Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2024

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting was held on Friday, April 26, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (CEST) in the form of a presence meeting.

The invitation was published in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) on March 20, 2024. Registration to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting must have been received by the Company until April 19, 2024 at the latest. 

As Continental shares are bearer shares, the invitations to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting are, without exception, sent via the depository bank. Shareholders are asked to contact their depository bank. 

InvestorPortal for Shareholders

Properly registered shareholders were able to use the access-protected online portal (hereinafter referred to as ‘InvestorPortal’) to exercise their shareholder rights in relation to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting (such as voting by absentee voting, granting of proxies, granting of proxies and instructions to proxy holders appointed by the Company) and attend the audio-visual livestream of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. 


Public Broadcast

For the interested public the entire Annual Shareholders' Meeting was broadcasted publicly on April 26, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (CEST).


Recording of the speech by Chairman of the Executive Board Nikolai Setzer

No countermotions were submitted.

Documents relating to Agenda Item 6
Documents relating to Agenda Item 9

Election of the employee representatives to the Supervisory Board

In accordance with the provisions of the German Employee Co-Determination Act, employee representatives were elected to the Supervisory Board of Continental AG on March 20, 2024. The results of the election has been available here since March 21, 2024.

Results of the Election of the Employee Representatives to the Supervisory Board of Continental AG  - pdf (129KB)


Date Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2025

The next Annual Shareholders' Meeting will probably take place on April 25, 2025.