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The Last Days of the Dinosaurs: An Asteroid, Extinction and the Beginning of Our World (English Edition) Kindle版

Some 66 million years ago, an asteroid some seven miles across slammed into the Earth, leaving a geologic wound over 50 miles in diameter. In the terrible mass extinction that followed, more than half of known species vanish seemingly overnight. But this worst single day in the history of life of Earth was as critical for us as it was for the dinosaurs, as it allowed for evolutionary opportunities that were closed for the previous 100 million years. In The Last Days of the Dinosaurs, Riley Black walks readers through what happened in the days, the years, the centuries and the million years after the impact. Life's losses were sharp and deeply felt, but the hope carried by the beings that survived sets the stage for the world as we know it now.



During the most famous mass extinction, the dinosaurs died and the mammals survived. Riley Black brings every step of the crisis and the recovery to life in this novelization of the crisis. See it unfolding through the eyes of the victim dinosaurs and the survivor mammals. The lightness and pace of the writing is founded on thorough and careful analysis of the rich scientific evidence that lies behind the story

-- Michael J. Benton, Professor of Vertebrate Paleontology at the University of Bristol and author of Dinosaurs Rediscovered

This book is as vivid as a fairy-tale, brought to life by Black's scientifically informed imagination. The Last Days of the Dinosaurs reveals the links between the deep past and present-day ecosystems. Black guides you through Earth's darkest hours – when an asteroid decimated the thriving dinosaurian world – and out the other side into a bright new evolutionary landscape. Facts are woven deftly into the narrative, parachuting you back in time to watch events unfold first-hand. This tale could be bleak, but Black turns our planet's interstellar wound and subsequent transition into a story of hope and resilience. Mostly told from the animals' perspectives, you share the experiences of a host of organisms including mammals, insects and plants. It's Call of the Wild meets Armageddon

-- Elsa Panciroli, Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History and author of Beasts Before Us

A marvellous look at what happened after the asteroid hit Earth will make readers feel like a kid discovering dinosaurs for the first time. Black blends the intricacies of science with masterful storytelling for a cracking, enchanting read


Immerse yourself in the last moments of the dinosaur empire, as Riley Black weaves a tale of destruction, survival and rebirth in the wake of a killer asteroid. You feel what T. rex and Triceratops felt as their world ended in an apocalypse of fire and famine on the single worst day in Earth history, and what our mammal ancestors felt as they emerged on the other side, in a ghostly void ripe for renewal. This is pop science that reads like a fantasy novel, but backed up by hard facts and the latest fossil discoveries. Black is pioneering a new genre: narrative prehistorical non-fiction

-- Steve Brusatte, Personal Chair of Palaeontology and Evolution at the University of Edinburgh and Sunday Times-bestselling author of The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs

While the human endeavour of palaeontology is infused into every page of this book, Black skilfully shifts it to the background and instead carries us straight into the forests, rivers and plains of the Cretaceous and Paleogene world. Black's writing brings the last days of the dinosaurs and the critical first days, years and millennia afterwards to vivid life, portraying a dynamic world full of living, breathing creatures. I'd never before thought about what it must have felt like for a dinosaur to have lice, or for an early primate to be woken by birdsong, but now these images are seared into my memory, thanks to Black's skilful imagining of this lost world

-- Phoebe A. Cohen, Associate Professor in Geosciences at Williams College, Massachusetts

This is top-drawer science writing

-- Publishers Weekly, starred review


Riley Black has been heralded as ‘one of our premier gifted young science writers’ and is the critically acclaimed author of Skeleton Keys, My Beloved Brontosaurus, Written in Stone, When Dinosaurs Ruled and Deep Time. Her work has appeared in Science, The New York Times, Nature, Smithsonian and more. Black also has a strong online presence, connecting with over 27,000 followers on Twitter, and has written on nerdy pop culture for websites like Slate, io9 and the Guardian. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.


  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09S5NFY4G
  • 出版社 ‏ : ‎ The History Press (2022/4/26)
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2022/4/26
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語
  • ファイルサイズ ‏ : ‎ 6103 KB
  • Text-to-Speech(テキスト読み上げ機能) ‏ : ‎ 有効
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ 有効
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ 有効
  • 付箋メモ ‏ : ‎ Kindle Scribeで
  • 本の長さ ‏ : ‎ 305ページ
  • カスタマーレビュー:


