school on time.

Feldkamp:A JCPS audit confirms the busing system is a disaster. But we already knew that.

Then Pollio said: We still don’t have enough bus drivers to get students to school on time.

So, the JCPS Board of Education: Approved a new transportation plan that eliminates the buses that would allow the choice that was promised when the Student Assignment plan was revised and eliminates buses for magnet programs and magnet schools.

Then Pollio said: We still don’t have enough bus drivers.

So, the JCPS Board of Education: Approved a plan that will decrease the start times from nine to three but, for over half of our students, still ignores the research about optimum start times for students.

Now Pollio says: There will still be delays and we will still not be able to get all students to school on time.

Gerth:JCPS busing audit shows Superintendent Marty Pollio is in over his head

So, what is the legacy of Marty Pollio?

  • The goal of eliminating racially identifiable schools has been scrapped.
  • The promise of choice has been eliminated because Marty Pollio is denying access to schools outside of a student’s resides area.
  • The loss of learning time due to late or nonexistent buses has disproportionately affected African American students. The learning opportunities for African American students has suffered.
  • The new schools in western Louisville, the renovated schools in the West End of Louisville, and all schools in western Louisville have the least experienced teachers in the district.
  • The schools in west Louisville have a higher vacancy rate than the other schools in the district.
  • The schools in west Louisville have a higher level of teacher turnover than any other schools in the district.
  • The schools in west Louisville have a higher level of teacher absenteeism and a higher level of schools without substitute teachers than any other schools in the district.
  • The focus on student achievement and the achievement gap has shifted to busses and start times.
  • The culture in JCPS is one of fear, retaliation and recrimination.

It is time for Marty Pollio to go!

Freda Merriweather; Retired Principal Price Elementary and Assistant Superintendent JCPS; Deanna Tinsley: Retired Principal Norton Elementary and Assistant Superintendent JCPS; Carletta Bell: Retired Principal Price Elementary; Faye Owens: Retired Principal Mill Creek Elementary; Joanna Smith: Retired Principal Cochran Elementary; Rothel Farris: Retired Principal Whitney Young Elementary; John Huggins:  Retired Principal Shawnee High School and Assistant Director Student Services; Michelle Pennix:  Retired Principal Mill Creek Elementary:  Leadership Academy