Baseball Players with Last Names Starting with R

Index of Letters

1281 Players

  • Bold indicates active player and + indicates a Hall of Famer.

Brian Raabe (1995-1997)

John Rabb (1982-1988)

Joe Rabbitt (1922-1922)

Charlie Rabe (1957-1958)

Josh Rabe (2006-2007)

Mike Rabelo (2006-2008)

Ryan Raburn (2004-2017)

Steve Rachunok (1940-1940)

Marv Rackley (1947-1950)

Mike Raczka (1992-1992)

Dick Radatz (1962-1969)

George Radbourn (1883-1883)

Old Hoss Radbourn+ (1880-1891)

Alex Radcliff (1926-1946)

John Radcliff (1871-1875)

Rip Radcliff (1934-1943)

Ted Radcliffe (1928-1946)

Roy Radebaugh (1911-1911)

Dave Rader (1971-1980)

Don Rader (1913-1921)

Doug Rader (1967-1977)

Drew Rader (1921-1921)

Paul Radford (1883-1894)

Scott Radinsky (1990-2001)

Brad Radke (1995-2006)

Rob Radlosky (1999-1999)

Ryan Radmanovich (1998-1998)

Jack Radtke (1936-1936)

Hal Raether (1954-1957)

Ceddanne Rafaela (2023-2024)

Ken Raffensberger (1939-1954)

Al Raffo (1969-1969)

Jack Rafter (1904-1904)

Tom Raftery (1909-1909)

Arthur Ragan (1903-1903)

Pat Ragan (1909-1923)

Cole Ragans (2022-2024)

Brady Raggio (1997-2003)

Frank Ragland (1932-1933)

Herlen Ragland (1920-1921)

Tom Ragland (1971-1973)

Eric Raich (1975-1976)

Steve Rain (1999-2000)

Larry Raines (1957-1958)

Tim Raines+ (1979-2002)

Tim Raines Jr. (2001-2004)

Chuck Rainey (1979-1984)

John Rainey (1887-1890)

Tanner Rainey (2018-2024)

Dave Rajsich (1978-1980)

Gary Rajsich (1982-1985)

Aaron Rakers (2004-2007)

Jason Rakers (1998-2000)

Ed Rakow (1960-1967)

Cal Raleigh (2021-2024)

John Raleigh (1909-1910)

Brooks Raley (2012-2024)

Luke Raley (2021-2024)

Doc Ralston (1910-1910)

Bob Ramazzotti (1946-1953)

Pep Rambert (1939-1940)

Pete Rambo (1926-1926)

Alex Ramírez (1998-2000)

Alexei Ramírez (2008-2016)

Allan Ramirez (1983-1983)

Aramis Ramírez (1998-2015)

Carlos Ramírez (2017-2018)

Edwar Ramírez (2007-2010)

Elizardo Ramírez (2004-2008)

Elvin Ramírez (2012-2012)

Emmanuel Ramirez (2024-2024)

Erasmo Ramirez (2003-2007)

Erasmo Ramírez (2012-2024)

Hanley Ramírez (2005-2019)

Harold Ramírez (2019-2024)

Héctor Ramírez (1999-2000)

Horacio Ramírez (2003-2011)

JC Ramirez (2013-2019)

José Ramírez (2013-2024)

José Ramírez (2014-2018)

Julio Ramírez (1999-2005)

Manny Ramirez (1993-2011)

Mario Ramirez (1980-1985)

Max Ramírez (2008-2010)

Milt Ramírez (1970-1979)

Neil Ramírez (2014-2019)

Nick Ramirez (2019-2024)

Noé Ramirez (2015-2022)

Orlando Ramírez (1974-1979)

Rafael Ramírez (1980-1992)

Ramiro Ramírez (1923-1932)

Ramón Ramírez (2006-2014)

Ramón Ramírez (2008-2009)

Roberto Ramírez (1998-1999)

Roel Ramírez (2020-2021)

Santiago Ramírez (2006-2006)

Wilkin Ramírez (2009-2013)

Yefry Ramírez (2018-2021)

Yohan Ramírez (2020-2024)

AJ Ramos (2012-2021)

Bobby Ramos (1978-1984)

Bryan Ramos (2024-2024)

Cesár Ramos (2009-2016)

Cheo Ramos (1929-1929)

Chucho Ramos (1944-1944)

Domingo Ramos (1978-1990)

Edgar Ramos (1997-1997)

Edubray Ramos (2016-2019)

Heliot Ramos (2022-2024)

Henry Ramos (2021-2023)

John Ramos (1991-1991)

Ken Ramos (1997-1997)

Mario Ramos (2003-2003)

Pedro Ramos (1955-1970)

Wilson Ramos (2010-2021)

Robert Ramsay (1999-2000)

Willie Ramsdell (1947-1952)

Bill Ramsey (1945-1945)

Fernando Ramsey (1992-1992)

Lane Ramsey (2023-2023)

Laymon Ramsey (1947-1947)

Matt Ramsey (2019-2019)

Mike Ramsey (1978-1985)

Mike Ramsey (1987-1987)

Toad Ramsey (1885-1890)

Anthony Ranaudo (2014-2016)

Dick Rand (1953-1957)

Joe Randa (1995-2006)

Bob Randall (1976-1980)

Newt Randall (1907-1907)

Sap Randall (1988-1988)

Scott Randall (2003-2003)

William Randall (1943-1943)

Lenny Randle (1971-1982)

Steve Randolph (2003-2007)

Willie Randolph (1975-1992)

Merritt Ranew (1962-1969)

Ribs Raney (1949-1950)

Cody Ransom (2001-2013)

Jeff Ransom (1981-1983)

Joe Ranson (1926-1926)

Clay Rapada (2007-2013)

Earl Rapp (1949-1952)

Goldie Rapp (1921-1923)

Pat Rapp (1992-2001)

Bill Rariden (1909-1920)

Vic Raschi (1946-1955)

Colby Rasmus (2009-2018)

Cory Rasmus (2013-2016)

Dennis Rasmussen (1983-1995)

Drew Rasmussen (2020-2023)

Eric Rasmussen (1975-1983)

Hans Rasmussen (1915-1915)

Rob Rasmussen (2014-2015)

