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American Professional Agency

Sponsored Topical Webinars
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APA Member Services. (2023, October 11). American Professional Agency. American Psychological Association.

Psychological Practice in the Pandemic Era: Legal and Risk Management Considerations

This sponsored topical webinar series is paid for by the American Professional Agency, an official corporate supporter of APA. The content is created by Allied World, underwriter for American Professional Agency. The information in this sponsored webinar series does not constitute and should not be relied upon as legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for obtaining personal legal advice and consultation prior to making decisions. Email Advertising to learn more.

The American Professional Agency offers psychologists professional liability insurance, risk management services, and general guidance. Learn more.

Ask the Experts

What does every practicing psychologist need to know to reap the benefits of emerging issues and trends and to reduce legal, disciplinary, and regulatory risk? Psychologists face many legal and risk management challenges in practice. These issues are complex, distinct, and often require expertise beyond what most psychologists have.

APA’s Legal and State Advocacy team and risk management experts from Allied World, underwriter for the American Professional Agency, identify “hot topics” and provide best practices and risk mitigation strategies for the wide range of issues psychologists face.

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