Table 1

Types of peer support

Peer support typeProsConsEssential components
One-to-one facilitated support including peer coaching, peer leadershipFacilitates shared learning, knowledge, and experience.
Addresses confidence to manage health and wellbeing by building greater self-efficacy
Requires input of training and ongoing support for peer coachesCoaching expertise, training, education
Technology enabled peer support, including synchronous support (telephone peer support, web chatrooms) and asynchronous (eg, virtual support groups, online communities)Reduces barriers to access, reduces time commitments around travel to physical location.
Support is often in real time and always available/accessible
Engagement can be inconsistent.
Requires appropriate technology (eg, smartphone, computer) and IT literacy.
Often requires high levels of engagement/time commitment by particular group members, eg, moderators
Trained or untrained facilitators or moderators. Easy-to-use interface
Peer led group self-management educationClearly defined outcomes, high level of quality assurance for many programmes, can be generic, allowing people with different or multiple conditions to benefitRequires high standards and time commitment to train facilitatorsDelivered by trained facilitators with lived experience using evidence-based materials
Group consultations/clinicsAllows people to hear questions asked/answered that they may not feel able to ask, creates a shared purpose, enables health beliefs to be addressedRequires high level of training and facilitation skills, and awareness of boundaries. Also, high level of administration to deliverPeople with lived experience to feel their needs are central and their voices heard in managing their health