We define “diversity” in terms of our physical, cultural and ideological differences. Historically, it has been these differences that have either enabled or denied inclusion in terms of fair representation and acceptance, and specifically, it has taken the forms of discrimination, intolerance, tokenism, stereotyping and socio-economic marginalization vis-à-vis the majority. “Inclusion” refers to the reconciliatory practice of accommodating, supporting and embracing diverse individuals and/or groups that may have been marginalized in one form or another. Our approach to Diversity and Inclusion involves acknowledging and respecting lived experiences that are different from our own, and denouncing institutional discrimination of any kind that sustains privilege for some and presents disadvantages for others. Moreover, CNMI will strategically cultivate a safe and supportive environment alongside our brands that will guarantee a balanced sense of well-being as well as opportunities for upward career mobility, ultimately creating a substantive culture shift in the business of fashion.