Darrell Rasner (2005-2008)

Fred Rath (1968-1969)

Fred Rath (1998-1998)

Gary Rath (1998-1999)

Morrie Rath (1909-1920)

Gene Ratliff (1965-1965)

Jon Ratliff (2000-2000)

Paul Ratliff (1963-1972)

Steve Ratzer (1980-1981)

Doug Rau (1972-1981)

Tommy Raub (1903-1906)

Bob Rauch (1972-1972)

Jon Rauch (2002-2013)

Bob Raudman (1966-1967)

Lance Rautzhan (1977-1979)

Rangel Ravelo (2019-2020)

Josh Ravin (2015-2018)

Shane Rawley (1978-1989)

Johnny Rawlings (1914-1926)

Carl Ray (1915-1916)

Chris Ray (2005-2011)

Corey Ray (2021-2021)

Farmer Ray (1910-1910)

Frank Ray (1932-1932)

Irv Ray (1888-1891)

Jim Ray (1965-1974)

Johnny Ray (1937-1945)

Johnny Ray (1981-1990)

Ken Ray (1999-2006)

Larry Ray (1982-1982)

Otto Ray (1920-1924)

Robbie Ray (2014-2023)

Robert Ray (2009-2010)

Curt Raydon (1958-1958)

Floyd Rayford (1980-1987)

Fred Raymer (1901-1905)

Bugs Raymond (1904-1911)

Claude Raymond (1959-1971)

Harry Raymond (1888-1892)

Lou Raymond (1919-1919)

John Raynor (2010-2010)

Barry Raziano (1973-1974)

Colin Rea (2015-2024)

Al Reach (1871-1875)

Bob Reach (1872-1873)

Raudy Read (2017-2019)

Randy Ready (1983-1995)

J.T. Realmuto (2014-2024)

Britt Reames (2000-2006)

Leroy Reams (1969-1969)

Jeff Reardon (1979-1994)

Jeremiah Reardon (1886-1886)

Phil Reardon (1906-1906)

Chris Rearick (2015-2015)

Art Rebel (1938-1945)

Frank Reberger (1968-1972)

Jeff Reboulet (1992-2003)

John Reccius (1882-1883)

Phil Reccius (1882-1890)

Anthony Recker (2011-2017)

Rector (1927-1927)

Connie Rector (1923-1944)

Eugene Redd (1922-1923)

Ulysses Redd (1940-1941)

Josh Reddick (2009-2021)

Dick Redding (1923-1927)

Phil Redding (1912-1913)

Tim Redding (2001-2009)

Bob Reddon (1924-1924)

Johnny Reder (1932-1932)

Buck Redfern (1928-1929)

Pete Redfern (1976-1982)

Joe Redfield (1988-1991)

Mark Redman (1999-2008)

Prentice Redman (2003-2003)

Tike Redman (2000-2007)

Glenn Redmon (1974-1974)

Billy Redmond (1875-1878)

Harry Redmond (1909-1909)

Jack Redmond (1935-1935)

Mike Redmond (1998-2010)

Todd Redmond (2012-2015)

Wayne Redmond (1965-1969)

Gary Redus (1982-1994)

Wilson Redus (1924-1940)

Bert Redwine (1926-1926)

Bob Reece (1978-1978)

Addison Reed (2011-2018)

AJ Reed (2016-2019)

Allen Reed (1940-1940)

Billy Reed (1952-1952)

Bob Reed (1969-1970)

Chris Reed (2015-2015)

Cody Reed (2016-2021)

Darren Reed (1990-1992)

Eric Reed (2006-2007)

Evan Reed (2013-2014)

Howie Reed (1958-1971)

Jack Reed (1961-1963)

Jake Reed (2021-2023)

Jeff Reed (1984-2000)

Jeremy Reed (2004-2011)

Jerry Reed (1981-1990)

Jody Reed (1987-1997)

Johnny Reed (1937-1939)

Keith Reed (2005-2005)

Michael Reed (2015-2019)

Milt Reed (1911-1915)

Rick Reed (1988-2003)

Ron Reed (1966-1984)

Steve Reed (1992-2005)

Ted Reed (1915-1915)

Bill Reeder (1949-1949)

Icicle Reeder (1884-1884)

Nick Reeder (1891-1891)

Jimmy Reel (1923-1923)

Stan Rees (1918-1918)

Andy Reese (1927-1930)

Jimmie Reese (1930-1932)

Jimmy Reese (1934-1940)

John Reese (1920-1931)

Kevin Reese (2005-2006)

Pee Wee Reese+ (1940-1958)

Pokey Reese (1997-2004)

Rich Reese (1964-1973)

Jakson Reetz (2021-2024)

Bobby Reeves (1926-1931)

Donald Reeves (1938-1941)

Rob Refsnyder (2015-2024)

Pedro Regalado (1945-1945)

Rudy Regalado (1954-1956)

Bill Regan (1926-1931)

Joe Regan (1898-1898)

Mike Regan (1917-1919)

Phil Regan (1960-1972)

Nick Regilio (2004-2005)

Steven Register (2008-2009)

Tony Rego (1924-1925)

Wally Rehg (1912-1919)

Frank Reiber (1933-1936)

Herman Reich (1949-1949)

Rick Reichardt (1964-1974)

Dan Reichert (1999-2003)

Dick Reichle (1922-1923)

Ambrose Reid (1921-1932)

Billy Reid (1883-1884)

Earl Reid (1946-1946)

Hugh Reid (1874-1874)

Jessie Reid (1987-1988)

Ryan Reid (2013-2013)

Scott Reid (1969-1970)

Sean Reid-Foley (2018-2024)

Bill Reidy (1896-1904)

Charlie Reilley (1879-1884)

Duke Reilley (1909-1909)

Arch Reilly (1917-1917)

Barney Reilly (1909-1909)

Charlie Reilly (1889-1897)

Hal Reilly (1919-1919)

Jim Reilly (1885-1885)

John Reilly (1880-1891)

Josh Reilly (1896-1896)

Tom Reilly (1908-1914)

Kevin Reimer (1988-1993)

Nolan Reimold (2009-2016)

Mike Reinbach (1974-1974)

Wally Reinecker (1915-1915)

