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Bill Cosby is escorted out of the Montgomery County Correctional Facility, in Eagleville, Pa., following his sentencing to three-to-10-year prison sentence for sexual assault Sept. 25, 2018.
Jacqueline Larma / AP
Bill Cosby is escorted out of the Montgomery County Correctional Facility, in Eagleville, Pa., following his sentencing to three-to-10-year prison sentence for sexual assault Sept. 25, 2018.

Bill Cosby’s lawyers want a court to overturn the actor’s conviction and three- to 10-year sentence in his Pennsylvania sex assault case because of what they call a string of trial errors.

The defense motion argues that trial Judge Steven O’Neill erred in declaring Cosby a sexually violent predator who should be imprisoned to protect the community.

They called the sentence more punitive than necessary, given the standard two- to three-year guideline range and the fact Cosby is 81 and blind.

They also say the trial evidence never proved the encounter took place in 2004, and not 2003, or that Cosby was arrested within the 12-year time limit.

Cosby has been in a state prison near Philadelphia since the Sept. 25 sentencing on three felony sex assault counts.

Montgomery County prosecutors say they will file a response.


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