Pet Loss Support

CVMA Pet Loss Helpline 
(630) 325-1600

Helpline is a free service for grieving pet owners. Trained volunteers retrieve messages from the grieving and then call to offer support by active listening as well as providing printed materials and referrals when needed.

The Human-Animal Bond Committee was formed in 1992 with the purpose of creating a resource for people grieving the loss of their pets. It was the brainchild of Dr. Mary Baukert to form The CVMA Pet Loss Helpline with veterinary association members. Dr. Emil Baukert has been coordinator for the Helpline since the beginning when they took their first call on July 1st, 1993.

CVMA mourns the loss of Helpline’s founder Dr. Mary Baukert, and extends heartfelt condolences to her family.

Dr. Mary K. Baukert

April 19, 1952 – May 2, 2024

Wings – Pet Loss Support Group – Founded in 2001 *

*Wings will host a Zoom Meeting on the first Wednesday of every month from 7:30-9:00 pm. 

Instructions for joining a Wings Zoom Meeting:
Email Dr. Linda Harper at: by 6:00 pm on the same night of the Zoom Wings meeting to receive an invitation and instructions on how to enter the meeting.  ZOOM website: 

The CVMA provides a free Pet Loss Support Group called Wings.

Wings Zoom meetings take place at 7:30 pm on the first Wednesday* of each month. (*Please see instructions above for Zoom meetings.) 

Additional Resources offering free grief support group sessions:

Hinsdale Humane Society – printable flyer

Pet Loss HEAL Support Group | PAWS Chicago

Losing a Special Companion: Resolving the Grief, Remembering the Good

The death of a beloved animal friend, whether furred, feathered, finned or otherwise attired, whether a creature great or small, represents a very deep and significant loss to the loving companion. Your veterinary caregivers have been uniquely privileged to observe the beauty and depth of the bond between pets and their people, and are therefore very much aware of the pain upon the death, loss, or anticipated death of your pet. To help, the Chicago Veterinary Medical Association has made available this service. The Chicago Veterinary Medical Association is a non-profit organization that promotes the health and well being of animals through veterinary care. Veterinarians, by their concern for and knowledge of animal health and behavior, help pet owners and their pets enjoy long and rewarding relationships.

(DVMs interesting in becoming a Helpline volunteer, please call the CVMA office at 630-325-1231 or email

Wings was in the Chicago Tribune!

Click HERE to read the Tribune article about Pet Loss Support Groups.