Chad Reineke (2008-2011)

Art Reinhart (1919-1928)

Jack Reinheimer (2017-2018)

Art Reinholz (1928-1928)

Zac Reininger (2017-2019)

Charlie Reipschlager (1883-1887)

Bobby Reis (1931-1938)

Jack Reis (1911-1911)

Laurie Reis (1877-1878)

Tommy Reis (1938-1938)

Pete Reiser (1940-1952)

Bugs Reisigl (1911-1911)

Charlie Reising (1884-1884)

Doc Reisling (1904-1910)

Al Reiss (1932-1932)

Brian Reith (2001-2004)

Chris Reitsma (2001-2007)

Henry Reitz (1893-1899)

Ken Reitz (1972-1982)

Bryan Rekar (1995-2002)

Zach Reks (2021-2022)

Desi Relaford (1996-2007)

Butch Rementer (1904-1904)

Zach Remillard (2023-2024)

Mike Remlinger (1991-2006)

Win Remmerswaal (1979-1980)

Alex Remneas (1912-1915)

Jack Remsen (1872-1884)

Jerry Remy (1975-1984)

Tony Renda (2016-2018)

Anthony Rendon (2013-2024)

Erwin Renfer (1913-1913)

Chico Renfroe (1945-1948)

Hunter Renfroe (2016-2024)

Laddie Renfroe (1991-1991)

Marshall Renfroe (1959-1959)

Luis Rengifo (2019-2024)

Rick Renick (1968-1972)

Hal Reniff (1961-1967)

Jim Reninger (1938-1939)

Steve Renko (1969-1983)

Bill Renna (1953-1959)

Tony Rensa (1930-1939)

Édgar Rentería (1996-2011)

Rick Renteria (1986-1994)

Bob Repass (1939-1942)

Jason Repko (2005-2012)

Andy Replogle (1978-1979)

Roger Repoz (1964-1972)

Rip Repulski (1953-1961)

Xavier Rescigno (1943-1945)

Chris Resop (2005-2013)

Larry Ressler (1875-1875)

Dino Restelli (1949-1951)

Michael Restovich (2002-2007)

Merv Rettenmund (1968-1980)

George Rettger (1891-1892)

Otto Rettig (1922-1922)

Ken Retzer (1961-1964)

Ed Reulbach (1905-1917)

Paul Reuschel (1975-1979)

Rick Reuschel (1972-1991)

Jerry Reuss (1969-1990)

Todd Revenig (1992-1992)

Ben Revere (2010-2017)

Dave Revering (1978-1982)

Henry Reville (1874-1874)

William Rexter (1875-1875)

Alberto Reyes (1995-2008)

Alex Reyes (2016-2021)

Anthony Reyes (2005-2009)

Argenis Reyes (2008-2009)

Carlos Reyes (1994-2003)

Dennys Reyes (1997-2011)

Denyi Reyes (2022-2023)

Franmil Reyes (2018-2023)

Gerardo Reyes (2019-2023)

Gil Reyes (1983-1991)

Jesús Reyes (2018-2018)

Jo-Jo Reyes (2007-2016)

José Reyes (2003-2018)

José Reyes (2006-2006)

Nap Reyes (1943-1950)

Pablo Reyes (2018-2024)

René Reyes (2003-2004)

Víctor Reyes (2018-2022)

Allie Reynolds (1942-1954)

Archie Reynolds (1968-1972)

Bill Reynolds (1913-1914)

Bill Reynolds (1948-1948)

Bob Reynolds (1969-1975)

Bryan Reynolds (2019-2024)

Carl Reynolds (1927-1939)

Charlie Reynolds (1889-1889)

Craig Reynolds (1975-1989)

Danny Reynolds (1945-1945)

Dick Reynolds (1942-1942)

Don Reynolds (1978-1979)

Greg Reynolds (2008-2013)

Harold Reynolds (1983-1994)

Jimmy Reynolds (1946-1946)

Joe Reynolds (1935-1935)

Ken Reynolds (1970-1976)

Mark Reynolds (2007-2019)

Matt Reynolds (2010-2016)

Matt Reynolds (2016-2023)

R.J. Reynolds (1983-1990)

Ronn Reynolds (1982-1990)

Ross Reynolds (1914-1915)

Sean Reynolds (2024-2024)

Shane Reynolds (1992-2004)

Thomas Reynolds (1882-1882)

Tommie Reynolds (1963-1972)

Armando Reynoso (1991-2002)

Jacob Rhame (2017-2019)

Bobby Rhawn (1947-1949)

Cy Rheam (1914-1915)

John Rheinecker (2006-2007)

Flint Rhem (1924-1936)

Billy Rhiel (1929-1933)

Billy Rhines (1890-1899)

Bob Rhoads (1902-1909)

Rick Rhoden (1974-1989)

Army Rhodes (1940-1942)

Arthur Rhodes (1991-2011)

Charlie Rhodes (1906-1909)

Dusty Rhodes (1932-1932)

Dusty Rhodes (1952-1959)

Gordon Rhodes (1929-1936)

Harry Rhodes (1946-1948)

Karl Rhodes (1990-1995)

Kevin Rhomberg (1982-1984)

Will Rhymes (2010-2012)

Hal Rhyne (1926-1933)

Dennis Ribant (1964-1969)

Frank Riccelli (1976-1979)

Chuck Ricci (1995-1995)

Ben Rice (2024-2024)

Bob Rice (1926-1926)

Del Rice (1945-1961)

Hal Rice (1948-1954)

Harry Rice (1923-1933)

Jim Rice+ (1974-1989)

Len Rice (1944-1945)

Pat Rice (1991-1991)

Sam Rice+ (1915-1934)

Scott Rice (2013-2014)

Woody Rich (1939-1944)

Danny Richar (2007-2009)

Chris Richard (2000-2009)

Clayton Richard (2008-2019)

J.R. Richard (1971-1980)

Lee Richard (1971-1976)

Duane Richards (1960-1960)

Fred Richards (1951-1951)

Garrett Richards (2011-2022)

Gene Richards (1977-1984)

Paul Richards (1932-1946)

Rusty Richards (1989-1990)

Trevor Richards (2018-2024)

Richardson (1884-1884)

