Public Health

Routt County Public Health Logo

Who We Are

Routt County Public Health provides a wide range of Public Health services to Routt County residents and, in some programs, the region.  Economic, geographic, and social circumstances all impact our long-term health outcomes, and achieving health equity is a public health priority.

Public Health Services Include:

  • Immunizations 
  • Blood Lead Testing 
    • Testing is currently available to those younger than 18 years of age, and the fee for testing is $10. Please call us at (970) 870-5341 if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment.
  • Harm Reduction Kits 
    • Available at no cost to community members at the Routt County Public Health office 
    • Include nasal naloxone, fentanyl test strips and information about how to use them
    • OpiRescue: A free smartphone app that helps first responders recognize overdoses, reverse them with naloxone, and report them.
  • Short Term Radon Test Kits 
  • Health Education 
  • Data Analysis and Strategic Planning
  • Disease Surveillance and Response 
  • Emergency Preparedness for Health and Medical Services
  • Child Fatality Reviews
  • Maternal Child Health Programming
  • Community Health Assessment Planning System
  • Public Health Improvement Planning

Other State-wide Resources: 

Mission Statement:  

The Routt County Public Health Department serves to promote and protect optimal community health through leadership, prevention, response, and partnerships. Strategies include:

  • Creatively enhancing knowledge and cultivating behavior which contributes to a healthy community 
  • Providing services to prevent and treat communicable diseases
  • Planning and coordinating public health services in emergencies
  • Assessing the community’s health status and making continuous proactive improvement to assure that health needs are met in the most effective and efficient way
  • Acting as an expert resource on communicable disease, prevention education, and population health
  • Supporting policies that make the places we live, learn, work and play healthy, safe and vibrant