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Canada fires threaten oil pipeline at idyllic tourist town

Wildfire has begun burning buildings in the town of Jasper, threatening a major oil pipeline.
Fire burns a tree in the foreground, while the background forest is reduced to silhouette by smoke.

Video captures boaters being thrown into water as whale flips vessel

A video taken by 16-year-old Colin Yager shows the whale breaching, then flopping onto the rear of the boat as two men jump.
A blonde boy in a blue hoodie looks on as a whale tips over a fishing boat.

'They don't care about the rules': The government agency racking up criminal convictions for illegal logging

A New South Wales government agency has racked up more than $1.1 million in penalties for more than a dozen instances of unlawful activity in fewer than five years, including seven criminal convictions.
A middle aged white man with grey hair and a leather hat standing in front of a large tree marked with a large yellow H

Waters off SA, Victoria and Tasmania opened for new gas exploration

The federal government opens waters off the Victorian and Tasmanian coasts for new gas exploration as it seeks to increase Australia's supply.
AWE Casino platform in Victoria's Otway Basin

How the west was formed — new study reveals age of Australia's ancient iron ore deposits

The world's largest iron ore deposits in the Pilbara reached mining-level quality up to 1.4 billion years ago, a new study suggests.
At the bottom of a gorge with a small body of water and red and bluey rock walls.

Plug-in hybrid car sales have surged but an expiring tax discount could soon end the party

A tax benefit has allowed Australians to save tens of thousands of dollars when buying plug-in hybrid cars but the motor industry warns that is set to end next year and it could slow sales and undermine emissions reduction efforts.
BMW plug-in hybrid charger

These crabs congregate on Australia's shores in a 'spectacular' fashion but their story remains a mystery

Faced with an enduring ocean mystery and next to no money, researchers studying thousands of crabs on Australia's southern coast have turned to the public for help.
A close up of a giant spider crab on the bottom of the ocean with about 100 spider crabs in the background.

Rare octopus squid dissected in public by SA university researchers

Adelaide's Flinders University has hosted a public dissection of a rare octopus squid, which had scientists animated and some young observers squeamish.
Rare Dissection, Octopus Squid: Two pairs of hands pull back pieces of giant octopus.
Duration: 1 minute 47 seconds

A gas '80 times more harmful than CO2' is seeping out of a Sydney mine not used in decades

Some 34 years after operations closed at the North Cliff mining site in Dharawal National Park, vision given to the ABC shows methane gas leaking out into the atmosphere.
Thermal image of a concrete surface with a wire fence behind it.

Beloved tree chopped down in Newcastle given new life through the form of guitars

Guitar maker Matthew Semmens convinced builders of a bypass to give him a beloved bunya tree that had been destined to become wood chips.
ABC News Current
Duration: 4 minutes 10 seconds

'Exceptionally rare' octopus squid dissected by researchers at SA university

School-age, university students and keen members of the public have gathered to observe a rare public dissection of a 140kg octopus squid found off South Australia's Eyre Peninsula.
Scientists open an octopus.

Europe's wolf population is bouncing back, but protections are disappearing

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is pushing for a reduction to the animal's protection status, while France has reported its first population drop in nearly 10 years.
Grey wolves

Why the government's getting green hydrogen wrong

Sunshine Hydro Executive Chairperson Michael Myer says the government's proposed rules on green hydrogen will derail its plan to turn Australia into a renewable energy superpower.
ABC News Current
Duration: 5 minutes 11 seconds

How China is dealing with fast fashion and textile waste

Chinese companies are facing both legal and social pressures to upcycle used clothes and give old garments a new life.
Recycling Fast Fashion? China's Waste: A man in a white hat and face mask pulls at a pink garment in a warehosue full of fabric.
Duration: 2 minutes 55 seconds

Paris mayor takes dip in Seine to dispel water concerns

Anne Hidalgo swims in the River Seine to assure Olympic swimmers the water is safe for sporting events.
A woman with brown hair floating in brown-grey water.
Duration: 58 seconds

Many Australian towns are contaminated by lead, but sparrows can predict if kids have lead poisoning

Sparrows are often considered pests, but a new study suggests lead levels in the birds' blood could indicate if children in mining towns have been exposed to high levels of the poisonous chemical.
A male house sparrow, with brown and black markings around its face, sits on a tin fence.

Ambitious Perth foreshore plan could see Riverside Drive re-routed, but the WA Government is unconvinced

City of Perth Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas reveals a new plan to transform the riverfront at Langley Park at a cost of "billions" of dollars, which the state government immediately labels a "pipe dream".
Basil Zemplias speaks in front of reporter microphones.

Paris authorities ‘confident’ river Seine is safe for Olympic swimmers

The mayor of Paris and other politicians will dive into the Seine to prove the water is safe for Olympic swimming events.
Ready for the Olympics, River Seine: The River Seine with the Eiffel Tower in the background.
Duration: 2 minutes 3 seconds

Cane toads have almost conquered the width of the country. This 'waterless barrier' could stop them

A bevy of small mammals and lizards could find themselves on the endangered species list if cane toads got into the Pilbara. A bold plan could prevent the biodiversity disaster, but more money is needed to fund the project before toads reach the coast in 2026–27.
A cane toad on a rock lit by a flash, in the background a pink sky and a boab tree silhouette

Snorkelling at Ewens Ponds

Snorkellers swimming in Ewens Ponds, south of Mount Gambier, SA.
ABC News Current
Duration: 27 seconds

'Invasive animal' or 'sacred native'? The fight to save the dingo is heating up

Traditional owner and fourth-generation grazier Joshua Henry was raised to see dingoes as a threat to cattle. Now his views have changed and he's adding his voice to calls to ban the killing of dingoes.
A golden dingo looking towards the camera with its tongue out, surrounded by shrubs and grasses.

Simple DIY upgrades slashed Bianca's power bill – and experts say building an efficient home doesn't have to break the bank

When house-hunting, Bianca Knox quickly fell in love with a 1970s Canberra cottage, but finding ways to keep her home heated in Canberra's harsh climate without breaking the bank was a priority.
A woman wearing a red sweater smiles while standing in her front doorway.

Do you think brush turkeys are taking over your suburb? This map shows their dramatic comeback

Researchers have charted the historical crash, comeback and conquest of cities by the Australian brush turkey.
A brush turkey standing on a manicured lawn in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

Basin Buybacks: Farmers adapt to less water from the Murray-Darling Basin

The federal government is launching its first round of voluntary water buybacks since major changes were made to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. With hundreds more gigalitres of water to be allocated to the environment each year, there'll be less water for farming.
ABC News Current
Duration: 15 minutes 2 seconds

This town sits downstream from two dams built on a quake line. The flood risk has been kept secret, until now

Tasmania's hydroelectric operator says it did not want to "create unnecessary concern" for residents of a small town by releasing flood mapping, done in 2016, which shows what could happen should a rare earthquake event cause catastrophic failure of two dams —  now with the maps public, the utility says there "no need" to be worried.
Flooding covers most of the town of Huonville