Antoan Richardson (2011-2014)

Bill Richardson (1901-1901)

Bobby Richardson (1955-1966)

Danny Richardson (1884-1894)

Dustin Richardson (2009-2010)

Earl Richardson (1943-1943)

Gene Richardson (1947-1948)

Glen Richardson (1946-1947)

Gordie Richardson (1964-1966)

Hardy Richardson (1879-1892)

Henry Richardson (1938-1938)

Jack Richardson (1915-1916)

Jeff Richardson (1989-1993)

Jeff Richardson (1990-1990)

John Richardson (1924-1924)

Ken Richardson (1942-1946)

Kevin Richardson (2009-2009)

Lyon Richardson (2023-2023)

Nolen Richardson (1929-1939)

Talmadge Richardson (1923-1923)

Tom Richardson (1917-1917)

Tom Richardson (1932-1934)

Vidal Richardson (1946-1946)

Mike Richardt (1980-1984)

Lance Richbourg (1921-1932)

Lefty Richbourg (1939-1939)

Pete Richert (1962-1974)

Lew Richie (1906-1913)

Rob Richie (1989-1989)

Beryl Richmond (1933-1934)

Don Richmond (1941-1951)

John Richmond (1875-1885)

Lee Richmond (1879-1886)

Ray Richmond (1920-1921)

Scott Richmond (2008-2012)

Al Richter (1951-1953)

John Richter (1898-1898)

Reggie Richter (1911-1911)

Joey Rickard (2016-2020)

Joe Rickert (1898-1901)

Marv Rickert (1942-1950)

Dave Ricketts (1963-1970)

Dick Ricketts (1959-1959)

Branch Rickey+ (1905-1914)

Chris Rickley (1884-1884)

Bill Ricks (1944-1948)

Curtis Ricks (1922-1923)

John Ricks (1891-1894)

Art Rico (1916-1917)

Fred Rico (1969-1969)

Harry Riconda (1923-1930)

Vernon Riddick (1939-1941)

Elmer Riddle (1939-1949)

John Riddle (1889-1890)

Johnny Riddle (1930-1948)

JT Riddle (2017-2022)

Marshall Riddle (1937-1943)

Denny Riddleberger (1970-1972)

Dorsey Riddlemoser (1899-1899)

Jack Ridgway (1914-1914)

Jeff Ridgway (2007-2008)

Stephen Ridings (2021-2021)

Jack Ridley (1930-1933)

Steve Ridzik (1950-1966)

Hank Riebe (1942-1949)

John Riedling (2000-2005)

C.J. Riefenhauser (2014-2015)

Elmer Rieger (1910-1910)

André Rienzo (2013-2015)

Nikco Riesgo (1991-1991)

Manuel Rigal (1922-1927)

Brad Rigby (1997-2000)

Paul Rigdon (2000-2001)

Jerrod Riggan (2000-2003)

Shawn Riggans (2006-2009)

Joe Riggert (1911-1919)

Bill Riggins (1920-1929)

Adam Riggs (1997-2004)

Lew Riggs (1934-1946)

Dave Righetti (1979-1995)

Ron Rightnowar (1995-1995)

Bill Rigney (1946-1953)

Johnny Rigney (1937-1947)

Topper Rigney (1922-1927)

José Rijo (1984-2002)

Culley Rikard (1941-1947)

Ed Rile (1920-1931)

Ernie Riles (1985-1993)

Austin Riley (2019-2024)

Billy Riley (1875-1879)

George Riley (1979-1986)

Jack Riley (1945-1945)

Jim Riley (1910-1910)

Jim Riley (1921-1923)

Lee Riley (1944-1944)

Matt Riley (1999-2005)

Andy Rincon (1980-1982)

Juan Rincón (2001-2010)

Ricardo Rincón (1997-2008)

Jeff Rineer (1979-1979)

Jimmy Ring (1917-1928)

Royce Ring (2005-2010)

Frank Ringo (1883-1886)

Bob Rinker (1950-1950)

Alex Ríos (2004-2015)

Armando Ríos (1998-2003)

Danny Rios (1997-1998)

Edwin Ríos (2019-2024)

Juan Ríos (1969-1969)

Matías Ríos (1920-1924)

Yacksel Ríos (2017-2023)

Billy Ripken (1987-1998)

Cal Ripken Jr.+ (1981-2001)

Allen Ripley (1978-1982)

Walt Ripley (1935-1935)

Ray Rippelmeyer (1962-1962)

Charlie Ripple (1944-1946)

Jimmy Ripple (1936-1943)

Swede Risberg (1917-1920)

Pop Rising (1905-1905)

David Riske (1999-2010)

Bill Risley (1992-1998)

Claude Ritchey (1897-1909)

John Ritchey (1947-1947)

Ritchie (1921-1921)

Jay Ritchie (1964-1968)

Todd Ritchie (1997-2004)

Wally Ritchie (1987-1992)

Charlie Ritter (1885-1885)

Floyd Ritter (1890-1890)

Hank Ritter (1912-1916)

Lew Ritter (1902-1908)

Reggie Ritter (1986-1987)

Whitey Ritterson (1876-1876)

Jim Rittwage (1970-1970)

Jim Ritz (1894-1894)

Kevin Ritz (1989-1998)

Alfonso Rivas III (2021-2023)

Leo Rivas (2024-2024)

Luis Rivas (2000-2008)

Webster Rivas (2021-2021)

Ben Rivera (1992-1994)

Bombo Rivera (1975-1982)

Carlos Rivera (2003-2004)

Charlie Rivera (1939-1944)

Emmanuel Rivera (2021-2024)

Germán Rivera (1983-1985)

Jim Rivera (1952-1961)

Juan Rivera (2001-2012)

Luis Rivera (1986-1998)

Luis Rivera (2000-2000)

Mariano Rivera+ (1995-2013)

Mike Rivera (2001-2011)

René Rivera (2004-2021)

Roberto Rivera (1995-1999)

Rubén Rivera (1995-2003)

Saúl Rivera (2006-2010)

T.J. Rivera (2016-2017)

Yadiel Rivera (2015-2020)

Carlos Rivero (2014-2014)

Sebastián Rivero (2021-2022)

