Robotics Solutions Facilitate the Transport of Goods in Logistics and Road Traffic

Corriere – a delivery and transport robot for urban areas

At ITS World Congress 2021, Continental has showcased pioneering robotics technologies that can support humans in crucial areas of application.

The robotic vehicle most visible in tomorrow's everyday mobility is the Continental Corriere. The delivery robot, which weighs just under 40 kilograms and is around 30 centimeters high, is already in trial run in Singapore. There, it transports food from a restaurant to Continental's local site. This allows essential experience to be gathered for later use in series production. The vehicle is ideal for use in the so-called last mile: for transporting food, medicines or smaller packages to the end customer. A mobility solution like the Corriere can significantly ease the burden on inner-city traffic if people no longer have to get into their cars to buy a liter of milk, a lunch package or an order from the pharmacy.


The delivery robot moves completely autonomously and self-sufficiently through traffic. To do this, it is equipped with technologies that have already proven their worth in automobility. Lidar sensors and cameras, for example, which are already used in a similar form in systems for automated driving in passenger cars, plus self-learning software make the Corriere an intelligent participant in the cityscape. It recognizes pedestrians and their direction of travel, crosses traffic lights and adapts inconspicuously to the general flow of traffic. This makes the Corriere an ideal helper in the smart city life of tomorrow. At the ITS Congress, Continental will also be presenting a central fleet management system that can be used to intelligently operate a swarm of robot vehicles in large-scale operations.