Organization and management

Organization and management

To drive sustainability forward, we have designed our internal structure accordingly. In this way, we aim to become as sustainable as possible, as quickly as possible, across all levels of the Continental Group.

Responsibility across all levels of the Continental Group

Executive Board

Within the Executive Board, the Executive Board member for Group Human Relations (director of Labor Relations) and Group Sustainability is responsible for sustainability. Since 2021, the topic of sustainability has been an integral part of the Continental Group’s strategy development.

Group function and sustainability within the business areas

The Group Sustainability group function is further supplemented by sustainability functions in the group sectors as well as coordinators in several business areas and countries. Each Group Sector derives a roadmap with appropriate measures, which is adapted to the sector‘s needs, from the Continental Group’s strategy and targets.

Group Sustainability Steering Committee

The Group Sustainability Steering Committee is responsible for assessing interdepartmental issues, weighing up risks and opportunities and discussing relevant Executive Board decisions in advance. The committee is chaired by the Executive Board member for Group Human Relations (director of Labor Relations) and Group Sustainability. Some of the group sectors have their own cross-functional sustainability committees.

Supervisory Board

Sustainability is also subject of the Executive Board's regular reporting to the Supervisory Board, e.g. in strategy meetings as well as to the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board.

Making sustainability measurable

For the Continental Group as a whole, a sustainability scorecard has been introduced. The sustainability performance indicators are consolidated in the Continental Group’s sustainability scorecard, which is reviewed and approved annually by the Group Sustainability Steering Committee on behalf of the Executive Board. The scorecard is based on defined quality criteria for the indicators, is continuously developed further and establishes the formal basis for integrating sustainability into other corporate processes. The adjustment of the long-term remuneration components for the Executive Board and global managers is also linked to sustainability goals.

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Principles of sustainability management

In addition to the sustainability scorecard, our sustainability management is based on the following principles:

Our Basics corporate guidelines: These describe our vision, our mission, our four values and how we want to work together.

Code of Conduct - pdf (1.53MB): This defines the ethical standards and requirements with respect to how our employees conduct themselves.

Sustainability ambition: This sets out our four focus areas, ambition and sustainability essentials.