Dewey Rivers (1926-1933)

Mickey Rivers (1970-1984)

Tink Riviere (1921-1925)

Eppa Rixey+ (1912-1933)

Anthony Rizzo (2011-2024)

Johnny Rizzo (1938-1942)

Todd Rizzo (1998-1999)

Phil Rizzuto+ (1941-1956)

Sendy Rleal (2006-2006)

Joe Roa (1995-2004)

Donn Roach (2014-2016)

Jason Roach (2003-2003)

John Roach (1887-1887)

Mel Roach (1953-1962)

Mike Roach (1899-1899)

Roxey Roach (1910-1915)

Skel Roach (1899-1899)

Tanner Roark (2013-2021)

Mike Roarke (1961-1964)

Fred Roat (1890-1892)

Bruce Robbins (1979-1980)

Jake Robbins (2004-2004)

Slim Robbins (1926-1926)

Tony Robello (1933-1934)

Bert Roberge (1979-1986)

Skippy Roberge (1941-1946)

Chris Roberson (2006-2007)

Kevin Roberson (1993-1996)

Sid Roberson (1995-1995)

Daniel Robert (2024-2024)

Luis Robert Jr. (2020-2024)

Roberts (1920-1920)

Roberts (1931-1931)

Bip Roberts (1986-1998)

Brian Roberts (2001-2014)

Curt Roberts (1947-1956)

Dale Roberts (1967-1967)

Dave Roberts (1962-1966)

Dave Roberts (1969-1981)

Dave Roberts (1972-1982)

Dave Roberts (1999-2008)

Ethan Roberts (2022-2024)

Grant Roberts (2000-2004)

Jim Roberts (1924-1925)

Kenny Roberts (2015-2015)

Leo Roberts (1925-1925)

Leon Roberts (1974-1984)

Rags Roberts (1923-1923)

Ray Roberts (1919-1919)

Red Roberts (1943-1943)

Robin Roberts+ (1948-1966)

Roy Roberts (1921-1934)

Ryan Roberts (2006-2014)

Skipper Roberts (1913-1914)

Specs Roberts (1937-1945)

Willis Roberts (1999-2004)

Andre Robertson (1981-1985)

Bob Robertson (1967-1979)

Charlie Robertson (1919-1928)

Connor Robertson (2007-2008)

Daniel Robertson (2014-2017)

Daniel Robertson (2017-2021)

Daryl Robertson (1962-1962)

Dave Robertson (1912-1922)

David Robertson (2008-2024)

Dick Robertson (1913-1919)

Don Robertson (1954-1954)

Gene Robertson (1919-1930)

Jeriome Robertson (2002-2004)

Jerry Robertson (1969-1970)

Jim Robertson (1954-1955)

Kramer Robertson (2022-2022)

Mike Robertson (1996-1998)

Nate Robertson (2002-2010)

Nick Robertson (2023-2024)

Rich Robertson (1966-1971)

Rich Robertson (1993-1998)

Sherry Robertson (1940-1952)

Tyler Robertson (2012-2013)

Billy Jo Robidoux (1985-1990)

Robinson (1922-1922)

Robinson (1926-1926)

Robinson (1943-1943)

Robinson (1944-1944)

Aaron Robinson (1943-1951)

Bill Robinson (1966-1983)

Bobby Robinson (1925-1940)

Bobby Robinson (1939-1948)

Booker Robinson (1945-1945)

Brooks Robinson+ (1955-1977)

Bruce Robinson (1978-1980)

Charles Robinson (1939-1939)

Charlie Robinson (1884-1885)

Chris Robinson (2013-2013)

Chuckie Robinson (2022-2024)

Clint Robinson (2012-2016)

Craig Robinson (1972-1977)

Dave Robinson (1970-1971)

Derrick Robinson (2013-2013)

Dewey Robinson (1979-1981)

Don Robinson (1978-1992)

Drew Robinson (2017-2019)

Earl Robinson (1958-1964)

Eddie Robinson (1942-1957)

Floyd Robinson (1960-1968)

Frank Robinson+ (1956-1976)

Frazier Robinson (1940-1948)

Fred Robinson (1884-1884)

George Robinson (1923-1923)

Hank Robinson (1911-1918)

Harold Robinson (1940-1940)

Humberto Robinson (1955-1960)

Jack Robinson (1902-1902)

Jack Robinson (1949-1949)

Jackie Robinson+ (1945-1956)

Jacob Robinson (1946-1947)

Jeff Robinson (1984-1992)

Jeff Robinson (1987-1992)

Johnny Robinson (1930-1932)

Ken Robinson (1995-1997)

Kerry Robinson (1998-2006)

Lefty Robinson (1924-1932)

Neil Robinson (1937-1948)

Newt Robinson (1925-1927)

Rabbit Robinson (1903-1910)

Ray Robinson (1938-1947)

Ron Robinson (1984-1992)

Shane Robinson (2009-2018)

Skin Down Robinson (1938-1943)

Trayvon Robinson (2011-2012)

Val Robinson (1872-1872)

Wilbert Robinson+ (1886-1902)

William Robinson (1882-1892)

Chick Robitaille (1904-1905)

Hansel Robles (2015-2022)

Mauricio Robles (2013-2013)

Óscar Robles (2005-2007)

Rafael Robles (1969-1972)

Sergio Robles (1972-1976)

Víctor Robles (2017-2024)

Jacob Robson (2021-2021)

Tom Robson (1974-1975)

Adam Rocap (1875-1875)

Brayan Rocchio (2023-2024)

Mickey Rocco (1943-1946)

Armando Roche (1945-1945)

Jack Roche (1914-1917)

Ben Rochefort (1914-1914)

Lou Rochelli (1944-1944)

Mike Rochford (1988-1990)

Les Rock (1936-1936)

Ike Rockenfield (1905-1906)

John Rocker (1998-2003)

Pat Rockett (1976-1978)

Rich Rodas (1983-1984)

Andre Rodgers (1957-1967)

Bill Rodgers (1915-1916)

Bill Rodgers (1944-1945)

Brady Rodgers (2016-2019)

Brendan Rodgers (2019-2024)

Buck Rodgers (1961-1969)

Eric Rodin (1954-1954)

