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Movie News


Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here. Looks like the trades are about to start reporting that Courtney Love has left the production of John Carpenter's upcoming sf/action/horror film GHOSTS OF MARS, and the excuse given is going to involve injury of some sort. I've spoken with several sources close to camps for Love and the studio on this picture, though, and that's not the case. I know that John Carpenter and his producer, Sandy King, both fought very hard to get Courtney on the film, but observers say the rehearsal and pre-production period has been wrought with tension as it became clear the casting wasn't going to work. Every effort seems to have been made by the director, but the official word has finally been handed down, and Love is gone. Pam Grier has just joined the cast in a major supporting role, and right now, offers for the lead are out to actresses with strong international appeal, and an announcement about a replacement for Love is expected immediately. As soon as the news is available, we'll have it for you first here on AICN.

Also, later this weekend, I'll be taking a look at the final shooting script for this tense, violent thriller that looks to be the best of the recent flurry of movies set on Mars. Until then...

"Moriarty" out.

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