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FedLinks is a Federal Reserve resource that aims to improve understanding of supervisory expectations among community bankers. Published on an ad hoc basis, FedLinks articles highlight key elements of a supervisory topic to improve clarity and understanding about the topic and examiner expectations for applying related supervisory guidance. Examples and visual graphics are provided to illustrate supervisory expectations in the context of the typical community bank business model. FedLinks articles are targeted for use by bank holding companies and banks with assets of $10 billion or less. Suggestions, comments, and requests for bulletin topics are welcome in writing at fedlinks@communitybankingconnections.org.


As noted below, FedLinks articles are not intended to establish new supervisory expectations beyond what is already set forth in existing policies or guidance.



  • Discusses supervisory topics that are important to community banks
  • Highlights the purpose of related supervisory policy and guidance, if applicable
  • Uses examples and illustrations to demonstrate the practical application of covered topics
  • Provides integrated summaries that describe how examiners typically will address the covered topic

FedLinks does not:

  • Replace or substitute for existing policy or guidance
  • Modify existing supervisory policy or guidance
  • Establish new supervisory policy or guidance

Third Release 2024

Balance Sheet Concentrations — Inevitable or Avoidable?; Community Banking Connections Promo: Supplemental Interagency Guide for Community Banks on Third-Party Risk Learn more »

System Outreach

The Federal Reserve System provides various resources for training, services, and more.

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