If there’s one thing I know, it’s that we do not all watch the Olympics the same way. Some of us are in sheer awe of the prowess of these top-tier athletes, and others…make jokes. But I’m not mad about it! We very much need besties who are quick to crack a quip. All that’s to say, I have compiled some of the funniest tweets and memes about the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics that have surfaced on the interwebs thus far. Without further ado, behold:

Somehow, The Office always gets pulled in to the Olympics

During the 2020 Tokyo Olympics this past summer, there were So! Many! references to The Office in relation to the Games. It’s honestly a sport in and of itself at this point. Peacock kept the tradition going in Beijing by making figure skating duo Brandon Frazier and Alexa Knierim a meme. Honestly, it’s not wrong. Witness:

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When you have an existential crisis thinking about the concept of time

I am her, she is me.

You do what you want when you’re a GOAT!

When you’re a two-time Olympic gold medalist in your sport before age 30, like Yuzuru Hanyu, you can have life your way like it’s Burger King too, bb. But till then, just take notes from Hanyu on how to live!

This is the *only* appropriate way to show up to watch figure skating, tyvm!

The late, great Betty White makes the rules, babes! Sorry not sorry.

When Taylor Swift officially influences *everything*, including international sports competitions


Canada: We stand with Tay. 🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣

Finally, I’ll be spending the rest of today trying to understand WTH this is

No, seriously. Is it real? Is it fake? Not sure I care, because it is funny!