Fernando Rodney (2002-2019)

Carlos Rodón (2015-2024)

Alex Rodriguez (1994-2016)

Aneury Rodríguez (2011-2012)

Antonio Rodríguez (1939-1939)

Aurelio Rodríguez (1967-1983)

Bernardo Rodríguez (1927-1927)

Bienvenido Rodríguez (1948-1948)

Carlos Rodríguez (1991-1995)

Carlos Rodriguez (2024-2024)

Chris Rodriguez (2021-2021)

Conrado Rodríguez (1928-1928)

Dereck Rodríguez (2018-2023)

Eddy Rodriguez (2004-2006)

Eddy Rodríguez (2012-2012)

Eduardo Rodríguez (1973-1979)

Eduardo Rodríguez (2015-2023)

Edwin Rodríguez (1982-1985)

Ellie Rodríguez (1968-1976)

Elvin Rodríguez (2022-2023)

Endy Rodríguez (2023-2023)

Félix Rodríguez (1995-2006)

Fernando Rodriguez Jr. (2009-2016)

Francisco Rodríguez (2002-2017)

Francisco Rodríguez (2010-2011)

Frankie Rodriguez (1995-2001)

Freddy Rodríguez (1958-1959)

Grayson Rodriguez (2023-2024)

Guilder Rodríguez (2014-2014)

Guillermo Rodríguez (2007-2009)

Héctor Rodríguez (1944-1952)

Henry Rodríguez (1992-2002)

Henry Rodríguez (2009-2014)

Henry Rodríguez (2012-2013)

Iván Rodríguez+ (1991-2011)

Jefry Rodríguez (2018-2021)

Joely Rodríguez (2016-2024)

John Rodriguez (2005-2006)

Johnathan Rodríguez (2024-2024)

José Rodríguez (1916-1918)

José Rodríguez (2000-2002)

José Rodríguez (2019-2023)

José Rodriguez (2023-2023)

José Agustín Rodríguez (1922-1922)

Joshua Rodriguez (2011-2011)

Julio Rodríguez (2022-2024)

Liu Rodríguez (1999-1999)

Luis Rodríguez (2005-2011)

Manuel Rodríguez (2021-2024)

Nerio Rodríguez (1996-2002)

Nivaldo Rodriguez (2020-2021)

Paco Rodríguez (2012-2015)

Rafael Rodríguez (2009-2010)

Randy Rodríguez (2024-2024)

Ricardo Rodríguez (2002-2005)

Ricardo Rodríguez (2017-2018)

Rich Rodriguez (1990-2003)

Richard Rodríguez (2017-2021)

Rick Rodriguez (1986-1990)

Roberto Rodríguez (1967-1970)

Ronny Rodríguez (2018-2019)

Rosario Rodríguez (1989-1991)

Rubén Rodríguez (1986-1988)

Sean Rodríguez (2008-2020)

Steve Rodriguez (1995-1995)

Tony Rodríguez (1996-1996)

Vicente Rodríguez (1920-1923)

Victor Rodriguez (1984-1989)

Wandy Rodríguez (2005-2015)

Wilfredo Rodríguez (2001-2001)

Wilking Rodríguez (2014-2014)

Yariel Rodríguez (2024-2024)

Yerry Rodríguez (2022-2024)

Yorman Rodríguez (2014-2014)

Chaz Roe (2013-2021)

Clay Roe (1923-1923)

Preacher Roe (1938-1954)

Ed Roebuck (1955-1966)

Gary Roenicke (1976-1988)

Josh Roenicke (2008-2013)

Ron Roenicke (1981-1988)

Mike Roesler (1989-1990)

Oscar Roettger (1923-1932)

Wally Roettger (1927-1934)

Ed Roetz (1929-1929)

Joe Rogalski (1938-1938)

Bullet Rogan+ (1920-1938)

Billy Rogell (1925-1940)

Brian Rogers (2006-2007)

Buck Rogers (1935-1935)

Eddie Rogers (2002-2006)

Emmett Rogers (1890-1890)

Esmil Rogers (2009-2015)

Fraley Rogers (1872-1873)

Jake Rogers (2019-2024)

Jason Rogers (2014-2016)

Jay Rogers (1914-1914)

Jim Rogers (1896-1897)

Jimmy Rogers (1995-1995)

Josh Rogers (2018-2024)

Kenny Rogers (1989-2008)

Kevin Rogers (1992-1994)

Lee Rogers (1938-1938)

Mark Rogers (2010-2012)

Nat Rogers (1923-1945)

Packy Rogers (1938-1938)

Steve Rogers (1973-1985)

Taylor Rogers (2016-2024)

Tom Rogers (1917-1921)

Trevor Rogers (2020-2024)

Tyler Rogers (2019-2024)

Clint Rogge (1915-1921)

Garry Roggenburk (1963-1969)

Mike Rogodzinski (1973-1975)

Saul Rogovin (1949-1957)

Dave Rohde (1990-1992)

George Rohe (1901-1907)

Ryan Rohlinger (2008-2011)

Dan Rohn (1983-1986)

Billy Rohr (1967-1968)

Les Rohr (1967-1969)

Dan Rohrmeier (1997-1997)

Ray Rohwer (1921-1922)

Tony Roig (1953-1956)

Cookie Rojas (1962-1977)

Johan Rojas (2023-2024)

Jose Rojas (2021-2022)

Josh Rojas (2019-2024)

Mel Rojas (1990-1999)

Miguel Rojas (2014-2024)

Minnie Rojas (1966-1968)

Ramón Rojas (1932-1932)

Stan Rojek (1942-1952)

Julio Rojo (1923-1929)

Jim Roland (1962-1972)

Scott Rolen+ (1996-2012)

Red Rolfe (1931-1942)

Nate Rolison (2000-2000)

Chris Roller (2024-2024)

Carl Rolling (1920-1920)

Ray Rolling (1912-1912)

Red Rollings (1927-1930)

David Rollins (2015-2016)

Jimmy Rollins (2000-2016)

Rich Rollins (1961-1970)

Bill Rollinson (1884-1884)

Damian Rolls (2000-2004)

Drew Rom (2023-2023)

Jamie Romak (2014-2015)

Bill Roman (1964-1965)

