It was my best guy friend Jim’s* birthday and he gathered a hodgepodge of various besties for a B-day dinner at a local sushi spot. His friend Steve* and I had met a few times before and, well, let’s just say we never exactly got along. We’d always end up exchanging something resembling witty banter, but it was hard for everyone—myself included—to tell if we hated each other or wanted to fuck each others’ brains out.

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He had just moved to LA from New York and was sexy in a bad boy way that I knew I had zero chance of resisting. What can I say? I have a type, and that type is emotionally unavailable and bad for me. Leave it to Steve to fit that description to a damn T. He was 6'2", strong and lean with curly hair and deep brown eyes. Perpetually decked out in a backwards New York Knicks hat, a fitted button up with tattoos peeking out, and scuffed Vans—the official New York fuckboy uniform—he accessorized the look with a glaring overconfidence that regularly pissed me the hell off…or did it turn me the hell on?

Tonight, as we sat across from each other over edamame and hot sake, it was definitely the latter. I was newly single and he could smell it. As we all caught up and laughed, Steve and I kept making eye contact for a liiittle too long. As the night got later, the sexual tension grew thicker. By the time we were eating dessert, my foot was buried in his lap, softly rubbing his cock over his pants underneath the table, hidden in plain sight from all our friends.

After dinner, we all went back to Jim’s place for a little post-sushi hang. Now, two things you should know about Jim. 1) He’d always had a crush on me and we both knew it. 2) He was kind of a voyeur—a freaky-in-the-best-way friend after my own horny heart. So when I told him that Steve and I had been flirting all night, he simply couldn’t help himself.

“Sleep at my place,” Jim whispered, pulling me aside for a secret sex sidebar. “I’ll sleep somewhere else tonight. Stay at my place and have sex with him in my bed.”

At first I thought he was joking. “Are you serious? You want me to do that?”

He smiled. “Nothing would make me happier than my two friends fucking in my bed.”

Can you have a threesome with only two people? Because that’s exactly what was going down.

I sauntered back to Steve and gave the brim of his Knicks hat a flirty flip as I plopped next to him on the couch.

“Sooo,” I said, twirling my hair between my fingers. “Jim wants us to stay here tonight.”

He looked at me, clearly confused. “What are you talking about? Isn’t he staying here tonight?”

I smiled coyly, excited to let him in on the plan. “No, he’s not. He wants us to stay here…in his bed…together.” I paused to see his reaction. “And besides,” I continued, “it is his birthday. And the birthday boy should get what the birthday boy wants.”

Steve’s eyes lit up as he looked over at Jim, who was, in true voyeur form, watching us. He gave us a thumbs up and a wink from across the room.

“Well, who am I to deny the birthday boy his wish?” Steve said.

We spent the next hour in horny anticipation, waiting for the party to clear out so we could, uh, give Jim his gift. By midnight, everyone had left and it was down to just the four of us: me and Steve and Jim and his date. Finally, they left to go to her place.

“You crazy kids have fun,” Jim teased as he closed the apartment door. Steve and I were alone at last. Without any hesitation, he picked me up in his strong, tatted arms and carried me to Jim’s bedroom, his hands perfectly cupped around my ass.

I was about to be naked in my best guy friend’s bed—something I certainly never thought would happen, let alone with another man. Can you have a threesome with only two people? Because that’s exactly what was going down.

Steve pushed me onto Jim’s white linen sheets, lifting my shirt off over my head. My breasts danced as he grabbed my right tit and sucked on my nipple. I smiled, feeling my pussy salivate in anticipation as he kissed my neck and stuck his hand up my skirt. I could feel his huge cock through the outline of his jeans and I could not wait for it to be inside me. I guess we didn’t hate each other and did, in fact, want to fuck each others’ brains out, I thought.

As if reading my mind, he pulled away from kissing me, looked me in the eyes and said, “You know…I always thought you didn’t like me.”

I laughed. “I thought you didn’t like me!”

Steve pulled me in for another deep kiss and said, “Well, I like this.”

Then he moved his head down towards my pussy, pushed my panties to the side, and dove right in. His tongue glided along my clit as I grabbed my breasts, still in awe of how the night turned out. His head moved side to side, my moans filling up the entire room. Hey, I don’t care; they aren’t my neighbors. Steve slipped two fingers inside me as his tongue danced around my clit. I ran my hands through his hair, pulling at it and massaging his head as if to say, “Yes, just like that.” His head between my legs, the eau de fuckboy aroma of his hair gel floated through my nostrils and—I can’t deny it—turned me on even more.

He came up for air and I rolled him over onto his back and shimmied his pants off his hips. I could see the outline of his hard cock through his navy blue boxers, and ho. ly. shit. It was monstrous. So that’s why he’s so confident, I thought. He looked at me and flashed a devilish grin, as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. Then he ripped off his shirt, revealing the tattoos on his upper arm as I eagerly pulled his boxers down to his ankles.

I opened my mouth wide and slowly licked the tip of his penis, gliding up and down the shaft with my tongue. His oversized cock was too big for just one hand to grip, so I had to use two as I deep-throated him, taking it in as far as I could. After a few minutes of choking on his generous girth, he pulled my head up to kiss me before flipping me over onto my back, giving me a look that said, “Are you ready for it?” He slipped on a condom we found in Jim’s bedside table, but alas, it was too small for him. Thankfully, Steve remembered he had a condom in his wallet for emergencies—and this, friends, was truly an emergency indeed.

Steve climbed on top of me and guided his cock inside my soaking wet pussy. I exhaled an exhilarated moan as he filled me up, slipping his fingers between mine and squeezing tight as he pumped in and out of me in missionary, his body weight on top of me like a horny weighted blanket. Then he pulled out, flipped me over, and spanked my bare ass as he entered me from behind.

He pulled my hair as I grabbed onto Jim’s headboard and turned my head to the right, watching us in the big mirror beside the bed, my titties bouncing as he pummeled my pussy. I watched his cock disappear inside me as I rubbed my clit in ecstacy. He spanked my ass harder, just how I like it, as we fucked our way towards a perfectly in-sync climax. He grabbed onto my hips tight, pulling me extra close to him as he came inside me, my pussy throbbing around his massive cock in orgasmic bliss.

We fell asleep in Jim’s bed, Steve’s arms wrapped around me the entire night. I already knew my freaky little bestie couldn’t wait to hear all the dirty details of the birthday sex I’d just had on his behalf.

That was the first and last time Steve and I hooked up. And honestly, I think it was all we really needed to bang out the sexual tension. I don’t see him often, but when I do, it’s at Jim’s birthday parties, and our little two-way threesome remains my favorite inner-circle secret. We’ve celebrated several of Jim’s birthdays since, but I gotta say, this one was my favorite. Happy birthday to me.

*Name has been changed.