Riley Black
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上位レビュー、対象国: 日本



Manuel Olaf
5つ星のうち4.0 Fascianante
Como amante de la los animales prehistóricos, este es posiblemente el libro más triste que haya leído.
Sin duda es fascinante la visión que nos da de los momentos alrededor de la catástrofe en base a la información que se tiene hasta el momento. Y si bien hay bastantes temas que pudieron haber sido explicados más a detalle o algunos otros temas a tocar que se dejaron por fuera, en general es una buena lectura. Recomendado si te gusta el tema.
J. Thorp
5つ星のうち5.0 A fun, informative read
Very imaginative, taking us through how the world changed, by minute, by day, by week, by month, by year, by decade and by century after the big Yucatan extinction event.
5つ星のうち5.0 An absolute must-read for any dinosaur fan, with a very unique and appreciated perspective
This was an absolute joy to read, and I'm so glad I did! I blasted through it and just couldn't put it down. This is a book focused on the K-Pg event, aka the end of the non-avian dinosaurs (and much other life), and how life recovered from it. It's broken down into a series of chapters, such as Before the Impact, the Impact itself, the Day After Impact, A Month After Impact, A Year, 100 Years, etc, with each chapter being based on the latest science with a bit of informed speculation to fill in the gaps of what life was like at the time, what organisms survived, which perished, what new forms of life were popping up, and the likely how's and why's to all that.

But what I particularly enjoyed was how in addition to that, each chapter is framed around a vignette regarding a member of a species that was likely around in the Hell Creek formation in modern-day Montana (the primary setting of the book, due to the amount of fossils from near the K-Pg event at the side), sometimes a member of a species that was doing relatively well (all things considered) in this brave new world, sometimes ones that weren't so lucky, and using them as launchpads for the discussion of the rest of the chapter.

Similarly, while the bulk of each chapter is focused on Hell Creek due to the strong fossil record there for the book's subject, each chapter ends in a coda focused around a species elsewhere in the world, such as the Atlantic Ocean, what would become modern-day Antarctica, New Zealand, etc, and the stories of these organisms and what was likely happening in these parts of the world as the days and years progressed was just as riveting for me.

All this is done while wonderful interspersing the history of how organisms such as the gigantic herbivorous sauropods and carnivorous tyrannosaurs likely evolved and got to their size in the first place, how those traits (and the traits and behaviors they didn't have) played a role in their downfall, and why those organisms who did survive were most likely able to do so, by having the right traits at the right time, whether it be the ability to burrow underground, use the burrows of others, stay submerged in safe waters, or other such methods (and this in turn leading to how the survivors would go on to shape the planet in their own way, in a world where non-avian dinosaurs were no more).

But what I most appreciate, perhaps due to my general disposition, perhaps because I've faced trials and obstacles in my life similar to the author's own personal story (which I feel she does a wonderful job interweaving where appropriate), is how the whole theme of this book, despite being about the event that caused the death of so many forms of life, is the sheer persistence and refusal of life to give up even under the most tragic and terrible of circumstances.

How even in the greatest of fires, new life will rise from the ashes, life that's both the same and yet different, has remnants of before the tragedy which they owe their survival to in the first place, and in time, especially as these survivors interact and prey on and compete with each other, something brand new will arise in the survivors as the processes of natural selection and evolution play out.

But just that general theme throughout the book, that this isn't a book about death, not truly, but rather one about life's ability to persevere even in the darkest of days really resonates me, and I love how the book concludes with a modified version of a quote from a certain infamous dinosaur blockbuster "If there is a way, life will find it."

We certainly wouldn't be here if it didn't. No matter what tragedies may befall the planet, the vast, interlinking, tapestry of life continues onward, sometimes being a much more ragged yarn than others, at times, like the worst single day life likely ever experienced, barely hanging on by a thread, but no matter how hard things get, if there is a way, life will find a way to continue on, and what a beautiful sentiment that truly is.

I personally feel this book succeeded wonderfully in its goals, and definitely not did I learn more than a few things reading it, but I also gained an even greater appreciation for dinosaurs (and all other forms of life) than I already did, and I definitely thank the author for that, a lot.

Truly a wonderful work, that I would recommend to anyone who loves dinosaurs, or anyone who want's a perspective on what likely happened the day the non-avian dinosaurs went extinct, and the years that followed, and what that says about the beauty of life and its ability to carry on, and find a way through even the darkest of nights.
daire mcateer
5つ星のうち5.0 Good book
Very informative without being boring
Huber Ueli
5つ星のうち5.0 Superbly written account of one of the biggest catastrophies ever to occur on earth
Black does a great job in narrating what happened 66mio years ago, when a huge meteorite hit earth. It was an event that changed life on earth forever, not only because it extinguished the dinosaurs. Chapter for chapter we are told what the world looked like immediately prior to, at and at various stages after the impact. The book is very informative and still an easy read, which I greatly enjoyed. There has not been a book in a long time that has kept me going as much as this one did. I was really sad when I turned the last page.
The meteorite cleaned the path for the mammals (although they existed long before the impact). If you want to continue that story, you migth want to read Steve Brusatte‘s „Rise and Reign of Mammals“ (on which book I also wrote a review).

