
Key Figures per Share

Key figures of the Continental share

€ (unless otherwise specified)20232022
Basic earnings per share5.780.33
Diluted earnings per share5.780.33
Dividend per share2.2011.50
Dividend payout ratio (%)38.11-2
Dividend yield3 (%)3.212.3
Share price at year end76.9255.98
Annual average share price67.7066.01
Share price at year high78.2699.80
Share price at year low59.2044.31
Number of outstanding shares, average
(in millions)
Number of outstanding shares as at December 31
(in millions)

All market prices are quotations of the Continental share in the Xetra system of Deutsche Börse AG. Data source: Bloomberg.
1 Subject to the approval of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on April 26, 2024.
2 Not applied.
3 Dividend per share at the annual average share price.