Research in the IAR

Research Interests

Professor Thomas BaniaRadio spectroscopy; Galactic Structure; Interstellar Medium.

Associate Professor Elizabeth BlantonHigh-energy astrophysics, Optical and NIR observational astronomy; Clusters of galaxies, Radio galaxies.

Professor Tereasa BrainerdTheoretical astrophysics; cosmology; computational astrophysics; galaxy formation & evolution; astrophysical applications of gravitational lensing.

Professor Dan ClemensGalactic structure; Interstellar medium; Star formation; Infrared and optical astronomy.

Associate Professor Catherine Espaillatyoung stars, planet formation, circumstellar disk structure and evolution, multiwavelength variability, radiative transfer modeling

Assistant Professor JJ HermesHigh-precision observations of the endpoints of stars, planets, and binary systems; asteroseismology; time-domain astrophysics; space-based photometry; persistent gravitational wave sources

Professor Alan MarscherQuasars and other active galactic nuclei, High-energy astrophysics, Black holes, Jets

Associate Professor Philip Muirhead Fundamental properties of low-mass stars, Statistics and characteristics of exoplanets, Stars and stellar evolution, Novel astronomical instrumentation

Professor Merav OpherComputational and theoretical plasma physics in space and astrophysics; Interaction of the solar system with the interstellar medium; solar wind; shocks in the lower corona, T-Tauri and Solar-Like Stars.