Stakeholder dialog

Stakeholder dialog

Employees, shareholders, stockholders, customers, partners and suppliers all have an impact on Continental. That's why we engage in constructive dialog with them - to get their view on our actions and to constantly develop ourselves further.


Our employees are the heart and soul of our business and help shape the transformation toward a sustainable future. An essential aspect here is dialog, which we maintain through numerous events and by integrating sustainability into key internal formats for managers. We also create information and learning opportunities through our internal platforms.

Shareholders and stockholders

We discuss our sustainability efforts with our shareholders and stockholders at roadshows and conferences as well as in face-to-face meetings. At our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, we also address any questions raised by our shareholders.

Customers, academia and consumers

We maintain close dialog with our customers on a variety of sustainability topics. We also conduct regular studies on topics such as driving behavior, hybrid technology, electric mobility and road safety – with customers as well as experts from academia and the automotive industry. Our focus here is on the aspects that are most important to people. We also foster development partnerships and research projects that bring us together with consumers and academia.


Our suppliers are key partners when it comes to embracing sustainability along the value chain. We engage with them on our sustainability efforts along the supply chain and actively promote the development of new, innovative and sustainable solutions and materials.

Associations and politics

We maintain constant communication with associations, labor unions and lawmakers in order to drive regulatory and legal processes forward and determine focus areas – particularly in areas relating to mobility such as safety, the environment, information and connectivity.