What Is the 30-30-30 Method and Can It Help You Get Fit?
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What Is the 30-30-30 Method and Can It Help You Get Fit?
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What Is the 30-30-30 Method and Can It Help You Get Fit?

Simplify Your Path to Getting In Shape With This Trending Workout & Nutrition Strategy

Wake up. Eat 30 grams of protein within the next 30 minutes. Do 30 minutes low- to moderate-intensity cardio shortly after.

This is the 30-30-30 method, a wellness ritual that has been going viral on TikTok. Author Tim Ferriss first shared the concept in his book, The 4-Hour Body. More recently, biohacker Gary Brecka praised it in two videos that now have over 40 million views combined. Proponents of the 30-30-30 method claim that the simple series of habits can help boost fat loss while maintaining muscle.

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Sounds like an easy-to-implement and appealing proposition, right? But can it actually help you get fit? And are there any downsides to be aware of? It’s hard to say beyond anecdotal reports, since the 30-30-30 method hasn’t been studied rigorously. That said, there are research-backed benefits to its different elements. Here’s what you need to know.

The 30-30-30 Method and the Benefits of Protein Intake

Eating more protein, especially first thing in the morning, can help with weight loss. Protein is a powerful appetite regulator thanks to its impact on the hormones that regulate hunger and fullness.

In one study, overweight women increased their protein intake from 15% to 30% of their total caloric intake. Without intentionally restricting anything else, the women ended up eating 441 fewer calories every day and losing weight.

Another study revealed that eating breakfast helps control food intake throughout the day – high-protein breakfasts turned out to be even more beneficial and reduced evening snacking.

Besides helping you stay full for longer and decreasing the temptation to reach for unhealthy foods later in the day, starting your day with protein is also good for your muscles.

“Eating protein at breakfast time facilitates muscle repair and growth as well as keeping you feeling full for longer, which may assist with weight control,” says Dr. John Lowe, a MD at Restore Care. “Increased protein intake supports muscle protein synthesis, which is crucial for muscle growth and recovery,” adds Sergii Putsov Ph.D. in Sports Science, CPT.

Additionally, various studies also show that eating protein can boost your metabolism and increase the number of calories you burn. Your body has to use energy to digest different foods, and protein requires more of it.

In other words, there is compelling scientific evidence behind the idea of having a high-protein breakfast, just like the 30-30-30 method encourages. It helps you stay satiated and consume less calories, improves your metabolism and assists with muscle growth and recovery.

What About the Cardio Component of the 30-30-30 Method?

But what about the cardio component of the wellness trend? Performing low- to moderate-intensity cardio at a steady rate – in this case, 30 minutes – has perks as well.

For starters, it’s good for your heart. It can boost your metabolism as well. And it’s just a good way to feel energized in the morning and start the day on a positive note. “Engaging in low to moderate-intensity cardio exercises in the morning can help kick start metabolism and improve the calorie burn rate throughout the day. It can also enhance mental clarity, focus, and energy levels for the rest of the day,” says Lowe.

If you’re wondering about the difference between doing more low-key cardio versus something intense like a HIIT workout, there are a few things to consider on that front. First, LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) cardio is accessible. Beginners can easily build an exercise habit without getting discouraged – a brisk walk would count as LISS.

Plus, it’s easy to overdo it with HIIT workouts, which are taxing on the body. When your body is under stress, it produces a hormone called cortisol. Too much cortisol can actually lead you to hold onto fat. It doesn’t mean that intense cardio doesn’t have benefits, but that too much of it can possibly hinder fat loss efforts.

Should You Try the 30-30-30 Method?

So, should you jump on the 30-30-30 fitness bandwagon? It’s simple, accessible, and can come with interesting health benefits. It can also help you build a positive morning routine. But, as with all workout trends, it truly depends on your unique situation and goals. “Men looking to improve their health and fitness can try the 30-30-30 method, but they should know that results will depend on their individual goals and current fitness level,” says Putsov.

It’s also important not to discount other habits that may benefit you, such as incorporating strength training into your routine and maintaining a healthy diet throughout the day – not just limiting your efforts to one high-protein breakfast and eating junk afterwards.

“Sustainable health and fitness require a complete approach towards it as such include well-balanced nutrition, various exercise routines, enough rest and water consumption. The 30-30-30 method could be part of the bigger picture of living healthy but it should not be its entirety,” notes Lowe.

As Putsov puts it, the 30-30-30 method doesn’t seem harmful, so you can try it, but you may discover that it doesn’t quite fit your preferences and lifestyle: “Some individuals are hungrier in the morning, while others are not. So, you shouldn't force yourself to eat if you are not feeling hungry. If you cannot sustain a filling breakfast or wake up early enough for morning workout sessions, the method may not be good for you.”

Remember that the best fitness plan is the one you are most likely to stick to in the long run. If the 30-30-30 method sounds like something that would resonate with you, you can always try it and see how your body responds. Just keep overall healthy habits in mind and remember that there are also other ways to start your morning on the right foot, eat more protein and exercise regularly.

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