José Román (1984-1986)

Ron Romanick (1984-1986)

Jason Romano (2002-2005)

Jim Romano (1950-1950)

John Romano (1958-1967)

Jordan Romano (2019-2024)

Mike Romano (1999-1999)

Sal Romano (2017-2021)

Tom Romano (1987-1987)

Dutch Romberger (1954-1954)

Bob Romby (1946-1948)

Alex Romero (2008-2009)

Davis Romero (2006-2006)

Ed Romero (1977-1990)

Enny Romero (2013-2018)

Fernando Romero (2018-2019)

J.C. Romero (1999-2012)

Jhon Romero (2021-2022)

JoJo Romero (2020-2024)

Mandy Romero (1997-2003)

Niuman Romero (2009-2010)

Ramón Romero (1984-1985)

Ricky Romero (2009-2013)

Seth Romero (2020-2020)

Stefen Romero (2014-2016)

Tommy Romero (2022-2022)

Andrew Romine (2010-2021)

Austin Romine (2011-2022)

Kevin Romine (1985-1991)

Eddie Rommel (1920-1932)

Enrique Romo (1977-1982)

Sergio Romo (2008-2022)

Vicente Romo (1968-1982)

John Romonosky (1953-1959)

Marc Ronan (1993-1993)

Henri Rondeau (1913-1916)

Angel Rondón (2021-2022)

Bruce Rondón (2013-2018)

Gil Rondón (1976-1979)

Héctor Rondón (2013-2020)

Jorge Rondon (2014-2016)

José Rondón (2016-2021)

Matt Roney (2003-2006)

Gene Roof (1981-1983)

Phil Roof (1961-1977)

Brent Rooker (2020-2024)

Jim Rooker (1968-1980)

George Rooks (1891-1891)

Rolando Roomes (1988-1990)

Clemon Rooney (1941-1941)

Frank Rooney (1914-1914)

Pat Rooney (1981-1981)

Charlie Root (1923-1941)

John Roper (1993-1995)

Jorge Roque (1970-1973)

José Roque (1929-1929)

Rafael Roque (1998-2000)

Ben Rortvedt (2021-2024)

Adonis Rosa (2019-2019)

Carlos Rosa (2008-2010)

José Rosado (1996-2000)

Luis Rosado (1977-1980)

Adam Rosales (2008-2018)

Leo Rosales (2008-2010)

Buddy Rosar (1939-1951)

Alberto Rosario (2016-2017)

Amed Rosario (2017-2024)

Eddie Rosario (2015-2024)

Eguy Rosario (2022-2024)

Francisco Rosario (2006-2007)

Jimmy Rosario (1971-1976)

Melvin Rosario (1997-1997)

Randy Rosario (2017-2020)

Rodrigo Rosario (2003-2003)

Sandy Rosario (2010-2013)

Santiago Rosario (1965-1965)

Víctor Rosario (1990-1990)

Wilin Rosario (2011-2015)

Johnny Roscoe (1942-1942)

Rose (1935-1935)

Bobby Rose (1989-1992)

Brian Rose (1997-2001)

Chuck Rose (1909-1909)

Don Rose (1971-1974)

Mike Rose (2004-2006)

Pete Rose (1963-1986)

Pete Rose Jr. (1997-1997)

John Roseboro (1957-1970)

Rosie Rosebraugh (1898-1899)

Basilio Rosell (1926-1929)

Bob Roselli (1955-1962)

Dave Rosello (1972-1981)

James Roseman (1882-1890)

Al Rosen (1947-1956)

Goody Rosen (1937-1946)

B.J. Rosenberg (2012-2014)

Harry Rosenberg (1930-1930)

Kenny Rosenberg (2022-2024)

Lou Rosenberg (1923-1923)

Steve Rosenberg (1988-1991)

Max Rosenfeld (1931-1933)

Larry Rosenthal (1936-1945)

Simon Rosenthal (1925-1926)

Trevor Rosenthal (2012-2020)

Wayne Rosenthal (1991-1992)

Bunny Roser (1922-1922)

Steve Roser (1944-1946)

Seth Rosin (2014-2015)

John Roskos (1998-2000)

Bob Ross (1950-1956)

Buck Ross (1936-1945)

Buster Ross (1924-1926)

Chet Ross (1939-1944)

Cliff Ross (1954-1954)

Cody Ross (2003-2015)

David Ross (2002-2016)

Dick Ross (1925-1926)

Don Ross (1938-1946)

Ernie Ross (1902-1902)

Gary Ross (1968-1977)

Howard Ross (1924-1927)

Joe Ross (2015-2024)

John Ross (1918-1918)

Mark Ross (1982-1990)

Ralph Ross (1939-1939)

Robbie Ross (2012-2017)

Sam Ross (1923-1923)

Tyson Ross (2010-2019)

William Ross (1922-1929)

Zac Rosscup (2013-2021)

Joe Rosselli (1995-1995)

Joe Rossi (1952-1952)

Bubby Rossman (2022-2022)

Claude Rossman (1904-1909)

Frank Rosso (1944-1944)

Ramón Rosso (2020-2021)

Rico Rossy (1991-1998)

Marv Rotblatt (1948-1951)

Bill Rotes (1893-1893)

Braggo Roth (1914-1921)

Frank Roth (1903-1910)

Herman Roth (1923-1925)

Michael Roth (2013-2016)

Bob Rothel (1945-1945)

Bobby Rothermel (1899-1899)

Jack Rothfuss (1897-1897)

Claude Rothgeb (1905-1905)

Jack Rothrock (1925-1937)

Larry Rothschild (1981-1982)

Vinny Rottino (2006-2012)

Gene Rounsaville (1970-1970)

Landen Roupp (2024-2024)

Mike Rouse (2006-2007)

Edd Roush+ (1913-1931)

Jimsey Roussell (1929-1930)

Phil Routcliffe (1890-1890)

Dave Rowan (1911-1911)

Jack Rowan (1906-1914)

Aaron Rowand (2001-2011)

Wade Rowdon (1984-1988)

Rowe (1932-1932)

Dave Rowe (1877-1888)

Don Rowe (1963-1963)

Harland Rowe (1916-1916)

Jack Rowe (1879-1890)

