Building Better
Groups Together.

We are the dedicated to providing our Members with an environment that encourages collaboration, engagement and the pursuit of Best Practices for Dental Group Practices. You do not have to build your practice alone, become of part  of AADGP and lets start building together!

Welcome to AADGP

Whether you are already part of a dental group practice or just want to know more about the benefits of this dynamic approach to delivering dental care, AADGP is the place to be. Our organization is dedicated to promoting the group concept and providing educational resources to group dentists and managers/administrators through our meetings, our networks and publications.

For additional information about AADGP Membership, please call the executive office at (630) 481-7081 or email us at

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Subscribe to the AADGP Dental Business Newsletter. This complimentary newsletter will come to you once a week. Each week, we comb the internet to bring you the most relevant articles to help you run your practice.

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