Back GRETA publishes its third report on Monaco

GRETA publishes its third report on Monaco

In a report published on 11 June 2024, the Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) calls on the Principality of Monaco to take further steps to combat trafficking, including by improving the identification of victims and the criminal justice response, and by strengthening measures to combat trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation.

Although no victims have been formally identified in Monaco since the entry into force of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings in 2016, the risk of labour exploitation continues to raise concerns, particularly in sectors such as domestic work, construction, hotels and restaurants, and in work on private yachts. There are also concerns about the possible sexual exploitation of people who come to Monaco occasionally, notably for important events.

There has been some progress since the previous evaluation (2020), in particular as regards the legislative framework, the definition of the offence of trafficking, training for professionals and the provision of information to victims. The institutional and strategic framework has remained unchanged, however. GRETA considers that the authorities should adopt a strategic policy document on action against trafficking or incorporate such measures in a more general strategic policy document.

The report calls for further steps to improve the identification of possible victims of trafficking, including among domestic workers, migrant workers and people in an irregular situation, and for the adoption of the draft circular on the identification and assistance of THB victims to be finalised.

With regard to preventing and combating trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, the authorities are called upon to strengthen the capacities and resources of the Labour Inspectorate, map the sectors considered to be at risk from exploitation, increase the number of unannounced inspections carried out in these sectors and set up safe and effective reporting mechanisms.

GRETA is concerned that the relevant professionals may have a restrictive interpretation of what constitutes trafficking and urges the authorities to take the necessary legislative measures to ensure that the offence of trafficking can be effectively investigated, prosecuted and punished, including by adding the offence to the Criminal Code.

GRETA welcomes the introduction of a state compensation scheme for victims of offences, which covers victims of trafficking. It considers that the authorities should ensure that any victims detected are systematically informed of their right to seek compensation and are provided with legal assistance from the outset of the proceedings. 

Lastly, GRETA urges the authorities to provide in their internal law for a recovery and reflection period and the possibility of issuing a renewable residence permit to trafficking victims.

GRETA and Monaco

The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) is an independent body which monitors the way countries implement the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. All 46 member states of the Council of Europe are bound by the Convention, as well as non-member states Belarus and Israel.

Monitoring Strasbourg, France 11 June 2024
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