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November 28, 2013

Oui, Girls

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Fred J. Lincoln - 1982
Impulse Pictures All Region DVD

Happy Thanksgiving. As you probably know, Abraham Lincoln was responsible for making Thanksgiving a national holiday. For many people, it's a time to stuff your face with legs and breasts from turkeys, with a lot of eating going on. Aside from having the same last name, Fred J. Lincoln's movie involves legs and breast and lots of eating. The similarity pretty much ends there.

Tiffany Clark is the MVP here, not only performing on screen, but serving in various production capacities, plus singing the title song. Let's just say that as far as singing goes, Tiffany Clark is no Andrea True.

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I'm not sure about the meaning of the title. Some of us remember Oui magazine, once the more provocative younger sibling to Playboy. Anyways, this example of 1980s hard core erotica is about a mystery that turns out not to be much of a mystery, at a gathering of swingers. There are lots of close up of body parts in various kinds of couplings, with the question always of how did they get the camera (and cameraman) there?

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Posted by Peter Nellhaus at November 28, 2013 07:33 AM