Smart Port – Better Flow

TOC Europe 2023

What does the port of tomorrow look like? And what are current challenges for the port business?

These are the exact questions that Continental’s Business Field Port Operations addresses with numerous solutions and services for all matters regarding ports, its vehicles and tires. The port business is currently undergoing a transformation to new, digital infrastructures and the result is Smart Ports. Smart Ports are the future of the port business. There, the vehicles may drive without people, but never without tires.

From June 13-15, Continental Specialty Tires has presented its latest developments and digital solutions at the TOC Europe in Rotterdam. At the world’s leading port technology conference, the latest developments and technologies for port-, shipping- and terminal industries has been presented.

Contacts for the media

Press contact for Specialty Tires topics

Julia Reinhold

Communications Manager Commercial Specialty Tires

Specialty Tires

Continental Tires