Ken Rowe (1963-1965)

Schoolboy Rowe (1933-1949)

Bama Rowell (1939-1948)

Ben Rowen (2014-2021)

Ed Rowen (1882-1884)

Chuck Rowland (1923-1923)

Mike Rowland (1980-1981)

Rich Rowland (1990-1995)

Ryan Rowland-Smith (2007-2014)

Chris Rowley (2017-2018)

Jim Roxburgh (1884-1887)

Charlie Roy (1906-1906)

Emil Roy (1933-1933)

Jean-Pierre Roy (1946-1946)

Luther Roy (1924-1929)

Normie Roy (1950-1950)

Ormsby Roy (1929-1932)

Dizzy Royal (1937-1937)

Joe Royal (1938-1944)

Royce (1926-1926)

Chris Roycroft (2024-2024)

Stan Royer (1991-1994)

Jerry Royster (1973-1988)

Willie Royster (1981-1981)

Dick Rozek (1950-1954)

Dave Rozema (1977-1986)

Vic Roznovsky (1964-1969)

Ryan Rua (2014-2018)

Wilkin Ruan (2002-2003)

Al Rubeling (1940-1944)

Sonny Ruberto (1969-1972)

Jorge Rubio (1966-1967)

Art Ruble (1927-1934)

Drew Rucinski (2014-2023)

Dave Rucker (1981-1988)

Johnny Rucker (1940-1946)

Michael Rucker (2021-2023)

Nap Rucker (1907-1916)

John Rudderham (1884-1884)

Joe Rudi (1967-1982)

Dick Rudolph (1910-1927)

Don Rudolph (1957-1964)

Ernie Rudolph (1945-1945)

John Rudolph (1903-1904)

Ken Rudolph (1969-1977)

Matt Ruebel (1996-1998)

Muddy Ruel (1915-1934)

Kirk Rueter (1993-2005)

Dutch Ruether (1917-1927)

Darin Ruf (2012-2023)

Rudy Rufer (1949-1950)

Scott Ruffcorn (1993-1997)

Bruce Ruffin (1986-1997)

Chance Ruffin (2011-2013)

Johnny Ruffin (1993-2001)

Leon Ruffin (1935-1946)

Red Ruffing+ (1924-1947)

Justin Ruggiano (2007-2017)

Vern Ruhle (1974-1986)

Antonio Ruiz (1944-1944)

Carlos Ruiz (2006-2017)

Chico Ruiz (1964-1971)

Chico Ruiz (1978-1980)

Esteury Ruiz (2022-2024)

José Ruiz (2017-2024)

Keibert Ruiz (2020-2024)

Norge Ruíz (2022-2022)

Randy Ruiz (2008-2010)

Rio Ruiz (2016-2021)

Silvino Ruiz (1928-1941)

Joe Rullo (1943-1944)

Nick Rumbelow (2015-2019)

William Rumler (1914-1917)

Rich Rundles (2008-2009)

Paul Runge (1981-1988)

Tom Runnells (1985-1986)

Pete Runnels (1951-1964)

Sean Runyan (1998-2000)

Dan Runzler (2009-2017)

Josh Rupe (2005-2011)

Ryan Rupe (1999-2003)

Cameron Rupp (2013-2017)

Glendon Rusch (1997-2009)

Andy Rush (1925-1925)

Bob Rush (1948-1960)

Jim Rushford (2002-2002)

Amos Rusie+ (1889-1901)

Chris Rusin (2012-2020)

Scott Ruskin (1990-1993)

John Russ (1882-1882)

Pythias Russ (1925-1929)

A. Russell (1926-1926)

Adam Russell (2008-2011)

Addison Russell (2015-2019)

Allen Russell (1915-1925)

Bill Russell (1944-1944)

Bill Russell (1969-1986)

Branch Russell (1922-1932)

Ewing Russell (1924-1926)

Frank Russell (1943-1948)

Harvey Russell (1914-1915)

Jack Russell (1926-1940)

James Russell (2010-2016)

Jeff Russell (1983-1996)

Jim Russell (1942-1951)

John Russell (1917-1922)

John Russell (1984-1993)

John Henry Russell (1924-1934)

Lefty Russell (1910-1912)

Lloyd Russell (1938-1938)

Paul Russell (1894-1894)

Reb Russell (1913-1923)

Rip Russell (1939-1947)

Kevin Russo (2010-2010)

Marius Russo (1939-1946)

Dick Rusteck (1966-1966)

Hank Ruszkowski (1944-1947)

Babe Ruth+ (1914-1935)

Blake Rutherford (2023-2023)

Jim Rutherford (1910-1910)

Johnny Rutherford (1952-1952)

Dick Ruthven (1973-1986)

Jackson Rutledge (2023-2024)

Josh Rutledge (2012-2017)

Mickey Rutner (1947-1947)

Adley Rutschman (2022-2024)

Mark Ryal (1982-1990)

Rusty Ryal (2009-2010)

B.J. Ryan (1999-2009)

Blondy Ryan (1930-1938)

Brendan Ryan (2007-2016)

Buddy Ryan (1912-1913)

Connie Ryan (1942-1954)

Cyclone Ryan (1887-1891)

Dusty Ryan (2008-2009)

Jack Ryan (1889-1913)

Jack Ryan (1908-1911)

Jack Ryan (1929-1929)

Jason Ryan (1999-2000)

Jimmy Ryan (1885-1903)

Joe Ryan (2021-2024)

John Ryan (1884-1884)

Johnny Ryan (1873-1877)

Ken Ryan (1992-1999)

Kyle Ryan (2014-2021)

Mike Ryan (1895-1895)

Mike Ryan (1964-1974)

Mike Ryan (2002-2010)

Nolan Ryan+ (1966-1993)

Red Ryan (1923-1932)

River Ryan (2024-2024)

Rob Ryan (1999-2001)

Rosy Ryan (1919-1933)

Ryder Ryan (2023-2024)

Mike Ryba (1935-1946)

Tom Ryder (1884-1884)

Gene Rye (1931-1931)

Gary Ryerson (1972-1973)

Hyun Jin Ryu (2013-2023)

Jae Kuk Ryu (2006-2008)

Marc Rzepczynski (2009-2018)