
Neuroblastoma is a rare cancer that affects children, mostly under the age of 5 years old. It usually starts in the tummy (abdomen) area.

We know that your child being diagnosed with cancer can be devastating. It's common to feel overwhelmed. This is a guide through the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of neuroblastoma. We have information about where you can get support to help you cope.

What is neuroblastoma?

Neuroblastoma is a rare cancer that affects children, mostly under the age of 5 years. It develops in early nerve cells called neuroblasts and often starts in the tummy.

Symptoms of neuroblastoma

The most common symptom of neuroblastoma is a lump in the tummy (abdomen). Find out about the other possible symptoms of neuroblastoma

Tests for neuroblastoma

Your child will need a number of tests if their doctor suspects they have neuroblastoma. Find out what tests they might have.

Risk groups and staging for neuroblastoma

Doctors use risk groups and a staging system to help make decisions about the treatment your child needs. Find out about the staging system they use and what risk groups there are.

Treatments for neuroblastoma

Surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy are the main treatments for neuroblastoma. Find out how doctors work out your child's treatment.

Treatment by risk group for neuroblastoma

Treatment of neuroblastoma depends on which risk group your child is in. Find out what treatment your child is likely to have based on their risk group. 

Treatment for neuroblastoma that has not gone away or has come back

There are a number of treatment options for neuroblastoma that has not gone away with treatment, or has come back.

Coping with neuroblastoma

Get information on organisations and resources that can help you and your family cope with a diagnosis of neuroblastoma.

Long term side effects of treatment for neuroblastoma

More children are surviving neuroblastoma as treatments have improved over the last 20 years. Read about the possible long term effects of treatment.

Research into neuroblastoma

Researchers are looking at improving the diagnosis and treatment of neuroblastoma. Find out about the research that is happening.